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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak - 5/16/2019 - All Good Things

The level of activity and excitement at All Saints seems to have ramped up tenfold in the past week here at ASCA.  There is so much happening.  It has been incredibly gratifying to see and feel the generosity, and giving of time, talent and treasure that has been exhibited by our parents and students many times over. 
A huge thank you to our school families for supporting our recent Fun Run with the Saints Boosterthon.  It was especially nice to see so many parents at the Fun Run last week cheering on our students.  Pledges will continue to be taken through tomorrow, Friday, May 17 at  
Next week, we welcome back the team from Schoolbelles who will be here at ASCA this coming Monday, May 20 from 3:30 - 5:30 pm to personally measure your student for their school uniforming for the upcoming school year.  There is no greater excitement than receiving that package with all of your new uniforms over the summer months.  The Schoolbelles team is adept at sizing your student and accounting for growth.  We hope that you will be able to join us on Monday afternoon.   Please click here to view the 2019 Schoolbelles Uniform Buying Guide.  

Earlier this week, Preschool and Kindergarten students enjoyed a 'Fly Up' Day to Kindergarten and 1st grade, respectively.   There is so much fun to look forward to this fall.  Thanks to our staff for facilitating this day.


If you have a student who will be entering Kindergarten this fall, please save the following dates - Monday, June 3 and Tuesday, June 4.  We will be inviting those students to join us and meet with our kindergarten teachers for some informal testing and fun.  There is nothing to study for!  So, watch for the Sign Up Genius email coming your way.  


It was truly beautiful to celebrate our 2nd grade students at this week's school mass.  They looked so lovely and handsome in their dresses and suits.  I would like to thank their teachers, Colleen Catalano and Margaret Bergquist, music teacher Pat Blackman, and liturgy coordinator Joe Moore, for all of their work in preparing the students.    

Our graduating ASCA Class of 2019 will be enjoying many fun activities during their last week at All Saints.  Tomorrow evening, the students and their parents will attend the Graduate Awards Dinner and Dance. 
Additional events include:
  • a Manners Luncheon at the Jacob Henry Mansion in Joliet
  • their Bueller Day trip to Chicago which will include an architectural boat tour of the Chicago River, a luncheon at Lou Malnati's, a Blue Man Group Performance, a visit to Millenium Park, and fun at Dave and Busters.
  • the Baccalaureate Mass and 8th Grade Breakfast
  • a Yearbook Signing Party and Dance

All are warmly invited to attend the 8th Grade Graduation on Friday, May 24 at 7 pm in the school gym.  It is a beautiful send off for our students.  


Scrip Update

I would also like to thank school parents Mike Devine and Betsy Nyman for stepping forward as Scrip Coordinators.  Scrip is one of the ways in which school families can fulfill their Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) by purchasing gift cards to places where they shop and dine.  Mike and Betsy would be happy to help you get signed up and start earing toward your 2019-2020 FFO.  The great part about the Scrip program is that families can earn Tutiion Credit after they have met their fundraising obligation.  So, get started today if you are not already participating in Scrip. 

Just an important Scrip reminder:  we are down to our last orders for physical cards. The last order date for the 2018-2019 school will be Tuesday, May 28th for pickup on Thursday, May 30th. We do not place any physical cards orders during summer.  And the first week of orders in the 2019-2020 school year will be Monday, August 28.  Families may continue to reload cards and purchase e-Gift Cards throughout the summer.  

So, contact with your questions, or to get signed up today!  If you would like to take a look at some Scrip wisdom from a school parent, click here


The New SHPP

Nominations continue to be accepted for 2019-2020 SHPP positions.  There are opportunities for every level of involvement.  This is the perfect time to get involved, to meet new school parents, and to make an impact on your student's (and other students) experience at All Saints.   


SHPP is currently looking for individuals to serve as board members, committee heads, and chairsALL ASCA parents and guardians – both current and new to the school for 2019-2020 - are invited to participate.  You may volunteer (nominate yourself) for ANY position or nominate another person you think would be a good fit.  Please click here for the nomination form.


On Wednesday, May 29, 2018, SHPP positions for the 2019-2020 school year will be selected and announced. Those nominated will be contacted prior to May 29th to discern their interest in the servant leader position. 


If you have questions concerning the duties and responsibilities of the offices, please call Mrs. Santos at (630) 961-6125, or email SHPP at  All nomination forms must be received at the ASCA front desk by 3:00 pm on Friday, May 24, 2019. Thank you again for your time and participation!  The parents and guardians who offer their time and talents to SHPP do make a huge impact on the All Saints school community, and what we are able to accomplish here at ASCA!


2019-2020 School Supply Online Ordering/Lists

Online ordering for school supply kits will be ongoing through through Sunday, June 16. Complete your order on line at, and use the school's account number which is ALL233.  


