Saints Speak – 5/3/2019 – Investing in Our Future
Good evening. This is a rare Friday edition of Saints Speak. Yesterday, I traveled to our state capital in Springfield with Patty Bajek, ASCA’s Director of Student Services, and Chris Johanneson, ASCA’s School Board President, to talk with our local legislative leaders – senators and representatives – about the Invest in Kids Scholarship Tax Credit Program. This is a program that was enacted in Illinois back in 2017 under former Governor Bruce Rauner.
This is a program that finally paved the way for school choice and assistance for families seeking to send their student to a Catholic school or other qualified non-public school located in Illinois. First, be aware that this scholarship program does not divert monies from the funding of public school students. This program does offer a 75% tax credit on your Illinois State Tax Return to individuals and businesses that contribute to qualified Scholarship Granting Organizations, or SGOs. The SGOs then provide scholarships for students whose families meet the income requirements to attend qualified, non-public schools in Illinois.
The 75% tax credit is a dollar for dollar reduction of your tax liability that would otherwise be paid to the State of Illinois. So rather than 100% of the tax you owe going to the state, 75% of what you would owe would go towards an eligible child’s education at All Saints Catholic Academy. This is a no brainer win for both the student and their family, and for the generous donors supporting this program.
The Invest in Kids Scholarship Tax Credit Program, when enacted in 2017, was supposed to remain in place for 5 full years. Under our new Governor, JB Pritzker, there is already talk about cutting the amount of funds that can be donated to the program by 50%, and then ending the program entirely.
Parents should have the opportunity to send their child to a school of their choice – one that will best meet their student’s needs. A quality education can change the trajectory of a student’s life. A child's education is formative in not just what they learn; but in molding the young men and young women that they are becoming.
I personally know that there is a strong desire among families in this state to take advantage of this wonderful program, because there are currently 76 students alone on the waitlist for All Saints Catholic Academy; and similar waitlists at other school throughout the state. To be able to place all of these eligible students at the school of their choice, over $250 million dollars would have to be contributed by donors to the program. Those numbers are astounding!
This is a program worth supporting and fighting for. I sincerely hope that we made a small difference in furthering the conversation in Springfield, and demonstrating why our legislators should support and allow this program to continue.
As a school, our belief is so strong in the Invest in Kids Scholarship Tax Credit Program, that we created our very own video about the program (with thanks to Megan Barnhart, our Junior High Honors ELA teacher, our ASCA NOW News students, and a group of enthusiastic ASCA student actors). After watching this video, some of you might want to donate to this program, earmarking an All Saints Catholic Academy student as the recipient of your donation. To view the video, which can be found on our school website, click here.
If you have any questions, or are interested in finding out more about how you can help further the Invest in Kids Scholarship Tax Credit Program, or how you can make a contribution to the program, I invite you to contact me. Investing in our students is investing in the future – those of current and future ASCA students, and in our school.
Screen Time Documentary TONIGHT – Friday, May 3
This evening, there will be a two hour news special entitled Screen Time: Diane Sawyer Reporting with practical solutions for families on what this means for you and your child(ren). It will air on ABC – Channel 7 from 7 – 9 pm.
How much time do you spend looking at your phone? If you're like the average American, it adds up to about 49 days out of the year. ABC News' Diane Sawyer spent six months traveling the country and talking to families, teachers, doctors and even tech insiders to put together a two-hour special about how screen time is affecting us and what we can do about it.
ASCA Students Present Seussical, Jr. on May 4 and 5th!
This weekend, you are cordially invited to the ASCA students' presentation of SEUSSICAL, JR! Horton the Elephant, the Cat in the Hat, and all of your favorite Dr. Seuss characters spring to life onstage in a fantastical musical adventure. Transporting audiences from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus, the Cat in the Hat, our narrator, tells the story of Horton, an elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing tiny people called the Whos, including Jojo, a Who child who gets in trouble for thinking too many "thinks." Although Horton faces many challenges the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family, and community emerge triumphantly!
Two show times are available for your convenience: Saturday, May 4th at 7 pm and Sunday, May 5th at 2 pm. New this year, we will be presenting a matinee time of 2 pm on Sunday, May 5th, which we hope will be convenient for our youngest Dr. Seuss fans. While the ticket presale is over, tickets are available at the door! Only $5 for students/seniors and $10 for adults.
The musical will take place in the ASCA gym in coordination with Kidz Kabaret Theater. Join us for a musical adventure the entire family will love! Oh, the places we'll go together!
