Saints Speak – 4/18/2019 – We are an Easter People
Sacrifice. This is the virtue that we broke open and examined this week. How timely. Sacrifice is being willing to offer something up to God. No matter what the sacrifice, we offer it with charity and kindness. When we sacrifice what we want to help others, we grow closer to God.
Our students learned that the crucifixes that hang in each classroom are a reminder of the great sacrifice that Jesus made for us. He died on the cross to save us from sin, and to bring us to new life. At every mass we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We remember that Jesus gave himself so that we, each one of us, might have life.
So, as we travel Jesus’ journey on this Holy Thursday, and his passion and death on Good Friday, we weep for now. We believe, however, that through the eyes and heart of our faith, we know that our tears of sadness will soon turn to joy. For on Easter, we celebrate Jesus resurrection, the conquering sin and death. We are an Easter people.
To be honest, there are Easter people in many areas of our lives whose faithfulness inspires our own. They are the ones who trust the Spirit's presence, even in the midst of adversity. They are the ones who refuse to keep up with the envied "Joneses", and raise their children to do the same. They are the ones who accept their own illnesses as opportunities to reveal God's love to others. They are the ones who quietly feed the hungry, and share and sacrifice their own resources with faithful abandon, shaping the next generation so they will do the same. They are the ones whose hearts ache with grief, and eyes tear up as they approach the Eucharist, hands outstretched and the "Amen" on their lips. "So be it, I believe."
We are an Easter people who believe that the cross transformed all suffering and pain, and that the Resurrection secured the promise of eternal life. It is this Paschal mystery, this Easter faith, that we are called to live each day.
I wish you and your loved ones a most happy and blessed Easter. May the risen Christ bring you abundant joy and happiness.
The Lord has risen, He has risen indeed! Alleluia, Alleluia.
Spring and Easter Break is a good time to clean out closets, drawers, attics, basements, and garages. So over the coming week, please take a look, and bring in your donations beginning April 29. ASCA and the Class of 2019 thank you in advance for your generosity!
Savers Donation Drive for 8th Grade Legacy Gift to ASCA
The ASCA Class of 2019 is hosting a Savers Donation Drive the week of April 29th. 8th grade students have visited classrooms to talk about the collection; and have given black garbage bags to all youngest and only students to collect and return unwanted clothing and household items to the drive.
Savers will pay All Saints for our donations: and the funds will be used to help fund the Class of 2019’s Legacy Gift – new and improved locker rooms.
The drive will take place from April 29 through May 3. We will make the collection of donated goods as easy as possible by taking your bags and boxes directly from your car at drop-off and pickup. The ASCA Class of 2019 thanks you in advance for your help!
Preschool Donations
We are looking for donations of the following items for our Growing Saints Early Childhood Academy preschool program. Do you have any of the following items that are in good condition?
- Riding Toys
- Scooters
- Outside Play Equipment
We would welcome your donation! Contact Mrs. Santos at with questions.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6th - 10th - The theme is: We Think the World of YOU!
May is almost here and the SHPP is working hard to make Teacher Appreciation Week fun and meaningful for our wonderful teachers. Below are some ways every family can contribute!
1. Please consider making a cash or check donation. The deadline to make a monetary donation is TODAY. Click here for more information.
2. Donate drinks, sides, and/or sweets to enhance the teachers’ daily catered luncheons. Please click here to sign up.
3. Door Decorating - CANCELLED We have listened to all the feedback and concerns regarding door decorating. We want Teacher Appreciation Week to be positive for everyone, and we most certainly do not to cause additional stress by adding to families’ to do lists. If you are interested in creating a banner for Door 1, Door 7, and/or the Teachers’ Lounge, please email Kristy Wagester at Our goal will be to hang these banners after school on Friday, May 3.
4. Back by popular demand are the teachers’ “Favorite Things” forms. You can find all this great information at the Welcome Desk.
Thank you so much for your help and generosity. We couldn’t make Teacher Appreciation Week successful without you.
SHPP Hospitality
Schoolbelles Uniform Fitting Day
Save the date – Monday, May 20 in the ASCA gym from 3:30 – 5:30 PM. More information to come.
ASCA Students Present Seussical, Jr. on May 4 and 5th!
You are cordially invited to the ASCA students' presentation of SEUSSICAL, JR! Horton the Elephant, the Cat in the Hat, and all of your favorite Dr. Seuss characters spring to life onstage in a fantastical musical adventure. Transporting audiences from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus, the Cat in the Hat, our narrator, tells the story of Horton, an elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing tiny people called the Whos, including Jojo, a Who child who gets in trouble for thinking too many "thinks." Although Horton faces many challenges the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family, and community emerge triumphantly!
