Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 10/27/2022 - Forgive Yourself
Take a few moments to reflect on today’s quote from Pope Francis:
“Jesus understands our weaknesses and sins; and he forgives us if we allow ourselves to be forgiven.”
How often are we our harshest critics, focusing only on our mistakes and failing to see the good in ourselves? We refuse to let go of our faults, which creates a wedge in our relationship with ourselves, others, and our Lord. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us. If He can forgive us our sins, giving His own life so that we may be saved, how can we not forgive ourselves?
All Saints Day:
On Tuesday we begin the month of thanksgiving with a very special day – the Feast of All Saints! Please join us for Mass at 8:15am as we gather in prayer, remembering the saints who have gone before us and led by their example of love. If you can’t make it in person, click here for the Mass livestream to celebrate this special day.
Tuesday is also our 2nd Annual Day of Giving! On our Feast Day we celebrate all that makes ASCA special – the students, teachers, parents, alumni, and friends of All Saints who support our mission of creating saints and scholars. On this year’s Day of Giving, help us meet our $10,000 goal. Each gift impacts the daily educational experience of our ASCA students.
We’ll be sharing more on social media throughout the day on Tuesday, so stay tuned and engage with us. Click here to contribute and learn more. Thank you for your generous support of All Saints!
Discover Catholic Schools Week:
Did you know that November 13-19 is nationally recognized as Discover Catholic Schools Week? We’ll be inviting prospective families to discover our school with a special Open House on Wednesday, November 16th, from 6:00-7:30pm. If you have a friend, neighbor, or relative who is considering Catholic education, invite them to attend our Open House and discover why Catholic Education at All Saints may be the best choice for their family. Pre-registration is encouraged but walk-ins are always welcome.
Look for more information next week on re-enrollment for current ASCA students.
Upcoming Events:
Don’t forget about the end of October fun scheduled for tomorrow and Monday!
Friday, October 28th is Trunk or Treat AND the Fun Fair! Click here to purchase your Fun Fair tickets, and click here to sign up to have a car at Trunk or Treat. As a reminder, tomorrow students who purchased the 2022 Fun Fair t-shirt may wear that shirt and any bottoms. Students who did not purchase the shirt should be in perfect uniform tomorrow.
Halloween is Monday, October 31st. Parents are welcome to join us for a Costume Parade at 2pm on the Recess Pad, weather permitting. Please see more details for each Academy below.
- Preschool: Students may come to school in their costumes. Parents are welcome to join us for a costume parade at 9:45 in the gym. Class parties will be at 10am.
- Primary Academy (K-2): Students may come to school in their costumes. Students will participate in the Costume Parade at 2pm, and class parties will be at 2:15pm.
- Intermediate Academy (3-5): Students may come to school in their costumes. Students will participate in the Costume Parade at 2pm, and class parties will be at 2:15pm.
- Junior High Academy (6-8): Student Council is planning a Halloween Dance for the afternoon! Costumes will not be worn in junior high, but students may be out of uniform if they wear Halloween colors (black, orange, and purple).
For all grade levels, costumes must be appropriate for school. Costumes should be comfortable enough that students can easily sit at a desk and use the bathroom; no weapons, makeup, or masks that cover their eyes. Students are not allowed to pass out candy to one another at school due to allergies. We encourage families to participate in Trunk or Treat and distribute candy there instead!
Social-Emotional Learning:
As we enter November, our social-emotional learning topic is Zones of Regulation, or identifying one’s zone (feelings and emotions) so you can then self-regulate and stay in or return to a zone optimal for learning. Click here to read more about the zones of regulation lessons that will be included in our classrooms throughout November.
Saintly Acts:
Congratulations to the following students who earned Saintly Acts recently. Several of these students earned their Saintly Act for demonstrating our October virtue of reverence! Thank you to Nolan H. (2nd grade), David H. (8th grade), Leslie S. (8th grade), Carmen R. (8th grade), Katie D. (8th grade), Finn M. (3rd grade), Noah B. (3rd grade), Danny P. (6th grade), Laila G. (6th grade), Rose T. (6th grade), Clementine H. (3rd grade), Eva B. (3rd grade), Abbie L. (6th grade), Brady R. (5th grade), Gabby C. (PK), Mrs. Simon’s 2nd grade class, William C. (2nd grade), Abby L. (1st grade), and JP S. (1st grade). Keep being saintly!
Margie Marshall
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A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of our
2022 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Shine Bright ~ Light Up the Night Gala
Cornerstone Sponsors
We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.