Fun Run with the Saints Boosterthon
We kicked off this year’s Fun Run with the Saints with a huge Pep Rally on Wednesday, May 1st. Boy, was our gym rocking and rolling!
Thanks to all of our school families who have logged in to to register their student (it is QUICK and EASY), and are securing pledges. Be sure to upload photo/s, send out emails, and post links to social media as you gather pledges!
Every little bit helps!!!!!! The students have really been enjoying this year’s STEAM theme, and the fun challenges. Stay tuned for more challenges that we are putting together to help us reach our goal together!
Volunteers are needed for the fun run on the 10th to mark laps and hand out water. Please consider a 1.5hr time slot. You can sign up at
2019-2020 School Supply Online Ordering/Lists
Online ordering for school supply kits began on Wednesday, May 1st, and may be ordered through through Sunday, June 16. Complete your order on line at, and use the school's account number which is ALL233.
Orders will be accepted until Sunday, June 16th. Late orders may be placed June 18th - July 7th. The prices are higher for the late orders and the products are not guaranteed to be brand name products. Please retain a copy of the order confirmation email for your records.
Please click here for ordering information and pricing. Please note that Educational Products Inc. (our school supply kit provider) uses descriptions that match their inventory. You certainly have the option to purchase similar supplies elsewhere.
If you wish to avoid the crowded aisles come July/August in Target, Walmart, Staples etc, do not delay, sit down today and order your school supply kit(s). Kits will be delivered directly to All Saints, and will be available in your child's homeroom at our Meet and Greet event on Sunday, August 18th. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Kokkinos at
ASCA Teacher Appreciation Week
This coming week, our school community will be celebrating the amazing ASCA staff during Teacher Appreciation Week. A huge thank you to the many school families who made a donation. To donate drinks, sides, and/or sweets to enhance the teachers’ daily catered luncheons, please click here to sign up. Back by popular demand are the teachers’ “Favorite Things” forms. You can find all this great information at the Welcome Desk.
April 29 Edition of the ASCA NOW News
Please click here for the April 29 edition of the ASCA NOW News, produced by our 8th Grade Honors ELA students.
Bake Sale Shout Out
Thanks to everyone who visited today’s Bake Sale benefitting the Class of 2019 and their Legacy Gift to ASCA. If you missed it; or are excited about Bake Sale 2.0 – plan on visiting next week’s Bake Sale on Friday, May 10 after school. Remember, everything is a dollar ($1); and everything is DELICIOUS! Tables with goodies will be at both Door 1 and Door 7. The last Class of 2019 Bake Sale will take place on Wednesday, May 15 – with sales both after mass (for Moms and Dads), and afterschool for everyone.
2019-2020 School Calendar Note
The Columbus Day school holiday (no attendance day) was left off the initial school calendar sent to school families. Please click here for an amended calendar that includes the Columbus Day school holiday.
Fun for ASCA Students
Summer Camps at ASCA
Please click here for information about Summer Camps at All Saints. Mrs. Breunig, ASCA Art Teacher, will be facilitating the following camps in June:
- Fairy Garden Camp
- Sewing Camp
- Garden Party Camp for American Girl Dolls
- Space Camp
Click here to register.
Windy City Rampage Soccer Tryouts
For more information about soccer tryouts for WC Rampage FC Travel Soccer Club tryouts, click here. Windy City practices on the All Saints Catholic Academy field. For more information, or to register, please click here. Click here for the information flyer.
American Girl Doll First Communion Ensembles
Our very talented art teacher, Paula Breunig, is offering beautiful First Communion Ensembles for your special young lady's American Girl Doll. The ensemble includes a dress, veil, shoes and tiny bible. Please click here for the form with ordering details. Please contact Mrs. Breunig with any questions.
News from All Saints Athletic Association
This week’s meet will be held at Geneva Middle School North. Please contact your grade level coach for arrival times. Parents, if you are scheduled to work, you will need to attend the pre-meet volunteer meeting. Work assignment procedures (triple jump) for this week were sent to all parents.
For Track & Field meet schedules and results please visit
Player evaluations will be held May 21-23; exact day/times will be communicated at the close of next week. If you have questions, please email Erika Baka at
Registration for all other sports will open soon. SI Play is changing, please be patient as we work through the transition to a new and improved platform.
May 4 Track Meet @ Geneva Middle School North
May 11 Track League Divisionals @ Glenbard East
May 18 Track League Championships @ Bolingbrook H.S.
May 30 Track & Field Banquet
Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!
A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019
For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.