Saints Speak – 9/12/2019 – A New Beginning
Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of attending the inaugural meeting of our brand new All Saints Parents Association (ASPA). There was a lot of excitement in Café 1. I also was delighted to see and meet so many of our brand new school parents, some who stepped up to take on some leadership positions. Did you know that ALL of you – our wonderful school parents - are members of this esteemed group?
If you were not able to attend, it is not too late to get involved - it is only the beginning! I wanted to share some information about ASPA, and what the organization, meetings, and events will look like this year, and going forward.
Mission: The All Saints Parents Association is a parent-run organization committed to serving all our students, teachers and families. We build community, bring families together and promote spiritual growth.
ASPA Leadership Team: The Association will be led by four members, each with a two-year term. This year's ASPA Leadership Team includes Jennifer McMahon and Courtney Devine who are in year 2 of their terms; and Tracy McFate and Jennifer Lester, who are in year 1 of their terms. The nomination process takes place in the Spring for the following school year.
Committee Heads: Committee leaders are responsible for setting up and communicating events, arranging with the school as needed, and identifying volunteers for their event.
Membership: All parents/guardians with children currently attending All Saints Catholic Academy are members of the All Saints Parents Association (ASPA).
Structure: The leadership team will meet monthly with the committee chairs. Additionally, there will be four meetings opened to all members of the association throughout the year: September, November, February and April. These meetings will provide a high-level overview of the activities taking place over the course of the year, with a focus on events taking place in the coming months. Following the overview, each committee will break into their committee meetings, inviting parents to join the groups where they have an interest.
These four periodic meetings will give school parents the opportunity to stay informed, as well as to jump right in to assist with events and activities as your time and interest allow.
Committees and Events
- Art Awareness
- Book Fair (Fall and Spring Book Fairs)
- Community Outreach (Martin Luther King Day of Service, SCARCE, Collection for Hessed House, Homeroom Philanthropy Projects, Cereal Collection (at Meet and Greet)
- Faith Formation (Celebrate your Heritage)
- Fundraising (Charleston Wrap, Holiday Shop, Amazon SMILE, Boosterthon, SCRIP)
- Hospitality Committee/Teacher Appreciation (Back to School Breakfast, Dinner for Conferences, Christmas Party, Teacher Appreciation Week, New Family Welcome)
- Leadership Team Events (Meet & Greet Picnic, Curriculum Night, School Supply Box Distribution, Assemblies)
- Room Parents Committee (Halloween Party, Christmas Party, St. Valentine’s Day Party)
- Student Activities (Plunge into Fitness, Six Flags, Kane County Cougars)
- Stand Alone Events (Daddy Daughter Dance, Mother/Son Event, Father/Son Event, Mother/Daughter Event, Trunk or Treat)
- Social Media (new)
As you can see – the list of activities (and fun!) here at ASCA is quite lengthy. All of these activities need leadership and volunteers to move forward and to be successful; thus, many parent helpers are needed as you can well imagine. Perhaps, you are even interested in introducing a new event or activity to our All Saints school community.
Most of all, know how welcome you are here at ASCA as a parent – we need your time, talents and gifts that you are able to share. Our All Saints Parents Association is a great place to really make an impact on our student and family experience, and to meet lots of other school parents who most likely will become friends.
Next steps for you and the All Saints Parents Association? Stay tuned for the following which will be shared in the not too distant future:
- Committee Names and Contact Information
- Online Committee Sign Ups
- November Meeting Information
Questions? Contact the ASPA Executive Board (Jennifer McMahon, Courtney Devine, Tracy McFate, and Jennifer Lester) at (soon to be
Returning to ASCA – Detective Rich Wistocki – Tuesday, November 19 – 6:30 – 8:30 pm
First, I want each one of you to plan on attending this presentation which our All Saints Parents Association (ASPA) is sponsoring (Thank you ASPA!!!!!).
We are living in a different age with our children than the world that we grew up in. Our children and young people have access to powerful technology and information as close as the palms of their hands. As a principal and as a parent of four children, I have seen, heard and experienced firsthand, stories about technology and children that would make you sick, very sad, and very, very afraid.
We must be informed, vigilant, and engaged with our children and students to keep them safe in the cyber world that extends far beyond our home, school, and neighborhoods.
It doesn’t matter if you have a teenager or a preschooler. It is irrelevant whether you have heard Mr. Wistocki speak before. You need to attend this presentation. Technology is always moving forward and advancing at such a rapid rate, that you must stay on top of the latest technological dangers that our children can inadvertently (or sometimes overtly) find, or that can entrap them.
Retired Naperville Police Department Detective and child crime expert, Detective Richard Wistocki has dedicated his career to helping children by tirelessly pursuing, apprehending and prosecuting child predators. As an active Cyber Crimes Detective, he educates Law Enforcement using cutting edge investigative techniques, and parents and students on responsible digital activity.
