Saints Speak – 5/21/2020 – A Different Point of View
From Mrs. Santos
We knew that this promised land would come; and it is here. After two months, we are finally winding down this 2019-2020 school year in a way that we never could have predicted when it began.
I have personally spoken with or corresponded with many of you via email about your experiences during e-learning. I am truly grateful for your comments, observations, suggestions, and yes, sometimes complaints, which have been instrumental in helping us to grow and adapt to our students’ needs.
I would like to share another perspective, a different point of view, that comes from one of our outstanding ASCA teachers. I am certain that these sentiments would be echoed in a similar way at every grade level.:
The View from a Primary Teacher
“Technology is a gift that is all around us!”
Any ASCA student who has ever visited the computer lab could recite that technology prayer, especially a first grader. In fact, the use of devices at school is certain to spark an excitement, especially for early learners. But, it’s almost unimaginable to think that we’d be relying so heavily upon technology to teach and learn, especially for primary students.
Why “especially” these young learners?
I’m speaking to my heart and passion. Primary students willingly give so much of themselves. They give so much to friends and fun, to interests and sports, to teachers and adults, to school and learning, and to life! These particular learners walk into school every day with wide smiles and cheerful greetings, and they leave school with hugs, handshakes, and high-fives (sometimes, wanting all three at once)!
I LOVE the spirit of primary students! It’s a light that grows and spreads, and I cannot imagine being away from that spirit.
So, if someone had told me in September that we would be learning remotely, online, each day, for a quarter of the school year, I would have said—IMPOSSIBLE, UNTHINKABLE, NEVER, NO WAY!
Yet, that is where this school year has taken us. So, I offer this message.
Dear Students,
Your teachers want you to know something. We miss you so much! We long more than to “teach” you; we long to learn WITH you, to be a part of your day, in person; to see you, face-to-face; to see your smiles and watch your expressions when you figure out answers to difficult questions, or to catch you just being you during a passing period or break. We want to bask in your day—whether it is a good day or one that could have been better. We want to breathe the same air and be present in your learning.
Until that time comes once again for us to give those hugs, handshakes, or high-fives, we ask you to keep shining your light! Keep sharing your spirit, and especially keep finding gifts in all things.
Your Teachers
I would like you to be aware that our administrative team, School Board, and Board of Trustees, and faculty have been working on a detailed re-opening plan, a living document that we are continuing to hone, one that provides a safe return to our beloved school. We are committed to working toward that end. I know that the Bishop and Superintendent are planning, as well. I am certain that most school administrators (and parents) would agree that our children need to return to school.
We have prepared a survey that we will be sending to all of our current school families for you to provide feedback to us about your distance learning experience. Please know that we are committed to continuing to improve our ability to provide the very best learning experiences for our students.
To the ASCA Class of 2020
I would like to acknowledge the ASCA Class of 2020 who will be ‘graduating’ tomorrow evening. These 60 students have finished strong, and we as a school community celebrate them this week as they leave ASCA. While this joyous occasion is not taking place in person, I want these students to know how proud I am of each one of them.
Events that were beyond our control precluded us from taking part in many of the cherished activities and traditions that are part of the 8th grade year at All Saints, and I know that there is a sense of sadness and loss. We did, however, create some new ways of recognizing just how very special these students are.
We have come to recognize that what does truly matter is not what we did or did not do, but that which we cannot touch or see: the relationships and the memories that we made throughout our time together, which will be part of our lives forever. The bonds that we formed, and the FUN that we had, will remain.
This class will always hold a special place in my heart, as the last graduating class of my time as principal at All Saints Catholic Academy. We will forever be connected.
Coming Attractions
Information will soon be coming your way on:
- Uniform ordering for the 2020-2021 school year
ASCA Spring Book Fair is going on through THIS Sunday, May 24
Have you placed your order yet? There are so many great books available at Anderson’s Book Store to enjoy this summer, AND books that are on the ASCA Summer Reading Lists. Click here for more details on how to check out all the great books and how to place your order.
ASCA Summer Reading Lists
Book, Technology, Belonging Pick Up / Drop Off Starts TOMORROW, Friday, May 22
NOTE: We will be sending out a SEPARATE SchoolSpeak email to all current school families TODAY, Thursday, May 21 with additional End of the School Year Information, as well as what these Pick Up/Drop Off procedures will look like when you are coming to school on your pick up/drop off day.
