Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 9/15/2022 - Trusting God's Faithfulness
Today’s message from Pope Francis is about trust:
“With trust in God’s faithfulness, everything can be faced responsibly and without fear.”
Any students who have Mrs. Detwiler this year know that her mantra for the year has been “Jesus, I trust in you.” When I read today’s message from Pope Francis, this was the first thing that came to mind. I have heard Mrs. Detwiler pray these words many times as we navigated a challenge or faced an uncertainty. When we fail to trust in God, we begin to doubt, and that is when we act out of fear or act irrationally. When we trust in Him, we can think clearly and know that He is guiding us according to His plan. Jesus, I trust in you.
Fun Run Update
There are just 8 days until our Fun Run! Hopefully you saw yesterday’s email with more details about this important fundraiser. Last night two-thirds of our students completed their nightly challenge by registering for the Fun Run – way to go! Congratulations to Mrs. Baumann’s class who had the highest percentage of students register and earned an extra recess. Tonight’s challenge is to begin collecting pledges! The class with the most pledges collected tonight will earn a popsicle party! If you haven't already done so, go to to register and begin collecting pledges!
Student Assessments
You’ve probably hear lots of talk of “testing” from your students and teachers lately. This week, all K-8 students took the NWEA MAP test. MAP is a computer-based adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions as students answer to match their level of performance. For example, if students are answering correctly, they will be given more challenging questions. The MAP test provides useful data for teachers, including information on student reading levels and focus areas. MAP testing takes place in the fall, winter, and spring so we can measure student growth over the course of the school year.
Our 2nd-8th grade students will begin their CogAT and IOWA assessments on Monday. The IOWA assessment is a norm-referenced achievement test required of students in the Diocese of Joliet. The test is taken once per year and allows us to measure student achievement and growth from year to year. Testing will take place daily, first thing in the morning Monday-Thursday, and regular classes will resume following testing. You can expect a lighter homework load and no other tests during these assessments, so students do not become overwhelmed.
Like MAP, there is nothing your child can do to study for these tests. However, there are a few things you can do at home to help your children do their best on these assessments:
- Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep
- Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast each morning
- Make sure your child is on time for school each day during testing
- Encourage your child to do his/her best each day
- Remind your 5th-8th grade student to bring his/her Chromebook to school, FULLY CHARGED, each day.
Looking to carve out a few minutes of prayer each week? Hoping for more faith-filled fellowship? Sometimes it just takes one Hail Mary at a time! Please join us this Friday for Rosary Prayer in the Chapel before Mass. Parents are welcome to join at 7:55am. No experience necessary! Contact Jessica Brock at or 630.864.7961 with any questions.
Hispanic Heritage Month
Today is the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month! Over the next 30 days we’ll be learning more about individuals of Hispanic heritage who have been champions of the Catholic faith. We will also be learning about our first Person of the Month for this year, Oscar Romero, the former Archbishop of San Salvador. We’ll share more about Archbishop Romero later in the month.
Saintly Acts
Congratulations and thank you to these students who received Saintly Acts this week: Kasey G. (8th grade), Lucas L. (6th grade), Gavin F. (6th grade), Camden P. (Kdg), Lucas J. (7th grade), Alex C. (7th grade), Logan U. (6th grade), Kameron G. (5th grade), Bennet S. (5th grade), Edgar M. (3rd grade), Parker J. (3rd grade), Josie C. (8th grade), Sydney D. (8th grade), Mary D. (5th grade), Nathan E. (4th grade), Andrew S. (1st grade), Audrey M. (8th grade), and Matti B. (4th grade). Keep being saintly!
Margie Marshall
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2022 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Shine Bright ~ Light Up the Night Gala
Cornerstone Sponsors
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