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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 5/30/2019 – Happy Summer

Between the deluge of rain, hail, potential tornadic activity, snow, and the cold weather days we have experienced this spring, we have seen some glimpses of the sun, and the warmth and promise of summer to come.  Summer is my favorite season.  From the endless summers of my childhood, to the adult realization that summer is truly a gift that needs to be enjoyed and cherished.  Summer is precious; and, it is almost here.   

With the end of the school year quickly approaching, we sadly will be saying farewell to four of our beloved ASCA staff members. 

  • Tara Brophy, our school nurse, will be relocating to upstate New York.  While Tara is sad to leave ASCA, being a native New Yorker, she is happy to return ‘home’ to be nearer to family. 
  • Maria Kazlauskas, our Junior High Spanish teacher and social worker, has accepted a teaching position at St. Francis High School in Wheaton.  We wish her well on this next phase of her life’s work and journey. 
  • Kristin Lewis, who teaches 3rd grade, has accepted a teaching position in Kansas.  She is excited for this new opportunity, which will also bring her closer to family.     
  • Emily Morris, who teaches 5th grade, will be teaching 5th grade in a southern suburb.   Her new position is closer to home, and Emily is looking forward to beginning this new chapter in her teaching career.   


All of these amazing women will miss being at ASCA, and will also be greatly missed.  


Most of our open positions have already been filled with candidates who are eager to meet and to serve our All Saints school community.  At this time, we are completing all of the contractual paperwork, background checks, etc. that accompanies new hires.  The rest of our teaching staff remains, and will be returning this fall.  All staff details will be included in our summer mailing, which will be sent to school families in late July. 


I wish everyone a fun, healthy, restful, joyful, playful, peace filled, adventurous, happy summer!


Summer Office Hours

Beginning June 6 through August 9, the school office will be observing summer hours, which are Monday through Thursday from 9 am – Noon.  On Fridays, the school office will be closed.  Due to administrative staff vacations that will take place over the summer break, it is best to call the office at (630) 961-6125 to confirm that the office is open before stopping by. 


Summer Reading List

The 2019 Summer Reading Lists for K – 8 students are in the process of being finalized.  A link to the lists and related activities will be sent to all school families once they are complete.


Summer Math Packets

Summer math packets will be sent home with 2019-2020 junior high students on the last day of school.  Incoming new grade 4 – 8 students will be contacted with summer math testing dates, and online registration information for the test once the schedule has been finalized.   


D203 Busing

The last day for D203 busing will be tomorrow, Friday, May 31.  After that date, students will need to find alternate transportation to and from school.  


Final Day of School Dismissal Reminder

Please note that the last day of school for Grade 1 - 7 students will be Wednesday, June 5.  There will be mass at 8:15 am, with report card distribution and dismissal at 9:30 am for all students.  There is no after school care on this day.  Please be sure to arrange for pick up for your student(s) at 9:30 am.


Students should be in perfect uniform on the last day of school.   Students will be out of uniform on Monday, June 3 and Tuesday, June 4.


Student Medication Pick Up

Please note that no medication will be kept over the summer break.  Medication for kindergarten and preschool students should be picked up on their last day of school, tomorrow, Friday, May 31. 


1st through 7th grade students should pick up their medication on their last day of school, Wednesday, June 5. 


Any medication that is not picked up by Noon on Wednesday, June 5 will be disposed of.    Also, please note that medication will only be released to a parent or guardian.  Medication cannot be sent home with a student. 


Lost and Found Table

The lost and found table outside Café 1 will remain up until Noon on Wednesday, June 5.  Please come and take a look for any lost items, as unclaimed items will be donated. 


2019-2020 School Supply Online Ordering/Lists

Online ordering for school supply kits will be ongoing through Sunday, June 16. Complete your order on line at, and use the school's account number which is ALL233.  


Late orders may be placed June 18th - July 7th. The prices are higher for the late orders and the products are not guaranteed to be brand name products.  Please retain a copy of the order confirmation email for your records.


Please click here for ordering information and pricing. Please note that Educational Products Inc. (our school supply kit provider) uses descriptions that match their inventory. You certainly have the option to purchase similar supplies elsewhere.  Please click here if you wish to view the 2019-2020 school supply lists.  If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Kokkinos at


Pop Tab and Box Top Collection

Just a reminder – please continue to collect soda pop tabs and Box Tops over the summer break.  The next Box Tops for Education submission date will be this coming November 1, 2019.  Please note that Box Tops For Education is transitioning to electronic tops that are scanned using the Box Top application. They will still accept unexpired paper box tops, but expect them to be obsolete sometime in 2020. Electronic Tops will start to appear on packaging in June, 2019.


Scrip in the Summer

While physical gift card orders are not processed in the summer, you can continue to earn SCRIP/FFO credit during the summer months with ScripNow ® or ReloadNow® options.   Questions????? Contact


St Therese Plaza Paver Brick Program

Recognize your student or school family by purchasing a brick as part of our St Therese Plaza Paver Brick Program.    You have probably seen these inscribed bricks in the St. Therese, The Little Flower, Plaza outside our main entrance at Door 1.   You can purchase a Paver Brick to commemorate any occasion in the course of the school year, or to honor a special student, teacher or coach!  This is also a great way to memorialize a loved one, or to celebrate a birthday or anniversary with a gift that will last a lifetime.


The paver brick options are $175 (6” by 6”), $250 (6” by 12”) or $500 (12” by 12”).  Also, please note that there are many religious and other icons available to enrich the message and appearance of paver bricks.  Click on the links below to see the Paver Brick Brochure/Order Form and to see the available icons.  


2018-2019 ASCA Yearbooks

Yearbooks will be distributed today to all students who ordered a copy.  There is a very limited number of additional yearbooks available in the school office for purchase.   The cost is $30 cash.  Books will not be reserved.  First come, first served. 


SCARCE School Supply Collection

ASCA Community Outreach is coordinating our annual end of the year new and gently used school supply collection.  There are red plastic bins located in the building for students to drop off any of the following items that they would like to donate:

  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Crayons
  • Notebooks (used pages should be torn out)
  • Pencil Sharpeners
  • Rulers
  • Scissors
  • Stapler/Staples
  • Art Supplies
  • Art and Craft Items


Items that are collected are given away to educators and non-profit organizations, or get recycled.  Most of all, they are saved from the landfills.  Questions?  Contact  Thank you for your support. 


Summer Time Tutoring

Still looking for a summer time tutor?  Four of our ASCA staff members will be offering services beginning in June:

Please contact them directly to find out more.


Fun for ASCA Students


Summer Camps at ASCA

Please click here for information about Summer Camps at All Saints.  Mrs. Breunig, ASCA Art Teacher, will be facilitating the following camps in June:

  • Fairy Garden Camp
  • Sewing Camp
  • Garden Party Camp for American Girl Dolls
  • Space Camp


Click here to register. 





Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!




A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of 

Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019 








For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. 


We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors. 


Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.

Previous Article Saints Speak - 5/23/2019 – Happy Fun Time
Next Article Saints Speak – 8/23/2019 - Choose Joy

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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