Saints Speak – 5/28/2020 – Thank You, and Goodbye
From Mrs. Santos
With the end of this rollercoaster of a school year upon us, we sadly will be saying farewell to four of our beloved ASCA staff members:
Megan Barnhart, our Technology Integration Specialist, will be leaving us to pursue new opportunities. She, and we, are excited for this next chapter in her life. Megan has worn many hats at ASCA. She has taught Spanish, Honors English Language Arts, and Technology. She is a parent of two ASCA grads.
Kathy Moore, our Junior High Math and Religion teacher, will be retiring. We wish her continued good health, and an abundance of rest, happiness, and peace in retirement. She has been a cornerstone of our highly regarded math program, and will be greatly missed. Her energy, ideas, and great faith have made All Saints a better place.
Susan Resetar, our Preschool 3’s teacher, will be retiring. Susan has impacted the lives of so many ASCA preschool and kindergarten students. Our youngest Saints have had a great start in their academic lives with Mrs. Resetar. After over 30 years of teaching, retirement will be sweet, and well deserved.
Father Mark Bernhard, our ASCA School Chaplain, will be moving on to a new assignment within the Diocese of Joliet. He has shepherded our students with great love, whether it be at Mass, visiting religion classes, taking our 8th grade students to visit the seminary, or playing kick ball on the recess pad. We wish the very best of luck to Father Mark in his new parish.
I have been so very blessed to work with these exceptional people during my time at All Saints. They have been tirelessly invested in the success of your/our child(ren) and All Saints Catholic Academy for a great many years, the true mark of a great teacher or clergy. I, and our school community, will miss them, and wish them all the best as they leave us for their new life’s adventures. We will be sharing all staff details in our summer mailing, which will be sent to school families in late July.