Please see the following important information:
- Because of limited staffing on Friday May 22, we will be unable to facilitate drop off/pick up of your Grade 1-8 student’s belongings, books, technology. You are welcome to come on your scheduled Grade 1-8 student’s pick up/drop off day (May 26-29) to pick up your preschool/kindergarten student’s belongings.
- If your student has medication here at the school, you will be picking it up.
- All ASCA staff will be wearing gloves and masks during these pick up/drop off days. All parents entering the school will be expected to wear a mask, so please come prepared. We will only be letting a limited number of parents into the school at a time to adhere to mandated guidelines, and to maintain appropriate social distancing, so please bring your patience and be prepared to have to wait.
- Please note that students/children will not be allowed to enter the school. They will not be allowed to be unattended outside the school either. Please do not bring your student(s)/child(ren) to school on Pick Up/Drop Off Day.
Preschool pick up will take place curbside at Door 5 (our normal AM drop off door) on Friday, May 22.
- 8:30 – 9:30 AM: Preschool 3’s
- 9:30 – 10:30 AM: PK-A (Baker)
- 10:30 – 11:30 AM: PK-B (Musto)
Kindergarten pick up/drop off will take place curbside at Door 1 (ASCA Main Entrance – Welcome Desk Door) from 9 – 11 AM on Friday, May 22 for KA and KB.
Grade 1 – Grade 7
Pick up/Drop off will take place according to student last name. Parent(s) should park at Door 1; and parent(s) only will allowed into the building to drop off student’s books and technology, and pick up student’s belonging.
We ask that you please adhere to the following schedule so that we can regulate the number of people in the building, and adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Drop Off /Pick Up Day
Student’s Last Name
Drop Off/Pick Up Time
Tuesday, May 26
8 – 10 AM
Tuesday, May 26
10 AM - Noon
Tuesday, May 26
1 – 3:30 PM
Wednesday, May 27
8 – 10 AM
Wednesday, May 27
10 AM - Noon
Wednesday, May 27
1 – 3:30 PM
Thursday, May 28
8 – 10 AM
Thursday, May 28
10 AM - Noon
Thursday, May 28
1 – 3:30 PM
Grade 8
Grade 8 pickup/drop off will take place on Friday, May 29. Communication about this day has been sent via SchoolSpeak to all school families. Please consult the 8th Grade FAQ’s that have been sent to you for more details.
Important Information on ASCA Technology Summer Turn In - Week of May 26 through May 29, 2020
During this week you need to turn in your Chromebook/iPad and charger if:
you are in 8th grade. Eighth graders will also turn in their bags.
you are in Grade 5-7 and you are not on our leasing program. Hold onto the bag at this time. Keep the name card in the window.
you will not be returning to ASCA next fall. Turn in the bag as well.
you are in Kdg to Grade 4 and you have an ASCA device at home. Third and 4th graders with a device will need to turn in the bag as well.
Students in Grades 5-7 who are on our leasing program will hold onto your Chromebooks at this time. We will collect them back during the summer to prep them for the 20-21 school year. Keep all labels attached on the Chromebook, the charger and the name card on the bag. For summer storage be sure you have signed off and used the shut down on the device.
If you have a BumpArmor bag that has an issue with the zipper, we will need you to turn in that bag during the last week of May. Please include a note indicating what the problem is. Also, do not remove the name card in the window. We need to know to whom the bag belongs. These bags lose their warranty this summer. Free replacements will not be able to be made on these bags next school year.
The chargers will need to have the wires wrapped loosely and secured on each side. One side should have a Velcro wrap already on the wire. A twist tie or rubber band can be used for the other side. Do not wrap the wires around the brick. I have included a photo. Your charger will also have a label attached with your name and the number of your Chromebook.
For those of you keeping your devices home for the time being, please remember that they are only to be used for school assignments. As usual, GSuite accounts will be suspended for the summer so your logins will not work. Keep your devices in a safe place until they are called for. If at any time it is determined that you will not be returning to ASCA in the fall, please contact the office to make arrangements to return the device, charger and bag to avoid being billed for them.
