Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 4/18/2024 - May We Continue to Trust in His Plan
I am sending Saints Speak earlier than usual today, as I am out of the building all day for a Diocesan meeting.
Please take a few moments to reflect on these words from Pope Francis:
“Since God created the world, He also created reality.”
It’s hard, especially in times of pain, suffering, or challenge, to remember that God created everything. He made this world for us, knowing it would be full of imperfections. He knew there would be sin, tragedy, and hard times, and while we often won’t understand why His plan is what it is, may we continue to trust in His plan for each of us and may we strive each day to do His will.
Literacy Night and Spring Book Fair
Thank you to all who joined us for Literacy Night last night! It was such a fun way to come together as a school community. I hope you enjoyed the activities and had the opportunity to shop at the Book Fair. If you weren’t able to shop, the Book Fair is still open during the school day today. Last call for sales will be immediately following Mass on Friday morning. This is a great opportunity to get some new books for summer!
Spring Portraits
Next Tuesday, April 23rd, Elan Photography will be at ASCA taking spring portraits! This is an out of uniform and dress UP day for students. Please remember to follow all guidelines for out of uniform days as outlined in the handbook.
Yearbook Orders
Yearbooks are now on sale! Click here to order yours today. Yearbooks are $30 each. We do not order extra copies to be purchased onsite, so make sure to place you order by Sunday, April 28th so you have this great keepsake from a wonderful year. As a reminder, all 8th grade students receive a yearbook as part of their class fees and do not need to place separate orders.
Saintly Acts
We have many students to recognize today for their Saintly Acts! Congratulations and thank you to Wesley A. (Kdg), Maeve F. (4th grade), Raina K. (4th grade), Ashlyn K. (4th grade), Henry L. (4th grade), Will P. (8th grade), Alex S. (8th grade), Natalie T. (8th grade), Caitlin A. (8th grade), Addison B. (7th grade), Maggie C. (8th grade), Harrison D. (Kdg), Liam H. (8th grade), Lucas J. (8th grade), George L. (Kdg), Keisha O. (6th grade), Mia R. (Kdg), Natalie H. (8th grade), Anthony J. (8th grade), Maeve L. (8th grade), Reagan M. (8th grade), Carter P. (7th grade), Stefi T. (8th grade), Natalie T. (8th grade), Teigan S. (Kdg), and Taylor T. (6th grade). Keep being saintly!
Warm regards,
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.