Late orders may be placed June 18th - July 7th. The prices are higher for the late orders and the products are not guaranteed to be brand name products.  Please retain a copy of the order confirmation email for your records.


Please click here for ordering information and pricing. Please note that Educational Products Inc. (our school supply kit provider) uses descriptions that match their inventory. You certainly have the option to purchase similar supplies elsewhere.  Please click here if you wish to view the 2019-2020 school supply lists.


If you wish to avoid the crowded aisles come July/August in Target, Walmart, Staples etc, do not delay, sit down today and order your school supply kit(s). Kits will be delivered directly to All Saints, and will be available in your child's homeroom at our Meet and Greet event on Sunday, August 18th. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Kokkinos at


May 13 Edition of the ASCA NOW News

Please click here for the May 13 edition of the ASCA NOW News, produced by our 8th Grade Honors ELA students.   


Fun for ASCA Students and Families


Summer Camps at ASCA

Please click here for information about Summer Camps at All Saints.  Mrs. Breunig, ASCA Art Teacher, will be facilitating the following camps in June:

  • Fairy Garden Camp
  • Sewing Camp
  • Garden Party Camp for American Girl Dolls
  • Space Camp


Click here to register.  


American Girl Doll First Communion Ensembles

Our very talented art teacher, Paula Breunig, is offering beautiful First Communion Ensembles for your special young lady's American Girl Doll.   The ensemble includes a dress, veil, shoes and tiny bible.  Please click here for the form with ordering details.    Please contact Mrs. Breunig with any questions.


News from All Saints Athletic Association


Track and Field News


Congratulations to the following Division AA Champions taking First Place at last week’s Divisional meet:


Isabella Wojtowicz – High Jump

Aaron Vivar – Shot Put, Discus and 4x100 Minor

Kyle Zediker – 4x100 Minor

Brendan Fenlon – 4x100 Minor

Demetri Rousonolous – 4x100 Minor

Danielle Nead – 4x100 Minor

Ellie Glab – 4x100 Minor

Isabella Mendoza – 4x100 Minor

Harriet Ghapson – 4x100 Minor. 


Following are the athletes who qualified and will compete in this week’s League Championships at Bolingbrook High School


5th Grade

Colin McGovern             75m; 100m

Kevin Grobl                     Javelin

Kailey Dela Cruz           400m


6th Grade

Johnny Coleman          600m

Jack DeYoung              4x100 Minor

Jacob Domingo             4x100 Minor

Nathan Hajek                High Jump

Vincent Hedriana         4x100 Minor

Max Kim                          4x100 Minor

Payton Knox                  800m

Will Yacullo                    200m; Long Jump

Emily Coleman              800m; Triple Jump

Zoe Girard                      600m

Dylan Kokkinos             200m; Javelin

Sarah Meyers                Javelin; Shot Put

Isabella Wojtowicz        High Jump


7th Grade

Harriet Ghapson           Long Jump; High Jump; 4x100 Minor

Brendan Fenlon           4x100 Minor

Zach Hurd                      Shot Put

Eddie Muller                  High Jump; Triple Jump

Demetri Rousonolous   4x100 Minor

Aaron Vivar                    Shot Put; Discus; 4x100 Minor

Kyle Zediker                   High Jump; Triple Jump; Shot Put; 4x100 Minor


8th Grade

Ellie Glab                         Long Jump; 4x100 Minor

Isabella Mendoza          4x100 Minor

Danielle Nead                High Jump; 4x100 Minor


For additional meet and individual results, please visit


Good luck to all participants at the League Championships and congratulations to all our athletes on a job well done this season!


Volleyball Evaluations for the upcoming 2019 season will be held according to the following schedule.  (Reminder….this is your athlete’s grade for Fall 2019)


7th grade Girls     Wednesday, May 22nd   4:00pm - 5:30pm

5th grade Girls     Wednesday, May 22nd   6:00pm - 7:30pm

6th grade Girls     Thursday, May 23rd       4:00pm - 5:30pm

8th grade Boys     Thursday, May 23rd       6:00pm - 7:30pm 


**Please note due to registration counts, there are NO evaluations needed for the following:  5th grade boys; 6th grade boys, 7th grade boys, or 8th grade girls


The end of season banquet for Track & Field will be held in the ASCA gym on Thursday, May 30th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.  Invites/RSVPs will be sent this week.




May 18           Track League Championships @ Bolingbrook High School

May 22           Volleyball Evaluations

May 23           Volleyball Evaluations

May 30           Track & Field Banquet

Go Saints! 



Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!




A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of 

Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019 








For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. 


We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors. 


Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.

Previous Article Saints Speak – 5/9/2019 - That Busy Time of Year
Next Article Saints Speak - 5/23/2019 – Happy Fun Time

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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