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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 3/25/2020 – Take Nothing for Granted

From Mrs. Santos

It is amazing when I think about the changes that we have all experienced in the past couple of weeks.  We have gone from waking up each day and to coming to school, going to work, and going about our daily activities without a thought, to:

  • sheltering in place in our homes
  • e-learning
  • working from home
  • not being able to go out to eat
  • not being able to attend Mass
  • not being able to go out to shop at ‘non-essential’ stores
  • being discouraged from traveling
  • being discouraged from seeing or being with other people
  • fear about our health and the health of those that we love
  • uncertainty about our jobs and our finances


Our lives are being disrupted in ways that we never thought possible; with seemingly no end in sight in the short term.  Every time we turn around, we find that important occasions and events are being postponed or canceled.  March Madness – canceled.  Baseball’s opening day – postponed.  The remainder of the NBA and NHL seasons – canceled.  The Summer Olympics – postponed.  Weddings and funerals – canceled or postponed.  Many of us are wondering whether our high school or college seniors will have their graduation ceremonies canceled.   It is easy to get swept away by the sadness, anger, and fear surrounding these events. 


While I certainly am doing all that I can to ensure the safety of my family and our school community, and praying for those who have been touched by this pandemic, I have tried to focus on the positive. 


I have been mightily impressed by the truly innovative e-learning opportunities that our ASCA faculty has been able to formulate and present to their students.  These are unchartered waters in teaching that they have been navigating.   All of our ASCA staff members have been collaborating with each other across the board; and are teaching and helping each other in ways that they probably never thought possible.  Our teachers care so deeply about their students, and trying to further their students’ education in the absence of being physically present to each other.   


I want to personally thank each and every parent and guardian for supporting your student(s) in their e-learning.    If you have a student who has not yet logged in to work, they are going to be at a great disadvantage when we return to school


Please contact your student’s teacher (click here for the staff directory), or me at if you and/or your student do not understand how to access the e-learning lessons. 


If your student is looking for some additional opportunities for enrichment, we have assembled a list of almost 200 websites on a wide variety subjects on our school website – click here for the list.  Thanks to Mrs. Barnhart for sharing this list with us. 


Over the past almost two weeks, I have had the pleasure to spend a lot time with my husband Andy, and our son Drew.  During our regular busy workday lives, the ability to spend extended quality time together is in very short supply; and I feel very blessed to have this time now.  I hope that you do, as well.  Time does have both a value and a cost.  It must be used with wisdom and care.  During the past few days since the shelter in place edict from our Governor, it has been amazing to me to see so many families outside taking a walk and exercising together, when typically, it is solo runners or dog walkers.  We all need each other now more than ever. 


There has been a great outpouring of people helping other people.  A lot of effort and ingenuity has been put forth by caring people to reach out and help others – either physically when possible, or virtually.  This can’t help but warm your heart, and give you hope and peace.


I know that I will never, ever take anything for granted again.  Our world can be upended and changed literally overnight (or even hour to hour).  I cannot wait to see my students and staff again.  It is an honor and a privilege to have these relationships and friendships that you never dream will be taken away from you.   Until we are together again, please continue to be safe; and be good to all of the special people in your life that you love. 


Image result for pajama dayCelebrate Pajama Day TODAY- Wednesday, March 25

Today, Wednesday, March 25, let’s all have a comfy day in our pajamas as we learn and work from home.  Share your pic or video by sending to


Next Wednesday, April 1, we will celebrate What I Did on Spring Break.  While many of our Spring Break plans may have been altered due to COVID-19, what are you and your family doing together.  Send your picture or video to to share the fun!  


 And, don’t forget Spirit Wear Friday, every Friday!  Send your picture or video to


Can You Help?

One of our school parents who is a physician shared the following information:  Northwestern Medicine has been spreading the word that if any people/businesses are interested in donating medical supplies, they can contact   We can combat COVID-19 with people helping people!


