Saints Speak - 1/7/2021 - Service and Safety
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! My mother used to say “the days drag on, but the weeks fly by”. I am sure there were some weeks in 2020 that did not “fly by” for many of us. But, the year has passed, and we are ready for a new beginning!
The students are back and ready for a routine. We are getting close to 100 days of in school learning! That is something to be very proud of!!
Martin Luther King Day
MLK Day is just around the corner. Traditionally, that is a day of service for ASCA. Throughout the years, the students and families have completed various activities of service throughout the community. “Service” needs to look a lot different this year than it has in the past. To remain safe and follow Covid protocols, we have planned two different ways to serve the greater community. The MLK Teacher Committee has worked hard to make this year different, safe and a way to serve Naperville and the surrounding communities.
ASCA will be collecting food and other items to stock the Care Pantry of one of our founding parishes - St. Thomas the Apostle. There will be bins at Doors 1 and 7 beginning on Monday, January 11. The collection will continue all week ending on January 15. Please click here for a flyer with more information about what items are needed most.
We will also be thanking those people who have served the community consistently throughout these many months of the pandemic. Each student will create a card thanking a person who serves the community. Each grade will be assigned a group of people to thank, cards will be collected by homeroom teachers and we will make sure the cards are delivered to the proper place. These cards will be considered “homework” and will receive a Religion Grade. Specific directions will be given next week.
In addition to these planned activities, we will be sharing a list of additional opportunities in the coming week that your family may want to participate in to serve your community. There is no obligation to participate in any of these activities, but we want to be sure that you know these are available to you.
With the possibility of inclement weather, I’d like to remind everyone of the importance of carpool drop off and pick up safety. The parking lots will be kept as snow-free as possible, however, we will likely have a few days that snow will be falling during drop off and pick up. Please be sure to drive slowly and let your car come to a complete stop before allowing your child to open the door. We also request that whenever possible your child/ren enter your car from the side closest to the Safety Zone (driver’s side at Door 1, passenger side from Door 7). This will help to assure safety even when the area is slippery. Please remember that students may only leave their cars during drop off from the designated area. Do not drop students off and let them walk through the car lines. We can all work together to keep all students safe!
Rules, Rules, Rules
While thinking of safety, we also want to remind students of some of the ASCA School Rules. It is the beginning of the second half of our school year, and we want to begin in the best way possible. Please help your child remember these things:
- Nail polish is not allowed.
- Sweatshirts that are worn in school must be the ASCA sweatshirt, no other type is allowed.
- Social distancing is important for safety.
- All supplies are required to have a productive class/school day.
- Chromebooks must be charged and ready for class each day.
- Cell phones are not allowed during the school day. Some students take them out during pick-up and miss hearing their family name. Please remind them to listen and be attentive.
Recess in Winter
Students are allowed to play in snow near the recess areas only if they have the proper snow clothing. This includes snow pants, snow boots, mittens/gloves and a hat. Without this clothing they will play on the blacktop areas. I know that as much as most adults don’t like snow, the children love it!
Tomorrow is the deadline to order your CSW T-shirt.
Join us for Wednesday Mass virtually next Wednesday, January 13. Mass begins at approximately 8:15.
January No Cookin’ In the Kitchen is Wednesday, January 13 at Panera on Rt. 59 in Aurora.
God Bless,
Mrs. Cyndi Collins
Together We Can!
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A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone and Patron Sponsors of
The Crystal Gala, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2020
Thank You to our Cornerstone Sponsors
Thank You to our Patron Sponsors