Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 5/2/2024 - Stay Focused on Heaven
Please take a few moments to reflect on these words from Pope Francis:
“There is a danger that threatens everyone in the church, all of us. The danger of worldliness. It leads us to vanity, arrogance and pride.”
The danger of worldliness is all too real in our culture. As parents, and simply as people, we are in a constant battle between the many comforts of modern society and our call as Christians. We are so blessed, and as we enjoy these many blessings, may we remember to stay focused on our true goal in life – heaven! – and not let the vices of vanity, arrogance, or pride stand in our way.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week! ASPA has planned some special treats for our faculty and staff throughout the week, and we are so grateful. Next week, please also consider sending a quick note to your child’s teacher(s) letting them know why you appreciate them, or having your child do the same. These kind gestures are such a nice way to remind our teachers that we are grateful for the love and care they show our children each day.
Class of 2024
The All Saints Catholic Academy Class of 2024 will graduate in just 22 days! The month of May is full of exciting end of year activities for them, beginning with their Ribbon Mass tomorrow. 8th grade families, we hope you plan to join us for Mass at 8:15am tomorrow. To all our families, please keep these students in your prayers the next few weeks as they prepare for their All Saints graduation and enjoy this time together before spreading their wings at various high schools!
Tuition and Finances
Tomorrow, our Executive Board will meet to approve the 2024-2025 budget and finalize tuition rates for the 2024-2025 school year. I will share that information next week so families can plan accordingly for the summer and fall. We are also in the process of reviewing financial aid applications and will communicate to families who applied for financial aid as soon as decisions are made. Thank you for your patience!
Summer at ASCA
This summer is going to be a busy one at All Saints! We are undergoing two large facility projects, one indoor and one outdoor. Inside, we will be getting new carpet throughout the entire building. We are in need of boxes to help the teachers pack up their classrooms to make it easier to move furniture over the summer. If you have any extra medium-sized boxes at home, please send them in. We’re happy to take those Amazon boxes off your hands!
Outside, we are redoing the entire recess pad. Look for more information on this project in next week’s Saints Speak!
Curriculum Updates
We are also excited to share that next year we will be using a new science program in Kindergarten-5th grade. Over the last few months, the teachers and I have spent time reviewing several science programs to find the best replacement. We have selected Inspire Science by McGraw Hill. The program is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and integrates hands-on learning with scientific reading and writing. The program features physical workbooks as well as online resources to support the active hands-on learning that will take place in the classroom. Our teachers will continue their training on the new program in August, and we are excited to share it with our students at that time!
Saintly Acts
We have many students to recognize today for their Saintly Acts! Congratulations and thank you to Zayna A. (6th grade), Annet E. (2nd grade), Camila G. (2nd grade), Layla M. (2nd grade), Caroline M.D. (2nd grade), Maya S. (6th grade), Johann Y. (6th grade), Brady B. (3rd grade), Alex C. (8th grade), Emma D.G. (Kdg), Liam G. (8th grade), Arabella K. (5th grade), Declan L. (Kdg), Cavan M. (7th grade), Charlotte M. (1st grade), Alannah O. (1st grade), Jackson P. (1st grade), Evvie R. (1st grade), Aria A. (6th grade), Chase D. (8th grade), Gavin F. (7th grade), Kaydence F. (8th grade), Kameron G. (6th grade), Britta H. (8th grade), Graham H. (5th grade), Ty H. (8th grade), Will P. (8th grade), Lucas J. (8th grade), Sashka K. (6th grade), Maeve L. (8th grade), Charlotte M.D. (6th grade), Mateo S. (7th grade), Jayden N. (7th grade), McKenna S. (6th grade), Alex S. (8th grade), Olivia S. (8th grade), RJ S. (6th grade), Stefi T. (8th grade), Logan U. (7th grade), and Adalynn W. (Kdg). Keep being saintly!
Warm regards,
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.