Saints Speak - 9/19/2019 - How Can I Help?
These days, a lot of us probably feel a bit overwhelmed – with work, with our children’s sports, activities, and homework, with our family, and, simply, with life. There is so much to do. The days are getting shorter. Leaves are starting to let go of the trees. Often when I return to work on Monday morning, and am asked how my weekend was, I have to respond that, it was great, but that I need a weekend from my weekend.
Too often, we are trying to do it all on our own – kind of like the Lone Ranger. Alone, we are only as powerful as we try to be. Together, the power that we possess is multiplied, and radiated throughout the entire group. We can only do so much as an individual, but together, we can accomplish feats that we did not even know were possible.
Rather than ‘staying in their own lane’, I have encouraged my staff to ask the simple question – ‘How Can I Help?’ We should share our time, ideas, and our gifts and talents with each other. While we often think, “How could I add another thing to my plate?”; it is the work of many hands that make the work load lighter. You don’t have to do it all. We just have to open ourselves to each other, and to the possibilities.
This revelation came to me when watching the television show ‘New Amsterdam’ on NBC. In it, the main character, Dr. Max Goodwin, becomes the new medical director at the fictional New Amsterdam hospital. Just a side note - in reality, New Amsterdam is inspired by the real Bellevue Hospital, which is the oldest public hospital in the United States, located in New York.
The obstacles facing Dr. Goodwin were huge; but his goals were to tear down the status quo, to breathe new life into New Amsterdam, and to provide exceptional care. He began his tenure by asking the doctors and staff how he could help.
As you see each week in Saints Speak, communications from the teachers, in the Weekly Reminders, and in the Weekend Sports Report, there is a lot happening here at All Saints. Rather than saying, “I can’t do another thing”, which is easy for all or us; ask yourself, “How can I help?” Maybe it’s attending a volleyball game or two on a Saturday afternoon. Perhaps, it is bringing in a bag of outgrown clothing that you just cleaned out of your son’s closet for the 8th grade collection. Maybe you have not had a date night in some time, and dinner and dancing at the All Saints Autumnfest would be perfect.
It all starts with a simple question - How can I help?
Speaking of questions, remember the simple question that we asked you at Curriculum Night a few weeks back:
As a parent, how will you know that the school year is going really well for your student and family?
It has really been delightful for me to read all of the responses that you shared, all l76 of you. I appreciate your time and thoughtful answers.
The overriding themes that we heard were:
- That your child is excited to go to school each day, and that they are coming home happy.
- That they are eager to learn, improving academically, and motivated to work hard.
- That your student(s) is(are) sharing their day with you.
- That they are loving school.
Please continue to communicate with us so that we can work toward and achieve these objectives. Feel free to click here to review the Focus Communication Plan.
Most of all, do not hesitate to ask us the question……………...................................................................................................................
How can we help?
All Saints Autumnfest, An Oktoberfest Hosted By All Saints Catholic Academy
This fest is the perfect way to celebrate fall! Are you coming? You don’t want to miss the fun!!!
The All Saints Autumnfest, An Oktoberfest Hosted By All Saints Catholic Academy will be held on the grounds of ASCA on Saturday, October 5 from 3 – 9 pm.
Here is your checklist:
Ticket order forms have been sent home with all Youngest and Only students. You can also click here for the order form. The deadline to turn in your form to take advantage of the $5 general admission price is Friday, September 27; so don’t delay, turn in your order TODAY! The general admission price increases to $10 after Friday, September 27.
Besides calling all of your friends to invite them, HELP US TO PUBLICIZE THE EVENT; and your student(s) will receive a Pick a Day Out of Uniform Pass! Over 50 students will be receiving an Out of Uniform pass tomorrow. Would your child like to receive one too?!?
How???????? Simply by sharing the good news on social media.
All you have to do is:
• Share the following message (see sample message in red below, or craft your own similar message) on your social media.
• Include the following link in your message -
Sample Message
All Saints is sponsoring an Autumnfest for all of Naperville on October 5th from 3-9 pm! Come out to watch live music with the Breakfast Club, eat great German food and enjoy Marz brews. Tickets are available through Eventbrite at Entrants must be 21 years of age or older. Prost, Naperville!
Don’t have or use Facebook? You can still participate by printing out the flyer, and posting it in the community where others may see it.
For your student to receive credit, complete the following steps:
- Take a screen shot/picture of the posted message/flyer.
