Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 11/14/2024 - Putting Jesus First in Our Lives
Our saint this week is St. Kateri Tekakwitha. I picked her for this week because she was the first Native American recognized as a saint, and we are in the midst of Native American Heritage Month. St. Kateri was part of the Mohawk tribe and lost all of her immediate family to smallpox when she was quite young. She converted to Catholicism when she was 19 years old and made a vow to Jesus at this time that she would never marry. Her decision was unpopular with her tribe, and she ended up leaving to live in a Christian community. While there, she lived a very devout life, often fasting and denying herself many of the pleasures of human life. May she be an inspiration to each of us to put Jesus first in our lives, ahead of the many other “gods” who demand our attention.
Earlier this week, I was able to spend two days at the University of Notre Dame, attending their Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) Leadership Conference. 300 Catholic school educators gathered from around the country to learn, grow, and pray together. While it is always challenging to be out of the building, I am so grateful to have had this time with other Catholic school leaders. I look forward to sharing what I learned with our faculty and school community in the coming weeks and months!
Open House
Despite the rain, last night we hosted a very successful Open House! 40 prospective families toured the school to learn more about All Saints; we had inquiries for nearly every grade level! Thank you to our faculty for being here last night to answer questions, and thank you for our parent and student tour guides for doing such an amazing job. Thank you as well to so many of you who referred families to ASCA! It is always nice to hear from new families how they have heard about us, as so many mention names of current families and students. You are helping our community grow and thrive!
As a reminder, the application for the 2025-2026 school year is open for new students, including siblings. Siblings must apply by December 9th to be given priority over completely new families. If you are not planning to return for next year, please notify me by December 13. This information is important as we begin reviewing applications and determining class sizes and staff needs for next year.
Diocesan News
The Catholic Schools Office is offering a virtual parent presentation to all Diocesan families next Thursday, November 21, at 6:00pm. The presentation is by the OCD and Anxiety Center and focused on school anxiety and refusal. There is no cost for this webinar; click here for more information or to register.
Peter Pan
Don’t forget to get your tickets to see our students perform Peter Pan next weekend! There are three shows: Friday at 7pm, Saturday at 3pm, and Saturday at 7pm. Click here to get your tickets today!
Saintly Acts
Congratulations to the following students who earned Saintly Acts this week: Simone D. C. (4th grade), Tallula M. (8th grade), Amelia N. (4th grade), Caleb S. (3rd grade), James C. (3rd grade), Oliver H. (1st grade), Claire M. (1st grade), Sophia M. (1st grade), Caroline M. D. (3rd grade), Carley Z. (1st grade), Michael H. (5th grade), Liam A. (5th grade), Edward H. (1st grade), Hamza Q. (1st grade), Udeme U. (1st grade), Charles W. (1st grade), Anton B. (4th grade), Sophie E. (Kdg), Kayden K. (8th grade), Edison L. (6th grade), Harrison P. (4th grade), Leo S. (Kdg), Walter H. (Kdg), and Esme V. (Kdg). Keep being saintly!
Warm regards,
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.