Saints Speak – 4/15/2020 – Missing You
From Mrs. Santos
One of the most difficult aspects of what we are experiencing with this Coronavirus Pandemic, and the Stay at Home Order here in Illinois is the physical separation that we have from each other.
This past weekend, we could not attend Mass together with our church community on Easter Sunday, the day that symbolizes the fulfillment of our faith as Christians. Many of us were unable to be together with those that we love for Easter brunch or dinner. I know that many you connected via Zoom meetings with your family, everyone in a neat virtual box.
While technology serves its purpose in this way, it simply is not the same as being surrounded by family and friends, or breaking bread together to celebrate a sacred, holy day.
In my regular communication and on line meetings with our ASCA faculty, they all share with me how much they miss their students – the hugs, the high fives, the laughter and the sharing. I hope that you could see and feel this when viewing the ‘Miss You’ video link that was included in our Easter communication. Actually, a couple of very important staff members were inadvertently left out of the video during editing, so please click here to take a look at the updated video, and see if you can figure out who has been added!
A couple of weeks ago, one of our junior high teachers, Mrs. Debbie Harrison, experienced the 'heaven on earth' joy of welcoming a brand new baby granddaughter that she has not yet been able to hold.
There are play rehearsals, track practices and meets, athletic banquets, the Lenten Market, and Daddy Daughter Dance – just to name a few school related events that haven’t happened, and sadly, may not be able to be reclaimed. These are the opportunities we have to simply be with each other, to work together, to enjoy, to stretch ourselves and grow, and to create memories.
Right now, I don’t know what the future holds. I don’t know if we will be allowed to return to school. I know that this frustrates me, and that it probably frustrates you too. We are in week 5 of the stay-at-home order. The newness of e-learning has worn off. Spring break and Easter are over. There are no days off, and no end in sight. Many of you are struggling with working from home. Perhaps you have lost your job or are furloughed. Maybe you are still going to work, but afraid for your and your family’s safety. How do we deal with the sadness and the sense of loss?
At times like this, I instinctively fall back on my faith. I reflect on my many blessings, on the good health and safety of my family, and make a conscious decision to ‘choose joy’ over anger or fear. I pray that all of you and your loved ones are safe and well. I trust that we will all come out of this on the other side, sooner than later. So many of you are doing and accomplishing so much!!!
Both Emily (6G) and Maddie (ACSA Class of 2018) Lo have been very busy supporting Advocate at Home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The girls made lawn signs to put outside of Advocate's 12 offices in both Illinois and Wisconsin to offer support to the frontline staff who have been serving patients so faithfully. And, they helped cut material to make medical masks. Their 92-year-old grandmother even sewed the masks, but couldn’t stand for long periods of time to cut all the material. It was a great collaboration even with social distancing. Way to go Maddie and Emily!
I so appreciate those of you who are dealing with all of this with a good attitude and great sense of humor, as I know that it is not easy. There is one ASCA school parent who keeps me informed via email about what is going in her 'family institute'. I so look forward to the lighthearted and fun messages that she sends me. As she puts it, “We all need these little things just to save our sanity.”
While I think that our ASCA teachers are doing an ‘above and beyond job’ in furthering our students’ e-learning, here is a snippet of what this particular ASCA parent is doing in addition to her students' academic related assignments:
“As we saunter into week 5 of self-isolation/quarantine/shelter-in-place, etc. I am hopeful that my students are cooperative, and that the weather is warm enough for PE to be held outside. The students get a bit cranky and unruly if we keep them penned up inside for too long.”
“This weekend, we added a new class to our curriculum - Wood Shop. Yes, we strive to educate 7 days/wk. We had to move a car out of our Auto Shop classroom to make room for Wood Shop. We have gone in strong with our first build. We are building a bench for around the fire pit at our outdoor educational facility (our camper). A few more days of work, and our project will be complete. Will send photos of our completed project.”
“We are going to have to get our Home Ec classes back on track. Our scholars have honed their baking skills, and are mastering a great decaf whipped coffee recipe. However, they seem to have lost focus on the cleaning and laundry skills that have been taught over the years. We started our morning calisthenics with a good laundry sort. Did some bends and stretches as piles were moved from floor into the laundry machines. Folding will be our next obstacle, errr I mean lesson. Wish us luck as we meander our way through what feels like a year’s worth of laundry.”
“Next semester, we will re-introduce Auto Shop into our curriculum. It has been quite some time since our teachers have had to share the knowledge of tire rotation and oil changes. This could get interesting. (Please God, do not give me the opportunity to teach auto shop class. I pray that the students are back in their normal schools by then.)”
“Well, I guess that is all I have for this early in the day. I am sure there will be some scholarly shenanigans, and perhaps a saintly act or two, to share in my next update. Have a great day!”