- Email your photo to with the following information in the subject line - "Social Media Post for Autumnfest – Your Child(ren)'s Name(s) and Homeroom(s)"
- Only one pass may be earned per student. Passes will be distributed to students on the following Fridays: September 20, September 27, and October 4 for all submissions received by 4 pm on the Thursday prior. Those received after the 4 pm Thursday deadline will be distributed the following week.
So, all you need to do to make sure that YOU ARE THERE, is to send in your ticket form and check made payable to ASCA in an envelope marked “Autumnfest” with your student by Friday, September 27. You can also pay by credit card by searching for “All Saints Autumnfest” on; or by clicking here. Please note that credit card transaction fees will apply when purchasing tickets this way. Also, please note that drink coupons can be preordered on your form; but that the purchase of both drinks and the Pretzel Food Truck at the event will be cash only.
Remember, that this is an adult only event. You must be 21 to enter. Questions? Contact Kati Coglianese at
All Saints Parents Association (ASPA)
Saints in Service - ASPA’s Community
Book Drive - September 23-27
ASCA’s Fall Book Fair is coming soon from Monday, September 23 through Friday, September 27!
What better time to clean off your book shelves? Bring your gently used books to the book fair, where we will have collection bins for your donation. Then, you can shop the Book Fair knowing you have plenty of room on your newly cleared shelves! All of the donated books will go to Bernie’s Book Bank. This Chicago area organization is committed to providing books to at-risk children. They are looking for gently used books for ages preschool - 8th grade. No text books, please. Thank you for donating your books to this wonderful organization!
Other Upcoming Events:
- November 4-6: Post Halloween Candy Collection for Operation Support Our Troops
- November 18-22: Shoe Drive for Cradles to Crayons
- November 18-22: Coat Drive for Button and Zipper
- December 2-20: School-wide Advent Collection for Hesed House
- January 20, 2020: MLK Day of Service - Many philanthropic opportunities will be made available on this day of service. More information will follow!
Questions? Please email Anne Soto at or Robin Beck at for more information. Thank you!
Missed the first ASPA meeting, or have questions?
Fundraising Corner
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
You can help families impacted by Hurricane Dorian by using Scrip to purchase a gift card for charitable giving to the American Red Cross. Log into Scrip at, and search for American Red Cross, then follow the instructions to transfer the card to the American Red Cross. You'll help someone in need. AND earn a percentage towards your FFO. Questions? Contact:
The purchase of Scrip is one of the four fundraising opportunities that count toward the FFO. So far this year, 76 families have placed a Scrip gift card order. AND, two of those families are very close to meeting their Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) and it’s only the fourth week of school.
If you are one of the 76 families, thank you for taking advantage of this fundraiser that helps both you with your FFO, AND the school! We encourage you to encourage others to try Scrip. You too can be one of the Scrip success stories – simply by purchasing gift cards from the places where you dine and shop.
Want to join the fundraising fun? Simply click here to enroll. Please contact the scrip team for our school's enrollment code. Need more information? Contact Scrip coordinators are Betsy Nyman and Mike Devine. They would be honored to help you get started!
Charleston Gift Wrap (counts toward FFO)
The online deadline for orders is TOMORROW - Friday, September 20; the deadline to turn in your paper orders is Monday, September 23 - so don’t delay!!!! Questions? Contact
Shopping Event at J Crew (Oakbrook) – THIS Saturday, September 21(does not count toward FFO)
Do you like fashion? It is time to refresh those wardrobes for fall! Join us for snacks and little shopping at J. Crew at Oakbrook Center THIS Saturday, September 21. We are partnering with J. Crew for a special event where they are offering everyone from ASCA 20% off their purchase of three or more items when you mention you're with All Saints Catholic Academy.
On top of that, 10% of all of the sales will be sent directly back to the school. Definitely a win win for you and ASCA. Happy shopping!
No Cookin’ in the Kitchen – MOD Pizza (does not count toward FFO)
We hope that you are coming to our next No Cookin’ night at MOD pizza, because it just GOT BETTER!
Anyone that attends the event this coming Wednesday, September 25 will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card, t-shirts, and lots of exciting other prizes! Mention that you are with All Saints Catholic Academy, and MOD Pizza will donate 20% of your order to the school! Orders must be placed in person on the day of the event for us to receive credit.
Additionally, any student that attends the event and brings in proof that they were at the event (receipt, dated picture, etc.), will receive an out of uniform pass.
You can turn in your evidence of attending the event by:
- Sending your receipt, dated picture, etc. in an envelope marked ‘MOD Pizza Night’ and your student’s name(s) and homeroom(s).
- Send your receipt, dated picture, etc. via email to with ‘MOD Pizza Night’ and your student’s name(s) and homeroom(s)" in the subject line.
