Saints Speak - 5/23/2019 – Happy Fun Time
While many assignments, papers and projects are still being completed and turned in, it is starting to feel like the end of the school year is almost here – what I like to call Happy Fun Time at All Saints. Yesterday, the entirety of our junior high was in Chicago for their respective field trips. What a glorious day weather wise to spend the day in the city.
Our 6th grade students visited the Field Museum, where they experienced an outstanding history lesson. Students were able to see firsthand what they had learned about ancient Egyptians this year. Many students enjoyed seeing the natural animal exhibit (or the stuffed animals as one student noted), with a wide variety of animals up close and personal. Even Sue the Dinosaur was a hit! I am sure that students gained a new appreciation for their lives in the here and now compared to the days of old.
Our 7th grade students visited the Museum of Science and Industry. Students were really excited to see the Boeing 727 airplane, the U-505 Submarine, the 40 foot tornado and lightening exhibits, and, especially, the baby chick hatchery.
Our 8th grade students celebrated their Bueller Day. In this celebrated 1990 film, high school senior Ferris Bueller, played by Matthew Broderick, decides to skip school on a spring day by faking an illness to his parents; and then encourages his girlfriend and best friend to spend the day in Chicago as one of their last flings before they graduate and head off to different colleges.
In the ASCA version of Bueller Day, our members of the Class of 2019 headed to Chicago where they enjoyed a Chicago architectural boat tour, lunch at Lou Malnati’s, a Blue Man Group
Performance, a visit to Millennium Park, and light dinner and fun at Dave & Busters. Our very own Father Mark Bernhard was pulled out of the audience at the Blue Man Group performance, and drummed with the trio. Did I mention that he was wearing a long blonde wig? Rock on!!! The coach buses carrying our students and chaperones rolled back into the ASCA parking lot late last evening. What a day! Ferris Bueller would be proud.
Today, our graduates celebrated their Baccalaureate Mass in the morning, followed by their 8th grade breakfast, and a yearbook signing party in the afternoon.
Tomorrow, the Class of 2019 will celebrate their Graduation Mass in the evening, Friday, May 24 at 7 pm. All are welcome to join us for this most special occasion and farewell to our 8th grade students. We congratulate and wish all of them well as they begin the next leg of their life’s journey.
Fun Run with the Saints Update
Thank you to our All Saints students and families for a very successful Fun Run with the Saints Boosterthon this spring. With the amount of pledges that were secured in support of our students, we were able to raise just short of $23,000, over 90% of our $25,000 goal. Over 60% of the monies collected were from people other than our school families. Thank you to all of our wonderful school parents who registered and shared this information with all of the generous donors who sponsored our students.
As a school parent myself, I was floored by the amount of pledges that were made in support of my son Drew, who is in 3rd grade, simply by my husband and I sharing this information via social media. Drew received pledges from other family members, from childhood friends, college friends, work friends and associates; we were truly touched and surprised by the number of pledges. This is a fundraiser that has contributed so much to ASCA, much of it coming from people who might never even walk through our doors.
What we have realized is that the end of the school year is a tremendously busy time in which to hold our Fun Run with the Saints. We will be moving this event to the fall for the coming 2019-2020 school year. Please be sure to put the following upcomng dates on your calendars, and plan to join us on at the Fun Run to ‘cheer on our saints':
Fun Run Kick Off - Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Fun Run - Thursday, October 24, 2019
D203 Busing
The last day for D203 busing will be Friday, May 31. After that date, students will need to find alternate transportation to and from school.
Final Day of School Dismissal Reminder
Please note that the last day of school for Grade 1 - 7 students will be Wednesday, June 5. There will be mass at 8:15 am, with dismissal at 9:30 am for all students. There is no after school care on this day. Please be sure to arrange for pick up for your student(s) at 9:30 am.
