Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 10/13/2022 - Learning to Live with Kindness
Today’s quote from Pope Francis is one we have grown quite familiar with this school year:
“Let us learn to live with kindness, to love everyone, even when they do not love us.”
As a school community we pray these words together every morning. The part of this quote that challenges me is the last seven words: even when they do not love us. It’s relatively easy to show love when we are receiving it in return. What’s much more challenging is to continue to act with kindness toward those with whom we disagree, when we’re upset by the actions of others, or when someone does something that hurts us. As humans, we justify our unkind actions or our own poor behavior, telling ourselves it’s okay because someone else was unkind to us first or that the other person is wrong. I don’t think Pope Francis is calling us to agree with everyone and avoid conflict or confrontation, but he is calling us to enter challenging situations with kindness, regardless of how we feel about the other person or how they may have mistreated us in the past. As we pray these words each morning as a school community, my silent prayer is that God will give each of us the grace to act with kindness in challenging situations, for I know we cannot do it with Him.
School Events: It was great to see so many of you at our Cultural Celebration earlier this week! It was a fantastic night for all who attended, full of delicious food, great performances, and a chance to learn about many of the cultures represented within our own community. Thank you to the families who contributed to the event and especially to our team of teachers who planned and organized the evening!
It has been wonderful to have so many opportunities to gather in person this year for these fun community events. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to mark your calendars for another October highlight – Fun Fair and Trunk or Treat! The Fun Fair is back after a two-year hiatus, and it is joining forces with Trunk or Treat for what’s sure to be a great night for the whole family! Click here to purchase your Fun Fair tickets, and click here to sign up to have a car at Trunk or Treat. We look forward to seeing you on October 28th!
Our Halloween celebration this year will be on Monday, October 31st. Parents are welcome to join us for a Costume Parade at 2pm on the Recess Pad, weather permitting. Please see more details for each Academy below.
- Preschool: Students may come to school in their costumes. Parents are welcome to join us for a costume parade at 9:45 in the gym. Class parties will be at 10am.
- Primary Academy (K-2): Students may come to school in their costumes. Students will participate in the Costume Parade at 2pm, and class parties will be at 2:15pm.
- Intermediate Academy (3-5): Students may come to school in their costumes. Students will participate in the Costume Parade at 2pm, and class parties will be at 2:15pm.
- Junior High Academy (6-8): Student Council is planning a Halloween Dance for the afternoon! Costumes will not be worn in junior high, but students may be out of uniform if they wear Halloween colors (black and orange).
For all grade levels, costumes must be appropriate for school. Costumes should be comfortable enough that students can easily sit at a desk and use the bathroom; no weapons, makeup, or masks that cover their eyes. Students are not allowed to pass out candy to one another at school due to allergies. We encourage families to participate in Trunk or Treat and distribute candy there instead!
Safety Reminders: I continue to hear from parents that cars are not following expectations in the parking lot. Please remember that these expectations are in place to guarantee the safety of all while on campus. During arrival/dismissal times, cars should all enter at the WEST entrance and and exit on the EAST entrance. All cars must turn right while exiting during these high-traffic times. At Door 1, please park and walk up to the coned area to escort your child(ren) back to the car. Thank you for your attention to these safety procedures!
Parish and Community Updates:
- St. Elizabeth Seton Parish invites our 5th-8th grade students to consider becoming Altar Servers! Click here for more information. Please note that the date for this training has been changed to Monday, November at 6pm.
- Please click here for more information on a Cub Scouts meeting on October 21st for Kindergarten-5th grade.
Saintly Acts: Congratulations and thank you to the following students who earned Saintly Acts recently: William S. (Kdg), Brooks W. (Kdg), Mia G. (4th grade), Jake B. (3rd grade), Riley T. (3rd grade), Ella D. (7th grade), Ty H. (7th grade), Reagan M. (7th grade), Zoey-Mei M. (5th grade), Katie H. (5th grade), Charlotte H. (1st grade), Tristan V. (3rd grade), Maddox G. (5th grade), Matthew B. (5th grade), Abbie L. (6th grade), Lucas L. (6th grade), Clare H. (6th grade), Mateo S. (6th grade), Rose T. (6th grade), Katie D. (8th grade), Alex W. (8th grade), Alberto S. (8th grade), Colin M. (8th grade), and Emmy Z. (1st grade). Keep being saintly!
Margie Marshall
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