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Friday, March 28, 2025

After School Care Information

Extended Care Program 


All Saints is pleased to offer both before and after school care for preschool through grade 8 students. 


Before School Care


Students who use the before school care service can be dropped off at Door 7 beginning at 7 am. The cost for the service is $3 per day, and billed to families via their FACTS account on a monthly basis.   Service does not need to be prearranged.  


Our after school care program is provided by Children’s Choice

All Saints Catholic Academy is pleased to be able to offer an Extended Day Program where your PS3 – grade 8 child will be safe, comfortable, and cared for in a secure environment.  for children in grades.


The program operates during the school year from 3:30 - 6pm, and from 1-4pm on early release days.  There is a yearly registration fee of $25  per family. 


All Saints Catholic Academy partners with Children’s Choice After Care.   From the owners:  "We are delighted to offer a quality program with all the aspects children love and the peace of mind parents need. We are passionate in our pursuit to provide the best experience for each child. We believe that the mark of excellent service is shown not just in a family’s satisfaction, but also their excitement to return. 


Please Note the Following Important Housekeeping Items

Due to liability, students may not attend after care with Children’s Choice if they are not registered for the program.


Families will be charged for late pickups from school. For full-day students, school dismisses at 3:30pm. At Door 1, we will bring the students inside at 3:35pm. At Door 7, we will bring the students inside when the car line ends (typically 3:40pm). If your child is brought inside, he/she will be sent to after care if registered. If you are not registered for after care, you will be charged $1 per minute for the late pickup. Charges will be incurred for late pickup from detention (4:15pm) and preschool (11:15am, 12:30pm, or 3:00pm depending on your grade level and full/half-day status). Please register your child for after care with Children’s Choice! This will reduce any late fees you incur (their cost is $5 per half hour) and give those precious minutes back to our teachers to use in preparing for the next school day. Thank you for your support.


• Click here for an overview of the after school care program.


• Click here to register for after school care.


Questions?  Contact

Joanne Howland at or (630) 488-7493.

Kathleen Schulenberg at or (630) 870-2517.


If you are planning to use after care services this year, provided until 6pm on all full days of school, you must register in advance. Click here to register with Children’s Choice. The annual registration fee is $25.  


Morning Drop Off Reminders

K-8 students who are being dropped off after 8 am (and preschool students after 8:15 am) should come to Door 1 (main entrance beneath the stained glass windows facing Aurora Avenue).  Parents need to come inside the vestibule at Door 1 and sign their student in.   Please do not drop off and drive away.


Students (exception is single preschoolers) may be dropped off at either Door 1 or Door 7 in the morning.  If your regular drop off line is backed up, consider dropping off at the other door to keep traffic moving.






All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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