Summer Time Tutoring
While academics may be the last thing on your mind as you are planning your summer activities, summer is a great time to think about tutoring, and how beneficial it might be for your student. Tutoring over the summer months can:
- Help to build confidence in your student.
- Close the gap for students who are still working to master skills.
- Maintain skills – if you don’t use it, you may lose it.
- Reduce summer slide – it is estimated that most students lose between 1 and 3 months of academic knowledge over the course of the summer.
- Motivate reluctant readers.
- Ease the transition back to school in the fall.
If you think that tutoring might benefit your student this summer, four of our amazing ASCA staff members will be offering services beginning in June:
Please contact them directly to find out more.
The New SHPP
Nominations continue to be accepted for 2019-2020 SHPP positions. There are opportunities for every level of involvement. This is the perfect time to get involved, to meet new school parents, and to make an impact on your student's (and other students) experience at All Saints. Please click here for the nomination form. All nomination forms must be received at the ASCA front desk by 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 24, 2019. Thank you again for your time and participation!
If you have questions concerning the duties and responsibilities of the offices, please call Mrs. Santos at (630) 961-6125, or email SHPP at The parents and guardians who offer their time and talents to SHPP do make a huge impact on the All Saints school community, and what we are able to accomplish here at ASCA!
2019-2020 School Supply Online Ordering/Lists
Online ordering for school supply kits will be ongoing through Sunday, June 16. Complete your order on line at, and use the school's account number which is ALL233.
Late orders may be placed June 18th - July 7th. The prices are higher for the late orders and the products are not guaranteed to be brand name products. Please retain a copy of the order confirmation email for your records.
Please click here for ordering information and pricing. Please note that Educational Products Inc. (our school supply kit provider) uses descriptions that match their inventory. You certainly have the option to purchase similar supplies elsewhere. Please click here if you wish to view the 2019-2020 school supply lists. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Kokkinos at
May 20 Edition of the ASCA NOW News
Please click here for the May 20 edition of the ASCA NOW News, produced by our 8th Grade Honors ELA students. Please note that there was a production snafu, and the first 2 minutes (and three seconds) of this week’s broadcast are blank. There is content after that point.
Fun for ASCA Students and Families
Summer Camps at ASCA

Please click here for information about Summer Camps at All Saints. Mrs. Breunig, ASCA Art Teacher, will be facilitating the following camps in June:
- Fairy Garden Camp
- Sewing Camp
- Garden Party Camp for American Girl Dolls
- Space Camp
Click here to register.
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Track and Field News
It was an awesome season and ASCA had a great showing at the League Championships. Congratulations to the following top finishers in the League Championships:
5th Grade
Colin McGovern 8th – 75m
6th Grade
Will Yacullo 4th – 200m; 8th Long Jump
Nathan Hajek 3rd – High Jump
Payton Knox 8th – 800m
Jack DeYoung 8th – 4x100 Minor
Max Kim 8th – 4x100 Minor
Vincent Hedriana 8th – 4x100 Minor
Jacob Domingo 8th – 4x100 Minor
Quinn Knox 3rd – 100m Open
Sebastian Knox 1st – Shot Put Open
Isabella Wojtowicz 3rd – High Jump
Emily Coleman 8th – Long Jump
Sarah Meyers 6th – Javelin
Casey Glassman 3rd – 100m Open
Ava Crowder 8th – 100m Open
Unfortunately due to severe thunderstorms on Saturday early afternoon, the Varsity level meet was cancelled.
Congratulations to ALL our athletes on an awesome season! For additional meet and individual results, please visit Congratulations to all our athletes on a job well done this season!
Important News
BANQUET RSVPs DUE this Friday, May 24th: The end of season banquet for Track & Field will be held in the ASCA gym on Thursday, May 30st from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. You can access the invite/RSVP from the “Downloadable Forms & Files” at RSVPs are due Friday, May 24th
May 24 Track & Field Banquet RSVPs due
May 30 Track & Field Banquet
Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.