Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 4/11/2024 - Where There Is Work, There is Dignity
Please take a few moments to reflect on these words from Pope Francis:
“Where there is no work, there is no dignity.”
Work means something different for each one of us. For some, it’s an office job, for others it’s manual labor, and for others it’s the role of caretaker within a family. In your prayers today, take some time to pray for those seeking work, seeking the right kind of work, and seeking dignity and fulfillment within their work. May we all see our work as a way of serving others and, in turn, serving God.
Literacy Night and Spring Book Fair
Next week is the Book Fair! Students will have the opportunity to preview the Fair and then shop with their classes during the week. We also invite all students and families to visit the Fair on Wednesday evening, 5:30-7:00pm, during our Literacy Night (click here for the flyer)! In addition to shopping at the Fair, we’ll have a variety of literacy-related activities that connect to our theme of “Building a Foundation of Reading.” Students who attend Literacy Night and earn tools in their toolbox (by completing literacy activities throughout the building) will earn an Out of Uniform pass!
DDA Update
Thank you, again, for your generosity at this year’s Dinner Dance Auction! The night was incredibly successful. We raised $134,625 through our paddle raise in support of teacher salary supplements. These funds are already being put to use; we were able to offer teachers a 20% enhancement above the Diocesan pay scale for their 2024-2025 teacher contracts. We have also invested the majority of the funds raised so they can grow and be used in future years to support our fantastic teachers.
The rest of the DDA was very successful as well! While we are still waiting for the last few fees from One Cause to be finalized, the event's profit (sponsorships, ticket sales, live and silent auctions, raffles, etc.) is approximately $125,000! These funds support the annual operating budget, allowing us to keep tuition affordable for our families while continuing to improve and enhance our students’ experience at All Saints. Thank you so much for your support and generosity!
Reminder: $250 Tuition Payment Due April 15th
As a reminder, we require a $250 non-refundable payment per family that will be credited to next year’s 2024-2025 tuition. This payment has been charged to your current FACTS agreement for all returning families and is payable by Monday, April 15. Families who do not pay this amount, which will be credited to 2024-2025 tuition, will forfeit their student’s enrollment spot at that time. Please be aware that a couple of grade levels are already full and waitlisting at this time. If you do not plan to return to All Saints and have not previously informed the school, please contact me at We look forward to another great year!
St. Thomas the Apostle News
St. Thomas is offering Safari-themed Vacation Bible School the week of June 10th! Click here for more information. Vacation Bible School is open to students entering Kindergarten-4th grade; here is the registration form. They are also looking for youth volunteers entering 5th grade and up. Click here for the volunteer sign up form.
St. Thomas also invites ASCA families to attend Mass on Monday, May 13th. The Mass will be in celebration of the feast of St. Dymphna, the patron saint of those who struggle in mind, body, or spirit, and the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be offered. Click here for more information.
Saintly Acts
We have many students to recognize today for their Saintly Acts! Congratulations and thank you to Iva B. (1st grade), Seth G. (1st grade), Zoe P. (1st grade), Grace C. (6th grade), Shyla T. (4th grade), JP B. (8th grade), Abigail M. (4th grade), Cameron A. (6th grade), Cristian A. (8th grade), Addison B. (7th grade), Ellie C. (7th grade), Aubrey C. (7th grade), Hudson C. (6th grade), Jencarlo C. (8th grade), Alex C. (8th grade), Matthew G. (6th grade), Liam G. (8th grade), James G. (8th grade), Natalie H. (8th grade), Lilly H. (7th grade), Clare H. (7th grade), Ty H. (8th grade), Ryan J. (Kdg), Evelyn K. (Kdg), Barrett K. (7th grade), Abbie L. (7th grade), Lucas L. (7th grade), Payton M. (8th grade), Reagan M. (8th grade), Billy M. (6th grade), Becky P. (7th grade), Mikey P. (7th grade), Finley S. (7th grade), Camryn S. (8th grade), Ashley S. (7th grade), Danny S. (6th grade), Harper T. (7th grade), Rose T. (7th grade), Avery T. (7th grade), Natalie T. (8th grade), Aubrey T. (7th grade), and Johann Y. (6th grade). Keep being saintly!
Warm regards,
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.