School Supply Ordering for 2020-2021
Online ordering for school supply kits is NOW OPEN, and will be ongoing through Sunday, June 14 (just a few more weeks!). Complete your order on line at, and use the school's account number which is ALL233.
While late orders may be placed after the June 14 deadline, please note that prices will be higher for late orders, and the products are not guaranteed to be brand name products. Please retain a copy of the order confirmation email for your records.
Please note that Educational Products Inc. (our school supply kit provider) uses descriptions that match their inventory. You certainly have the option to purchase similar supplies elsewhere. Please click here if you wish to view the 2020-2021 school supply lists. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Kokkinos at
Celebrate Sports Team Week This Week
We have been celebrating Sports Team Week, beginning May 17 through May 23. Show your love for your favorite sports team. Cubs, Sox, Bulls, Hawks, or Bears? Maybe it is your favorite college or university. It could even be the t-ball team that you played on last summer. Send us your pic of video, and share the love.
Next week is OUR LAST WEEK of celebration, and what better to recognize than the great USA. Red, white and blue – show us your patriotic spirit, and share a pic or video.
Send your pictures or videos to and And, don’t forget Spirit Wear Friday, every Friday!
No Cookin’ in the Kitchen – Bricks Wood Fired Pizza – Wednesday, June 3
Our last No Cookin’ night of this current school year will be at Bricks Wood Fired Pizza on Wednesday, June 3. Let’s celebrate the end of this school year together, and the start of our summer break! WE MADE IT! Stay tuned for more information to come; but for right now, reserve the date to join us at Bricks Wood Fired Pizza, located at 1763 Freedom Dr, Naperville, 60563 on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 3:00 pm.
Click here for the May 18, 2020 Edition of the ASCA NOW News, our final newscast for 2020-2021.
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
With the school closed, we will not be processing any physical Scrip Gift Card orders until the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. Please note you can still earn fundraising credit for the 2020-2021 school year with Ecards and Reloads, which are still available.
All of our school families have a Family Fundraising Commitment of $250 (per family) for preschool only families; and $500 (per family) for K - 8 families. If you are interested in getting started earning toward your 2020-2021 FFO with Scrip now and over the summer months, sign up now, and you will have until the end of February 2021 to earn toward next school year’s FFO (AND potentially earn some tuition credit). Now is the time to enroll!!!! Click here to enroll. Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information or have questions??? Contact
2019-2020 Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO)
Please note that remaining balances on your 2019-2020 FFO (Family Fundraising Obligation) are scheduled to be paid via your FACTS account on Monday, June 1.
Face Masks
Our Art Teacher, Mrs. Paula Breunig, has been making hats and masks for Central DuPage Hospital, as well as people in the community where she lives. If you are looking for masks for your family or others, please contact Mrs. Breunig at The cost is $10 per mask. There are kid and adult sizes. The masks have three layers with a filter pocket (filter not included), and have fabric ear loops.
Savers Donation Drive
The ASCA incoming 8th Grade Class of 2021 will be hosting a SAVERS DONATION DRIVE in the FALL. Please save your old ‘stuff’ throughout the summer. Further details will be coming in the fall about collection information and dates.

News from All Saints Athletic Association
Registration for ALL 2020-21 Sports Seasons is open for ALL current 4th - 7th grade students through Monday, June 1st . When registering, please indicate the grade level for next fall.
Volleyball registration is extended through June 1st due to COVID-19 restrictions. Evaluation dates/times have yet to be determined and will be communicated once registration closes and the current quarantine expires. Participants must be registered in order to participate in evaluations.
Participant registration can be completed by going to our website at
Registration for parent coaches is also open at this time. Please indicate your interest in coaching any or all sports by completing the registration.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Keith Glab, Athletic Director (, Kathy Kokkinos, Volleyball Coordinator (, Christopher Johnneson, XC Coordinator (, or Erika Baka (
LET’S GO SAINTS!! We've got this! You Are AWESOME!
Did YOU know that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check Us Out on Social Media, and please share the good news that is happening at All Saints.
We welcome all of our new followers!!! Click on the icons below to take a look.

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone and Patron Sponsors of
The Crystal Gala, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2020

Thank You to our Cornerstone Sponsors

Thank You to our Patron Sponsors