More about Detective Wistocki –
- 30 year, decorated member of Law Enforcement
- Authored the State of Illinois Sexting Law
- Authored the State of Illinois Sexual Exploitation of a Child Law
- Member of The United States Secret Service Chicago Electronic Crimes Task Force (CECTF)
- Member of The Illinois Attorney General’s Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC)
- High Technology Crimes Detective, Naperville IL
- Formed the Will County Illinois States Attorney’s High Technology Crimes Unit that made over 90 sexual predator arrests in its first 3 ½ years.
- Created Juvenile Justice Online, a first of its kind diversion program redefining the future of positive juvenile reform.
Please, please, please - make it a priority to be at ASCA on Tuesday, November 19 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Detective Rich Wistocki at All Saints is a Must See, Must Hear event. You will receive ‘need to know’ information on this evening; and information is power – for you, and all of us, in keeping our children safe.
It’s Time To Celebrate – All Saints Autumnfest, An Oktoberfest Hosted By All Saints Catholic Academy
Calling all ASCA parents, and your friends, and their friends………………………………..
We have booked the bands (German Polka Band and The Breakfast Club – 80’s Band). The food and drink have been ordered. The tents will be pitched. Now, it is time to fill the chairs with YOU, and to celebrate!
The All Saints Autumnfest, An Oktoberfest Hosted By All Saints Catholic Academy will be the PLACE TO BE on Saturday, October 5 from 3 – 9 pm. Won’t you join the celebration!
Ticket order forms are going home with all Youngest and Only students TODAY! You can also click here for the order form.
The deadline to turn in your form to take advantage of the $5 general admission price is Friday, September 27; so don’t delay, turn in your order TODAY! The general admission price increases to $10 after September 27.
The All Saints Autumnfest will feature:
- German Food
- A Pretzel Food Truck
- Marz Brews
- Fun Raffles
- Dancing to an authentic German polka band, and The Breakfast Club, an 80’s band.
So, all you need to do to make sure that YOU ARE THERE, is to send in your ticket form and check made payable to ASCA in an envelope marked “Autumnfest” with your student by Friday, September 27. You can also pay by credit card by searching for “All Saints Autumnfest” on; or by clicking here.
Please be aware that credit card transaction fees will apply when purchasing tickets with a credit card. Also, please note that drink coupons can be preordered on your form; but that the purchase of both drinks and the Pretzel Food Truck at the event will be cash only. Remember, that this is an adult only event. You must be 21 to enter. Questions? Contact Kati Coglianese at
Also, be sure to check out the Weekly Reminders on Sunday, September 15 for information on how YOU can help us to spread the word about this first ever event, AND earn a Pick A Day Out of Uniform Pass for your student(s).
Fundraising Corner
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
Remember that TODAY, Thursday, September 12, is ThankScriping Day. What does that mean? It means MORE EARNINGS TOWARD YOUR FFO (Family Fundraising Obligation)! Woo hoo! You can earn up to 21% on eGift cards and reloads, just in time for fall shopping.
The purchase of Scrip is one of the four fundraising opportunities that count toward the FFO. Scrip would like to recognize the 3 new school families who signed up for Scrip just this week. You too can be one of the Scrip success stories – simply by purchasing gift cards from the places where you dine and shop.
Need more information? Contact Scrip coordinators are Betsy Nyman and Mike Devine. They would be thrilled to assist you.
Charleston Gift Wrap (counts toward FFO)
Information on the fundraiser that counts toward your FFO has gone home with all youngest and only families. Charleston Gift Wrap is another one of the 4 fundraising opportunities that count toward the FFO. Not only does Charleston offer fantastic quality gift wrap, there are other food, kitchen and home items for you or for upcoming gift giving.
Best of all, proceeds from this fundraiser will be applied to YOUR FFO (Family Fundraising Obligation - $500 for K – 8 families; $250 for preschool only families.
The deadline to turn in your order is coming soon – Friday, September 20, so don’t delay!!!! Questions? Contact
No Cookin’ in the Kitchen – MOD Pizza (does not count toward FFO)
Would you like to have a terrific meal at MOD Pizza with family and friends; and help ASCA receive 20% of your meal price donated back to All Saints!?! Then plan on visiting MOD Pizza on Wednesday September 25, 2019, from 10:30 am to 9:00 pm.
All you have to do is let them know that you are an All Saints school family when ordering. Additionally, you may want to let them know that you are planning to come by clicking here. There is no obligation; it is just so they are ready for all of the wonderful school families that will be attending this No Cookin’ exclusive event. MOD Pizza is located in downtown Naperville at 103 S. Washington St. Suite 113. Questions? Contact Kathy Kokkinos at See you on September 25!
Boosterthon 2019
Get ready to get excited! Boosterthon starts on Tuesday, October 15; and culminates with the Fun Run on Thursday, October 24. This year there will be a western theme. Stay tuned for more information to come.
Columbus Day School Holiday
Just a reminder that All Saints Catholic Academy will be observing the Columbus Day holiday on Monday, October 14. There will be no classes on this day.
Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.