Two show times are available for your convenience: Saturday, May 4th at 7pm and Sunday, May 5th at 2pm. Tickets are on sale now, at reduced rates, through Wednesday, May 1st. Ticket order forms have been sent home with youngest and only students, or click here for a copy of the form
Buy now and save! New this year, we will be presenting a matinee time of 2pm on Sunday, May 5th, which we hope will be convenient for our youngest Dr. Seuss fans. Join us for a musical adventure the entire family will love! Oh, the places we'll go together!
2018-2019 ASCA Yearbook Order Deadline Extended
Please click here for the order form for this year's yearbook. Orders will be taken through Monday, April 29. Don't be disappointed. Get your order in today. The yearbook will be a great source of memories for your ASCA student(s).
April 15 Edition of the ASCA NOW News
Please click here for the April 15 edition of the ASCA NOW News, produced by our 8th Grade Honors ELA students.
Boosterthon is Coming
All Saints Catholic Academy has a goal to raise $25,000 for Curriculum materials such as updating Spanish and Religion books, upkeep and repainting of the school, and keeping tuition down; you can help us reach that goal!
By partnering with Boosterthon, our students will participate in a two-week, fitness-based fundraiser where they’ll learn essential character traits through this year’s theme: MINDSPARK MYSTERY LAB. Help us reach our goal this year by connecting with sponsors!
Pledging Opens next week on - Wednesday, April 24 - Log on to FUNRUN.COM
Pep Rally takes place on- Wednesday, May 1
Fun Run takes place on- Friday, May 10
SAVE THE DATES! You’re Invited!
Fundraising Corner
Scrip Update
Did you know that you can begin earning toward your 2019-2020 school year Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) by purchasing Scrip. Scrip purchases from March 1, 2019 through February 28, 2020 will count toward next year’s FFO. If you are new to Scrip and would like more information on how to get started, please contact, or click here.
If you are planning First Communion parties or other events this Spring, Scrip has many options for you to use such as Olive Garden, Buena Beef, GFS, Panera and Lettuce Entertainment just to name a few.
Scrip Coordinator Needed
The Scrip program at All Saints is one of the approved ways in which families can earn Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) credit; and the only way in which families can potentially earn tuition credit, as well, once their FFO is met. Scrip is an important component of our available fundraising options, and is need of a new coordinator (or two) for the 2019-2020 school year. Scrip is a program that allows you to purcahse gifts cards and earn money toward your Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO).
Now is a great time to work with the current team to learn the steps. If you think that you might be interested in this position, and would like to find out more – please contact
Fun for ASCA Students
Summer Camps at ASCA
Please click here for information about Summer Camps at All Saints. Mrs. Breunig, ASCA Art Teacher, will be facilitating the following camps in June:
- Fairy Garden Camp
- Sewing Camp
- Garden Party Camp for American Girl Dolls
- Space Camp
Click here to register.
Windy City Rampage Soccer Tryouts
For more information about soccer tryouts for WC Rampage FC Travel Soccer Club tryouts, click here. Windy City practices on the All Saints Catholic Academy field. For more information, or to register, please click here. Click here for the information flyer.
American Girl Doll First Communion Ensembles
Our very talented art teacher, Paula Breunig, is offering beautiful First Communion Ensembles for your special young lady's American Girl Doll. The ensemble includes a dress, veil, shoes and tiny bible. Please click here for the form with ordering details. Please contact Mrs. Breunig with any questions.
News from the All Saints Athletic Association
Congratulations to our athletes who competed in the first track & field
The sign up for meet work assignments will remain open through this Friday, April 19th.
If you do not sign up for a work assignment by this Friday, we will randomly select parents for the remaining open work assignments. Meet work assignments can be viewed at
For Track & Field meet schedules and results please visit
2018-2019 VOLLEYBALL REGISTRATION IS OPEN thru Sunday, April 28th.
If your child will be in 5th – 8th grades for the 2018-2019 school year and would like to play volleyball, be sure to access the registration website at establish an account and register. The direct link for registration is
Player evaluations will be held May 21-23, 2019; exact day/times will be communicated at the close of registration. If you have questions, please email Erika Baka at
Registration for all other sports will open soon. SI Play is changing, please be patient as we work through the transition to a new and improved platform.
Upcoming Dates
- April 8 - 28 2019-2020 Volleyball Registration opens on SI Play
- April 27 Track Meet @ Brooks Middle School
- May 4 Track Meet @ Bolingbrook H.S.
- May 11 Track League Divisionals @ Glenbard East
- May 18 Track League Championships @ Bolingbrook H.S.
- TBA Track & Field Banquet
Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!
A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019
For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.