March and April 2020 Lunch Orders

March Lunch Orders

Families will receive a credit for any remaining lunches that were ordered for March, from March 16 forward.  These credits can be applied to your April or May lunch orders



When using the credits, please note the following on your lunch form: 

  • the credit amount, and "school closed" next to it


April Lunch Orders  

April Lunch forms and payment should be mailed to the school.   Please send as follows:


All Saints Catholic Academy

April Lunch Order

1155 Aurora Avenue

Naperville, IL      60540 


Orders will be accepted through Friday, March 27. If the school closure is extended past April 6 when we are scheduled to return from Spring Break, any April lunches ordered through the school closure will be credited as well.


Don't forget to:

  • Make a copy of your order form (photo on your phone works great)
  • Include your payment (checks should be made out to ASCA)


If you have any questions, please contact Cristine Shaw at  



The news never stops!!! Click here for this week’s Quarantine Edition - 3/23/2020 - edition of the ASCA NOW News. 


To keep our ASCA NOW News going, we need your help!  To find out more, view this week's edition of the ASCA NOW News.  Here is YOUR CHANCE to be in the news.  Please send your short, upbeat, and creative ASCA NOW News clips to by Sunday Night, and YOU may be in the news..  



Things to Do and Upcoming Events


Plunge into Fitness – Just a Couple of Weeks to Go

It is not too late to earn a free or discounted admission to Raging Waves Waterpark in June.  Once you have completed the 25 hours of exercise, all you have to do is either send your completed log via mail to ASCA; or scan your log and email to Kathy Kokkinos at no later than the Monday, April 6, 2020 deadlineClick here for the information and the fitness log  



New Spirit Wear Store

All Saints is now pleased to be partnering with Deb's Embroidery to be able to offer spirit wear year round!

All of the great brands that you know and love are represented:  Under Armour, Champion, Holloway , and Gilden.  You will find hoodies, t-shirts, pants, jackets, and headbands.  Show your All Saints school and athletics spirit.  Orders will be delivered to school once we are able to return.


  • Click here to order your All Saints Spirit Wear
  • Click here to order your All Saints Athletics Spirit Wear


Please note that the Access Code is:  saints



Fundraising Corner

Scrip (counts toward FFO)

With the school closed, we will not be processing any physical Scrip Gift Card orders until we return to school.   Please note that Ecards and Reloads are still available.  If you have ANY questions, please contact

Interested in getting started earning toward your 2020-2021 FFO with Scrip?  Sign up now, and you will have until the end of February 2021 to earn toward next school year’s FFO (AND potentially earn some tuition credit).  Now is the time to enroll!!!!  Click here to enroll.  Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information or have questions??? Contact


Next No Cookin’ in the Kitchen – Portillo’s - Wednesday, April 22

Save the date for our next No Cookin’ night at Portillos!  More information to come.


  News from All Saints Athletic Association

The Winter Sports Banquet has been postponed, and will be held in conjunction with the Spring Sports Banquet. 


The Spring Track and Field season is still on.  At this time, only the first two meets have been cancelled.    It is not to late to join Track & Field!   Registration is still open at Be sure to tell all your friends who might be interested!                                  


ASAA Looking for Secretary/Communications Coordinator…Interested in getting involved in the Athletic Association?  We are currently looking for a parent to join us on the Board.  The primary responsibility of the secretary is to manage annual sports registrations and rosters and keep/publish meeting minutes.  The secretary will also be responsible for communicating concession schedules, creating/updating the Athletic calendar, coordinating athletic team photo sessions and creating the weekly sports report for inclusion in the weekly school newsletter.  Additionally, this position is responsible for communications via the sports website.


The person chosen for this position will shadow the current Secretary/Communications Coordinator for the next several months to learn the role before taking over.  Individuals interested should contact Erika Baka ( or Keith Glab (


Be on the watch . . . Registration will open soon for our Fall Sports for the 2020 season. 




Did YOU know that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  Check Us Out on Social Media, and please share the good news that is happening at All Saints.  


We welcome all of our new followers!!!  Click on the icons below to take a look.




A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone and Patron Sponsors of 

The Crystal Gala, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2020 


Thank You to our Cornerstone Sponsors






Image result for creative

Thank You to our Patron Sponsors

Players Indoor Sports


For more information, please click on the Cornerstone and Patron Sponsor logos above. 


We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors. 


Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.

Previous Article Saints Speak – 3/19/2020 – Our ‘New’ Normal
Next Article Saints Speak – 4/15/2020 – Missing You

News Index

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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