Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 1/23/2025 - Finding Strength in Challenging Times
Our saint this week is St. Sebastian, the patron saint of athletes. St. Sebastian was persecuted for his faith in Jesus, shot with arrows and left to die. He managed to survive and is considered the patron saint of athletes for the amazing physical endurance he showed during his persecution.
We all have our own crosses to bear in life, our own pain and challenges to face and overcome. Some require physical endurance like St. Sebastian, and others require mental and emotional endurance. May we turn to God during our difficult times, asking for his strength as we face challenges and tough times.
Science Fair
This morning our 7th grade students presented their Science Fair projects to the judges, and awards will be presented this afternoon. Congratulations to all our students on their hard work! Thank you to Mrs. Detwiler for leading another successful fair and to all the judges who volunteered their time this morning! I’ve attached a few pictures of the students and their project boards.
Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday!
We are so excited for Catholic Schools Week next week! This special week is an opportunity for us to celebrate all that makes our school special – our students, parents, faculty, supporters, and most important, our faith! The week will be full of themed days, dress down days, and fun events. Click here for a full schedule of what to expect for the week.
Open House Sunday
Catholic Schools Week will kick off with our Open House on Sunday from 1-3pm. We have limited spots available for next year, so if you have a friend or neighbor considering Catholic education, please encourage them to visit our Open House and learn more about ASCA. Families may sign up for tours here, and walk-ins are always welcome. Remember, if you refer someone who enrolls for next year, you’re eligible for a $250 referral credit next year. Additionally, congratulations to the Elberts family, who won a $100 FFO credit in our raffle for referring a family to the November Open House!
Kane County Cougars Reading Program
We are very excited to be taking part in the Kane County Cougars Reading Incentive Program this year! Click here for more information; paper copies of this flyer and the tracking sheets will be going home tomorrow. Students who read 100 minutes per week for the next 8 weeks will get a free ticket to a Cougars game. All ASCA families will be invited to celebrate our reading success together at the Cougars game on Sunday, May 18th. Thank you to Mrs. Chernick, Mrs. Galise, and Ms. Sipll for organizing this for us, and happy reading!
School Effectiveness Survey
The School Effectiveness Survey was sent to all families on Tuesday evening at 8pm. In case you missed it, please check your inboxes for an email from Dr. James Quaid (sent from the email with the subject “Diocese of Joliet School Effectiveness Survey.” The email was only sent to one parent per household, so if you didn’t receive please check with your spouse and work together to complete the survey by February 1st. Your feedback is appreciated and helps us set our improvement goals for the future.
Parish News
Our Lady of Mercy Parish is offering a unique opportunity for couples for Valentine’s Day this year! Skip the crowded restaurants and join them for a sip & paint night to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day! Childcare options are available as well; click here for more information.
Saintly Acts
Congratulations to the following students who earned Saintly Acts this short week: Brady C. (6th grade), Annet E. (3rd grade), Liam K. (3rd grade), Caleb S. (3rd grade), Finley S. (8th grade), Rose T. (8th grade), and Avery T. (8th grade). Keep being saintly!
Warm regards,
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.