So, plan on enjoying a terrific meal at MOD Pizza with family and friends, help ASCA receive 20% of your meal price donated back to All Saints, potentially win some prizes, AND, receive an out of uniform pass! All you gotta do is visit MOD Pizza on Wednesday, September 25, 2019, from 10:30 am to 10:00 pm, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.
Additionally, you may want to let them know that you are planning to come by clicking here. There is no obligation; it is just so they are ready for all of the wonderful school families that will be attending this No Cookin’ exclusive event. MOD Pizza is located in downtown Naperville at 103 S. Washington St. Suite 113. Questions? Contact Kathy Kokkinos at See you on Wednesday, September 25 at MOD!
Savers Donation Drive for Class of 2020 Legacy Gift (does not count toward FFO)
Have you had an opportunity to clean out closets and drawers this summer? Yes? Great! Here is your chance to donate “that stuff” to the ASCA 8TH GRADE CLASS because they are hosting a SAVERS DONATION DRIVE STARTING THIS COMING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD through THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26TH.
Dropping off your donations could not be easier. 8th graders will take your bags or boxes directly from your vehicle in line in the morning and in the afternoon. YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO CLEAN OUT THOSE CLOSETS! SAVERS will pay All Saints for your donations. Funds will be used to help fund the Class of 2020’s Legacy Gift.
What does Savers accept?
- Gently Used Clothing
- Linens
- Jewelry
- Shoes
- Accessories (such as belts and purses)
- Small Household Goods
Questions? Contact Terri Dieter at (630) 263-4265 or The Class of 2020 thanks you in advance for your help!
Boosterthon 2019 - Run With The Saints IS COMING!!
In just one month, we will be working hard at our school to help raise funds for the restoration of the concrete recess pad to ensure the safety of the students… and we’re hosting a Fun Run to make that happen!
Family and friends anywhere in the world can support our school by giving pledges toward the number of laps your student will run on the day of the FUN RUN on October 24th. Plus, leading up to the Fun Run, the students will be learning about character that will strengthen themselves and our world!
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Congratulations to our 8th grade girls volleyball team for being named Yogurt Beach Athlete(s) for the week! The Girls 8A team had a huge comeback win against previously undefeated Sacred Heart. The 5th Grade Girls Cross Country team was our Yogurt Beach Athlete(s) for the week ending September 8th. In the team’s first official meet ever, the 5th grade girls team ran their way to a 1st place finish! Way to go girls!
Volleyball News
Congratulations to our Girls 7A volleyball team for taking 1st place at the Montini Bronco Bash! The Girls 7A team played their hearts out going undefeated to bring home this year’s trophy. Congratulations girls!
Our teams continue to bring the heat to the courts! Celebrating wins this past weekend were: Boys 7A, 8A1; Girls 5A, 7A, 7B and 8A. Be sure to watch for the “Weekend Sports Report” to see where you can come out to watch our Saints play next!
Want to follow the team standings and future games? Schedules can be found at the Dupage Parochial League website
Cross Country in the News
Congratulations to our 5th Grade Girls Cross Country team for taking 1st Place at their first official meet hosted by St. Irene/St. James! Kasey Glynn lead the Saints with her 2nd place finish. Way to run fast girls!
This past weekend our runners were hosted by St. Luke/Immaculate Conception/Visitation. The 5th grade girls team placed second overall, only 4 points behind St. Michael! The 5th grade girls individual results: Caroline Kiesler (4th), Ashley Klein (5th), Kasey Glynn (6th), and Addison Eck (14th). The 7th grade girls finished 5th overall with Diya Khatau (15th) and Isabella Wojtowicz (19th) placing. Ashley Donovan fished 6th overall in the 8th grade girls race. In the 5th grade boys race, Tyler Wojtowicz, finished 5th overall. Lastly the 7th grade boys team finished 5th overall.
The Saints’ next meet is this Saturday, September 21. Our Saints will compete at Marmion Academy, with the first race starting at 9 am. More information about the course can be found on the SPL website at
Important and Upcoming News
- SHOUT-OUTS now available! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
- WANTED: ASAA is looking for a parent(s) to produce a slideshow of our athletes for the Fall Sports Banquet. If interested, please contact our volleyball coordinator Kathy Kokkinos at, or Erika Baka at
Upcoming Dates
- September 21 Cross Country @ Marmion Academy
- September 28 Cross Country @ Lombard Commons
- October 11 BLUE OUT
- October 18 Volleyball Playoffs Begin
- October 30 Fall Sports Banquet
Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.