Saints Speak - 1/14/2020 - Service and Fun
Dear Parents,
It has been nice to enjoy a few warmer days! We may be facing snow tomorrow morning, so please be extra cautious as you drop off your child. Tomorrow, we will be thankful for 89 days of in-person instruction!
Martin Luther King Jr Day
Thank you to those who have donated to the St. Thomas the Apostle Care Pantry. The bins are filling up! Tonight, your child will be bringing home the paper and instructions for the “Thank You Card” assignment. All cards are due back on Tuesday, January 19. Please help your child do the best job possible for these important cards. Remember there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 18.
End of Quarter
Tomorrow also marks the end of the 2nd quarter of the school year. That means that the school year is officially half over! Report cards will go home on Friday, January 22.
Catholic Schools Week
Our favorite week of the year is not too far away! Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is celebrated throughout the entire country to bring to the forefront the Good News of Catholic Education. This year it begins on Sunday, January 31. It is always a week filled with excitement, fun and a reminder of who we are as a Catholic School. It is a week to show the community how proud we are to be ASCA! Traditionally, the week would kick off with Open House. As we closely follow Covid Protocol, the Open House will not be in-person this year. Watch for more information from Mrs. Bajek about the exciting ways she will be sharing all of the Good News of ASCA in a safe way.
Every day will be something different and special for the students! Everything will be done with safety and Covid Protocol in mind. You will receive more detailed information as the week gets closer, but there are a few things I’d like you to be aware of to help your child be ready for that week:
- Monday, February 1 will be Color Day - each class will wear a different color tee shirt. Your homeroom teacher will tell you what that color is very soon. Jeans that are appropriate for school will also be allowed that day. Some students might remember an all-school assembly on this day, but due to Covid Protocols, that will not happen. We will just have fun seeing the different colors walking around the hallway.
- Traditionally ASCA has supported the Hogar del Pobre Orphanage located in Celaya, Mexico. This place houses 100 or more children, many with special needs. These students are lovingly cared for by the Sisters of the Poor and other caring adults. The students live there, eat there, attend school and receive Faith Formation. The building is always in need of repair and the children are sometimes cold due to drops in temperature and the lack of blankets. The money we collect for them goes to support the work of the Sisters and to improve the living conditions.
Pre-Covid, ASCA collected coins throughout Catholic Schools Week. The coins were counted, and a donation made to the orphanage. This year, we will ONLY be collecting paper currency or checks to remain Covid safe. You might want to talk with your child about what chores he/she can do around the house to “earn” the donation for the Orphanage. We hope to collect $5-$10 per family. Any amount is greatly appreciated, but it must be paper currency or check - no coins this year.
Other activities during CSW will include Teacher-Swap, Pajama Day, Crazy Sock Day and CSW T-shirt Day. Watch for more information in the coming weeks.
I hope that you and your children enjoy the long MLK Weekend!
God Bless,
Mrs. Cyndi Collins
Together We Can!
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A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone and Patron Sponsors of
The Crystal Gala, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2020
Thank You to our Cornerstone Sponsors
Thank You to our Patron Sponsors