Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 9/22/2022 - Give Us This Day
Today Pope Francis reminds us about caring God’s creation:
“Care of creation is not just something God spoke of at the dawn of history: he entrusts it to each of us as part of his plan.”
On this beautiful day, take a look around you and appreciate the beautiful world we’ve been given. We have been entrusted to care for this Earth, and for one another, as we are ALL God’s creation. My prayer today is one of gratitude for the many gifts God has given us when he created us and our world.
Fun Run Update:
The day is almost here – tomorrow is the Fun Run!! The kids are so excited, and it looks like it will be a beautiful fall day. THANK YOU to everyone who has made a pledge or donation. You can still donate here! We have over $43,000 in pledges already and hope we can get closer to our goal of $60,000! Congratulations to Mrs. Baumann’s class for getting the most pledge dollars last night and earning a Pajama Day for next week.
Our class competition continues…Mrs. Cappetta’s 2nd graders are in the lead overall, followed closely by Mrs. Kennedy’s 4th graders, Mrs. Baumann’s 4th graders, Mrs. Simon’s 2nd graders, and Mrs. Porlier’s 1st graders. Everyone is eager to see which class will end up on top and get to throw pies at me! Pledges will be collected through early next week.
Even though tomorrow is a Mass Day, students may wear spirit wear shirts, gym shoes, and any pants to school for the Fun Run. Shorts are NOT allowed for tomorrow. Please make sure your child brings a water bottle and comes ready to run! The run times are below; parents are welcome to join us on the recess pad to cheer on the students. Please park in the west lot (by Door 1) and proceed directly to the recess pad; you do not need to check in at the welcome desk since you will not be entering the school building.
Next week is a busy week, with our Scholastic Book Fair, Book Drive for Bernie’s Book Bank, and Grandparents Day!
Book Fair:
The Scholastic Book Fair will begin with Preview Day Monday and shopping days Tuesday-Thursday. Students will also be able to finish their last-minute shopping on Friday with their grandparents. Students will preview the Book Fair Monday and bring home a wish list of books they are interested in. You can then send money for shopping Tuesday-Thursday if you wish. Please remember to account for sales tax. We highly recommend using the e-wallet so your child doesn’t have to carry cash to school that day. Click here to set up your e-wallet! We are also still looking for a few volunteers for Monday and Tuesday. Click here to share your time!
Book Drive:
As you purchase new books from the Book Fair, it’s a great time to donate your gently used books to Bernie’s Book Bank! Our Book Drive begins on Monday; drop your gently used books in the bins at Doors 1, 5, and 7 when you enter school. Thank you for your generosity!
Grandparents Day:
We conclude next week with a very exciting day – Grandparents Day! We invite Grandparents and VIPs to join us from 9-11am for a fun morning with their grandchildren. We’ll have time for classroom visits, Book Fair shopping, pictures, and celebrating Mass together. Parents – if your grandparent or VIP has not yet RSVPed, please RSVP for them by emailing Please also let us know in your RSVP if your child will be leaving with their grandparent for lunch. All children will need to be signed out at Door 1 if they are leaving campus for lunch, whether or not they are returning for their afternoon classes.
All grandparents and VIPs should enter at Door 1, and we’ll direct them from there. The elevator will be accessible for any visitors who need it.
SchoolSpeak Update:
Hopefully you saw the email this morning from Mrs. Detwiler that the SchoolSpeak glitch is partially corrected! We are still working on restoring our data, but you are now able to log on to check student grades, order October lunches (orders due tomorrow at noon!), and sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please note that Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, October 6th!
Progress Reports & Sports Eligibility:
Parent-Teacher Conferences this year are being held around the midpoint of the trimester, so you have ample time to work with your child and classroom teacher toward improvement by the end of the grading period. At conferences the teachers will share an update on your child’s grades, strengths, and areas for growth. If your child is in 4th-8th grade, make sure you are regularly checking SchoolSpeak to see grades and any missing assignments.
For student-athletes in Grades 5-8, September 30th is the first eligibility check. Any students with a failing grade at this time will be ineligible for sports in the coming week. Please check your child’s grades to make sure they have completed all assignments so there are no surprises next Friday!
Athletics Update:
Mrs. Weisz is continuing in her role as our STEAM Teacher but is stepping down from her role as Athletic Director. Do you know someone who may be interested in this exciting role? We are looking for a candidate who loves youth sports, is organized and collaborative, and is able to commit weekends to ASCA Athletics. Interested candidates may view the job description here. In the interim, please send any athletics communications to
Saintly Acts:
Congratulations and thank you to the MANY students who received Saintly Acts this week: Owen S. (4th grade), Abby D. (Kdg), Norah G. (5th grade), Teddy E. (3rd grade), Sophia S. (6th grade), Becky P. (6th grade), Ella H. (2nd grade), Rhys N. (5th grade), Ziva W. (5th grade), Grace P. (8th grade), Lucas J. (7th grade), Evan C. (7th grade), Zaara A. (3rd grade), Isabelle A. (3rd grade), Shivani S. (3rd grade), Nathan E. (4th grade), Everett J. (4th grade), Graham H. (4th grade), Leo K. (4th grade), Dylan H. (4th grade), Ashley S. (6th grade), Danny P. (6th grade), Cavan M. (6th grade), Carter P. (6th grade), Sairet E. (6th grade), Abbie L. (6th grade), Rose T. (6th grade), Mikey P. (6th grade), Milena G. (6th grade), Max. V. (8th grade), Santino A. (8th grade), Roukiat T. (8th grade), Liz T. (8th grade), Riley J. (8th grade), Hannah N. (8th grade), Leslie S. (8th grade), Alex G. (8th grade), Sashka K. (5th grade), Isabella K. (8th grade), Payton M. (7th grade), Addie E. (8th grade), Amelia J. (6th grade), Carlota G. (5th grade), Bianca B. (6th grade), Izzy F. (8th grade), Cara S. (8th grade), Margaret Z. (8th grade), Bella D. (1st grade), and Rishan M. (1st grade). Keep being saintly!
Margie Marshall
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2022 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Shine Bright ~ Light Up the Night Gala
Cornerstone Sponsors
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