Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 11/7/2024 - We Are All Called to a Vocation
This week we celebrate Vocations Awareness Week! Our saint this week is St. Justin Russolillo. St. Justin lived in Italy in the early 1900s. He was a priest and the founder of the Society of Divine Vocations, also known as the Vocationist Fathers. He created the Vocationary, which was a special house that helped form young men considering the priesthood and provided a space for people to discern their vocation.
When we think of vocations, we often focus on the priesthood and religious life. We know that our Church needs more young men and women to say yes to this call, and we continue to pray for them as they discern. Don’t forget, however, that a vocation is, by definition, how God calls you to serve Him in the world. Each one of us has a vocation, or a calling from God to serve Him on this earth.
For most of you reading this, your vocation is the married life; we are called to serve God through our families. In addition to praying for those discerning their vocation, I encourage you to also spend some time in prayer this week reflecting on your own calling and listening for God’s direction as to how you can serve Him in your life.
End of First Trimester
Our first trimester ends next Friday, November 15th, and report cards will go home on Friday, November 22nd. If you haven’t been doing so already, please check your child’s grades over the weekend and remind him/her to turn in any missing work.
Day of Giving
In addition to a beautiful All Saints Day Mass, we had a very successful Day of Giving last week! Thank you to all who donated, helping us raise over $8,300 in just 24 hours! If you would still like to contribute, you can do so by clicking here. The Day of Giving website will stay open through tomorrow.
An email was sent Tuesday about re-enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year. Click here in case you missed it! Next week we will begin accepting applications from new families. We will also have an Open House on Wednesday, November 13, 5-7pm for any new prospective families. If you know someone considering Catholic education for their child, please invite them to our Open House! They can sign up here, or walk-ins are always welcome.
Grandparents Day
We are excited to welcome many grandparents and VIPs to our school on Tuesday, November 26th. You can access the invitation here. If your child’s grandparent has not yet RSVPed, please encourage them to do so soon, or you can use this link to RSVP on their behalf. We look forward to welcoming them to ASCA for a fun morning together!
Math Team
Our Mathletes competed in two recent math contests and had incredible performances at both!
On November 2nd, students participated in the Inaugural Robert Huntoon Memorial Math in the Fast Lane contest at Montini Catholic High School. Congratulations to the following:
- Ella G & Zoey M: 1st place in the 7th grade Jeopardy Competition
- Jeffrey J, Zachary L, Sebastian M, & Hasan Q: 1st place in the 6th grade Jeopardy Competition
- Jeffrey J & Sebastian M: 1st place in the 6th grade Two-Person Competition
- Jeffrey J: 5th place in the 6th grade Tessellation Competition
On November 4th, students participated in the Fenwick High School Math Competition and earned 1st Place as a school! Congratulations to these students who also placed individually:
- James B: 1st place
- Sebastian M: 2nd place
- Gavin F: 4th place
- Nathaniel T: tied for 6th place
Way to go, Saints!
Saintly Acts
Congratulations to the following students who earned Saintly Acts this week: Melissa O. (7th grade), Jagger C. (3rd grade), Isabella D. (3rd grade), Cavan M. (8th grade), Layla M. (3rd grade), Riley T. (5th grade), Logan U. (8th grade), Siya V. (3rd grade), Chloe S. (3rd grade), Jovie C. (5th grade), and Amida U. (Kdg). Keep being saintly!
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.