February 13, 2025 Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 2/13/2025 - This Time of Year Can Be Challenging Hopefully your children had a chance to play in the snow yesterday before today’s cold set in. As a reminder, we have no school tomorrow (teacher professional development) or Monday (Presidents Day). Enjoy the long weekend! Our...
February 09, 2025 Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 2/6/2025 - Little Actions Can Help Bring Unity Today and tomorrow I will be out of the building at a Diocesan seminar for all principals. Please keep us in your prayers! Our saint this week is St. Katherine Drexel. She is the patron saint of racial injustice, and I...
January 30, 2025 Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 1/30/2025 - Thank You For Choosing Catholic Education Our saint this week is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton! In addition to being the namesake of one of our supporting parishes, she is also the patron saint of Catholic education! St. Elizabeth Seton was the first American to be canonized, and she was...
Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 2/13/2025 - This Time of Year Can Be Challenging Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 2/13/2025 - This Time of Year Can Be Challenging
Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 2/6/2025 - Little Actions Can Help Bring Unity Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 2/6/2025 - Little Actions Can Help Bring Unity
Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 1/30/2025 - Thank You For Choosing Catholic Education Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 1/30/2025 - Thank You For Choosing Catholic Education
Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 1/23/2025 - Finding Strength in Challenging Times Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 1/23/2025 - Finding Strength in Challenging Times
Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 1/16/2025 - Ask Questions and Seek Truth Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 1/16/2025 - Ask Questions and Seek Truth