Saints Speak - 8/23/2018 - All Saints United
We could not have started with a more apt virtue to focus on this week than that of Unity. Our faith teaches us that unity is an understanding that we are all one, and that what we do to one
another affects the entire body. At our Meet and Greet this past Sunday afternoon, and in the days since, I have felt such a strong connection and spirit in our building and our school community, a genuine excitement and happiness for this new school year, and the hope of what it will bring. These feelings and emotions are a true example and expression of unity. A delightful outgrowth of unity is that it encourages us to care for other, and to treat each other with respect, kindness and consideration.
I am humbled to welcome all of our families – new and old alike – back to ASCA. There are so many wonderful new faces – 104 brand new students, and almost 70 new families here at All Saints. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge and welcome the following new staff members to All Saints:
- Patricia Blackman – Music
- Karen Blaha – 3rd Grade
- Paula Breunig – Art
- Michelle Hundt – JH Science
- Michelle Labadessa – Kindergarten
- Grant Lindgren – Gym
- Sr. Maria Musto – Preschool
- Maureen Netzley – Kindergarten
- Nicki Vanderhyden - Preschool
We spent a considerable amount of time praying for and interviewing potential candidates throughout the summer. I am grateful that God has blessed us with these new staff members who have joined our All Saints faculty and family. I am eager for you to get to know these outstanding educators, and all of our staff in the coming weeks. We truly believe that they are meant to be with us!
While the beginning of a new school year can present a few speed bumps like making sure that all busing students are routed, or understanding the pickup/drop off procedures, or even learning where the bathrooms are located, I would like to share some of the recent happenings at ASCA that I hope will make your day.
In our ongoing efforts to ensure that our school is safe for the almost 450 students at ASCA, we have been able to install the Raptor Visitor Management System. We thank the generous donor who made this possible. We are so grateful for your care and concern that has been transformed into action. I hope that you all become accustomed to having your ID with you when visiting the school, and please be patient at the Welcome Desk in these early days.
Yesterday, I enjoyed meeting with all of our new kindergarten through grade 8 students. With the assistance of our social worker and Spanish maestra (teacher), Maria Kazlauskas, we have created a New Student Mentor Program, matching up our new students with some amazing veteran students who will be serving as a resource for any questions that our rookie students might have. It has helped us to take a look at All Saints with fresh eyes, through the eyes of students who are new, who may be a little bit anxious or scared, and who have many questions. It was so nice to meet all of these students (I promise, I will remember your names very soon!), and to match them up with their student mentor helpers.
I look forward to seeing all of you at Curriculum Night this coming week on Tuesday, August 28 (Grade K-5), and Wednesday, August 29 (Preschool and Junior High). We will meet in the school gym at 6:30 pm on both evenings where I will present an overview to parents/guardians about where ASCA is at, and where we are going. Please note that curriculum night is for parents/guardians only. There will be no child care. Students should not attend.
Tuesday, August 28 is for Kindergarten through Grade 5
- 6:30 – 7:00 PM: Principal Santos presentation in the gym
- 7:00 – 7:10 PM: Proceed to homeroom
- 7:10 – 7:30 PM: Session 1
- 7:30 – 7:50 PM Session 2
Please note that the same information will be covered at both sessions on the 28th.
Wednesday, August 29 is for Preschool and Junior High
- 6:00 – 6:30 PM: Meet in student’s classroom
- 6:30 – 7:00 PM: Proceed to school gym Principal Santos presentation
Junior High
- 6:30 – 7:00 PM: Principal Santos presentation in the gym
- 7:00 – 7:10 PM: Proceed to student’s homeroom
- 7:10 – 8:30 PM: Parents/Guardians will walk their student’s schedule from Periods 1 – 8 (10 minute increments)
At curriculum night, homeroom teachers will be distributing a Directory Sport online directory form. Please read the form carefully, and make any adjustments to your family entry, returning the form to the homeroom teacher before leaving the classroom (do not take the form home with you). The sooner we can get these forms returned, the sooner we can update our directory and grant access to our school families.
On Friday, August 31, we will celebrate our first all school Back to School Pep Rally. Students should anticipate lots of fun, crazy games and contests, and laughter. Don’t forget to wear your spirit wear top with your uniform bottom. If you don’t have ASCA spirit wear yet, you can wear blue and/or yellow, our school colors.
Speaking of spirit wear, don’t forget that our Janor Spirit Wear Pop Up Store is open for your orders until Monday, September 3. The ordering link is (password is ASF18). Your purchase will be delivered to the school approximately three weeks after the close of the store. Let’s show our All Saints pride!
Lastly, I would like to let you know about a special event that is coming up very soon on Sunday, September 9 – our Father Son Event at Guaranteed Rate Field. Please click here for the ticket order form, which is also going home will all youngest and only (responsible) students today. The deadline for reserving tickets is Tuesday, September 4, so be sure to turn in your form and payment ASAP. Please contact Karen Hughes at with any questions. We hope to see you there!
A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
A Green Tie Affair, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2018

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
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