I absolutely had a great day after reading this happy email. This ASCA school family is certainly choosing joy each day.
Please know that your teachers and I are missing you each and every day. We cannot wait to return to our classrooms, and welcome you back to the halls of ASCA.
Coming Attractions
Our webmaster has been hard at work in creating blogs for each of our teachers. We look forward to rolling them out in the very near future, and will let you know how to find them as soon as they are ready!
Thank you to all of you who are completing the Daily Check In for your student(s). This reporting of attendance has been directed by Fr. John Belmonte, Superintendent of Catholic Schools – Diocese of Joliet; and is required of all diocesan schools. Please make a point of taking care of it early in the day, perhaps after viewing our morning announcements and prayer.
Celebrate Crazy Sock Day TODAY, Wednesday, April 15
Today is the day to let your feet do the talking. Mismatched, neon, striped – share a pic of YOUR version of crazy socks. Send your pictures or videos to and
Next week, we celebrate 'My Favorite Book'. Show us a pic of you and your favorite read. Be sure to tell us why you love it! And, don’t forget Spirit Wear Friday, every Friday! Send your pictures or videos to and
No Cookin’ in the Kitchen – Portillo’s – Next Wednesday, April 22
Have you heard? The No Cookin' party is at Portillo's in Naperville this month. While they are well known for their hot dogs, burgers, and beef, those of us who are Chopped Salad lovers - unite. There is something at Portillo's for everyone to enjoy~!
What you need to know:
- When: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 from 5 - 8 pm.
- Where: Portillo's, located at 1992 W. Jefferson Avenue in Naperville (Rt 59 and Jefferson Avenue), not too far from school.
- Why: Delicious food AND Portillo's will be donating 20% of qualifying sales back to ASCA.
- How: Just mention that you are there for the All Saints Catholic Academy fundraiser in the drive through, or click here and show the flyer on your smart phone (or an actual copy of the flyer).
- Drive through only
- Last Word: Students who attend the event will receive a Pick a Day Out of Uniform pass. Simply send in your receipt, dated picture, etc. in an envelope marked ‘Portillo's Night’ and your student’s name(s) and homeroom(s). OR, send your receipt, dated picture, etc. via email to with ‘Portillo's’ and your student’s name(s) and homeroom(s)" in the subject line.
As always, thank you for your participation.
ASCA Yearbook Sales Extended to Friday, May 1st
If you have not yet ordered your yearbook for this school year, it is not too late. Click here for the order form (ignore the original March deadline). IMPORTANT: 8th Grade automatically receives a copy of the yearbook as part of their graduation fee. 8th graders should not order a yearbook.
ASCA NOW News – Good Friday Edition
If you did not have an opportunity to view the Good Friday edition of the ASCA NOW News, please click here.
New Family Referral
We are always grateful when a current school family is successful in attracting a new family to All Saints. As we like to say, happy school families bring us new happy families.
If you referred a new family to ASCA for this 2019-2020 school year, please click here for the New Family Referral Form. The new family should fill out the form and return to Patty Bajek at no later than next Wednesday, April 22 for you to receive credit.
May 2020 Hot Lunch Orders
May Lunch forms and payment should be mailed to the school.
Please send as follows:
All Saints Catholic Academy
May Lunch Order
1155 Aurora Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540
Orders will be accepted through Friday, April 24. If the school closure is extended past April 30, all accounts will be appropriately adjusted, and any applicable refunds will be processed. If you have a credit from your March lunch order, please apply it to your May order.
Don't forget to:
- Make a copy of your order form (photo on your phone works great)
- Include your payment (checks should be made out to ASCA)
If you have any questions, please contact Cristine Shaw at
Registration for the Fall 2020 Volleyball and Cross Country season
Registration for ALL 2020-21 Sports Seasons is now open will remain open through May 1st. Registration is open to ALL current 4th - 7th grade students. When registering, please indicate the grade level for next fall. Volleyball evaluation dates/times have yet to be determined and will be communicated once registration closes and the current quarantine expires. Basketball registration will close June 1st with evaluation dates/times to be communicated at a later date. Participants must be registered in order to participate in evaluations.
Participant registration can be completed by going to our website at
Registration parent coaches is also open at this time. Please indicate your interest in coaching any or all sports by completing the registration.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Keith Glab, Athletic Director (, Kathy Kokkinos, Volleyball Coordinator (, Christopher Johnneson, XC Coordinator (, or Erika Baka (
LET'S GO SAINTS!! We are All Saints Strong.
Did YOU know that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check Us Out on Social Media, and please share the good news that is happening at All Saints.
We welcome all of our new followers!!! Click on the icons below to take a look.
A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone and Patron Sponsors of
The Crystal Gala, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2020
Thank You to our Cornerstone Sponsors
Thank You to our Patron Sponsors