As for myself, each day I am one day closer to my last day as your principal. Throughout this current week, I have enjoyed having the opportunity to see many of you as you have visited the school to pick up and drop off books, technology, math packets, and other belongings. If I didn’t recognize you behind the mask, I am sorry.
I am grateful for each and every connection, and for all of the kind words that you shared with me.
I have loved my time as the principal of All Saints. The sadness that I feel about leaving my staff and colleagues, and especially, the students, is made easier when juxtaposed with the immense happiness that I have experienced, and the great memories that I will hold dear. It is impossible for me to reflect on my experience of being principal of All Saints, and not feel very fortunate and truly blessed.
While the work has not always been easy (and these past two plus months are proof positive of that), at the beginning of each day, I have always sought and tried to choose joy.
To each one of you - please continue to ‘choose joy’ in all that you do and say, in all of your encounters, with each person that you meet. To quote a beloved icon, Winnie the Pooh himself:
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
All Saints, and all of you, will always be a part of me.
Leaving All Saints is just a little bit easier knowing that Mrs. Margie Marshall will be succeeding me as your principal. I am so excited for all of you to get to know her! She, too, is excited to get to know each one of you.
All Saints is in very, very good hands for this next step of the journey.
Live Streamed Last Day of School Mass – Friday, May 29 at 9 am from Our Lady of Mercy
We will be livestreaming our last day of school mass celebrated by Fr. Mark Bernhard, with comments from Mrs. Santos, on Friday, May 29 at 9 am. We hope that you will join us tomorrow morning!
Here are the two links (please be sure to leave your comments on Facebook):
Diocesan Parent Survey
At a principal’s meeting, it was shared with us that over 3,000 people have taken this survey to date. Please voice your opinion by taking this survey by the deadline – tomorrow, Friday, May 29:
The Catholic Schools Office is in the process of developing a plan to reopen our schools in the Fall and would like your input to assist us in this process. In developing the plan, the safety and mental, social, emotional and physical health of all in our school communities is paramount. The efforts of local, state and national government to minimize the spread of COVID-19 also give guidance to the development of strategies in planning to allow our schools to open safely. To this end, we respectfully ask that you complete a survey by Friday, May 29th to share your thoughts. As we plan, let us keep focused on Christ who is the reason for our schools, the reason we teach, the reason why we will gather, prudently and safely in the Fall. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey.
Here is the link:
Tuition and Fees for the 2020-2021 School Year
Due to the pandemic, the budget for the 2020-2021 school year has not yet been approved by the ASCA School Board and Board of Trustees. Although not yet approved, we anticipate that there will not be an increase in tuition and fees for the 5th consecutive year.
Once the budget has been approved, an email will be sent to all school families with this information, as well as the timeline for rolling over and activating FACTS accounts, and loading in tuition and fee information for the 2020-2021 school year. This will take place in June.
Summer Office Hours
Beginning Monday, June 1 through Friday, August 7, the school office will be observing summer hours, which are Monday through Thursday from 9 am – Noon. On Fridays, the school office will be closed. During the summer months, please come to Door 7 on the east side of the building. Due to administrative staff vacations that will take place over the summer break, it is best to call the office at (630) 961-6125 to confirm that the office is open before stopping by.
Pick Up/Drop Off
If you were unable to come to school this week to pick up your student’s belongings/medication, and drop off books/technology/etc., please contact the school to schedule an appointment during summer office hours.
ASCA Spring Book Fair
Have you placed your order yet? The deadline has been extended. There are so many great books available at Anderson’s Book Store to enjoy this summer, AND books that are on the
ASCA Summer Reading Lists.
Click here for more details on how to check out all the great books and how to place your order.
ASCA Summer Reading Lists
- Click here for the Kindergarten Reading List
- Click here for the Grade 1-5 Reading Lists
- NEW!! Click here for the Junior High Reading Lists. Please note that this document has been updated to include links to chats.
- NEW!! Click here for Junior High Summer ELA Enrichment.
- Click here for the complete K – 8 List of Summer Reading Books
Summer Math Packets
Summer math packets have been available at Pick Up/Drop Off. Please remember to pick yours up when visiting the school this week.
Coming Attractions
Information will soon be coming your way on: Uniform ordering for the 2020-2021 school year
Naperville Public Library Poetry Contest Winners
Congratulations to Zoe Girard (7th grade), who won first place in the 7/8th grade division for her poem "Uninvited Guest"; and Charlotte Torres (8th grade), who won 2nd place for her poem "Quarantine."
School Supply Ordering for 2020-2021
Online ordering for school supply kits is NOW OPEN, and will be ongoing through Sunday, June 14 (just a few more weeks!). Complete your order on line at, and use the school's account number which is ALL233. While late orders may be placed after the June 14 deadline, please note that prices will be higher for late orders, and the products are not guaranteed to be brand name products. Please retain a copy of the order confirmation email for your records.
Please note that Educational Products Inc. (our school supply kit provider) uses descriptions that match their inventory. You certainly have the option to purchase similar supplies elsewhere. Please click here if you wish to view the 2020-2021 school supply lists. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Kokkinos at
Celebrate your Patriotic Spirit This Week
This is OUR LAST WEEK of celebration, and what better to recognize than the great USA, especially with our Memorial Day observance earlier this week. Red, white and blue – show us your patriotic spirit, and share a pic or video. Send your pictures or videos to and
No Cookin’ in the Kitchen – Bricks Wood Fired Pizza – Wednesday, June 3
Our last No Cookin’ night of this current school year will be at Bricks Wood Fired Pizza on Wednesday, June 3. Let’s celebrate the end of this school year together, and the start of our summer break! WE MADE IT! Stay tuned for more information to come; but right now, reserve the date to join us at Bricks Wood Fired Pizza, located at 1763 Freedom Dr, Naperville, 60563 on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 3:00 pm.
Click here for the Class of 2020 Tribute Edition of the ASCA NOW News.
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
With the school closed, we will not be processing any physical Scrip Gift Card orders until the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. Please note you can still earn fundraising credit for the 2020-2021 school year with Ecards and Reloads, which are still available.
All of our school families have a Family Fundraising Commitment of $250 (per family) for preschool only families; and $500 (per family) for K - 8 families. If you are interested in getting started earning toward your 2020-2021 FFO with Scrip now and over the summer months, sign up now, and you will have until the end of February 2021 to earn toward next school year’s FFO (AND potentially earn some tuition credit). Now is the time to enroll!!!! Click here to enroll. Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information or have questions??? Contact
2019-2020 Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO)
Please note that remaining balances on your 2019-2020 FFO (Family Fundraising Obligation) are scheduled to be paid via your FACTS account on Monday, June 1.
Online Summer Classes from RLS Tutoring
Looking for some fun this summer? Beat the summer blues! Sign your child up for an online class! Are you looking for ways to engage your child in creativity and learning this summer? RLS Tutoring, Inc. (ASCA’s After School Care Provider) is now taking registration for online classes designed to provide your child with enrichment activities and interactive lessons. Limited spots available.
Register today at:
Available Classes Include:
▪ Photography
▪ Creative Writing
▪ Healthcare Heroes
▪ Mini-model UN
▪ All About Instruments
▪ Introduction to Spanish
▪ Spanish conversation
▪ ACT/SAT test prep
▪ Book Club
▪ Healing Health
▪ And many more!
Contact: Kathy Biegalski with questions at (847) 208-2553, or

News from All Saints Athletic Association
Registration for ALL 2020-21 Sports Seasons is open for ALL current 4th - 7th grade students. When registering, please indicate the grade level for next fall.
Volleyball registration is extended through June 15th due to COVID-19 restrictions. Evaluation dates/times have yet to be determined and will be communicated once registration closes. Participants must be registered in order to participate in evaluations.
Basketball registration is extended through June 30th.
Participant registration can be completed by going to our website at
Registration for parent coaches is also open at this time. Please indicate your interest in coaching any or all sports by completing the registration.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Keith Glab, Athletic Director (, Kathy Kokkinos, Volleyball Coordinator (, Christopher Johnneson, XC Coordinator (, or Erika Baka (
LET’S GO SAINTS!! Happy Summer!
Did YOU know that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check Us Out on Social Media, and please share the good news that is happening at All Saints.
We welcome all of our new followers!!! Click on the icons below to take a look.

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone and Patron Sponsors of
The Crystal Gala, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2020

Thank You to our Cornerstone Sponsors

Thank You to our Patron Sponsors