Saints Speak – 4/5/2018 - Easter Joy and Everyday Life
Happy Easter! We were reminded by Father Mark in his homily this week that Easter is not just a day, but truly a celebration that lasts beyond Easter Sunday. The entire Christian faith hinges on Jesus' life, death, and resurrection; so Easter is actually the highest liturgy of the year for us Catholics. Jesus accepted and defeated death and because of that, the door is open for us to have eternal life with Him. That's nothing to take lightly. It's everything.
Easter is one of those awesome celebrations that actually gets an entire octave (8 days - Easter is still going on) dedicated to it. Then the season extends for a full fifty days until Pentecost. So, to truly embrace the Catholic teaching on Easter, we continue our joyous ‘party’ for these eight days, and beyond.
We were very fortunate that Holy Week and Easter Sunday fell within our spring break, as that is not usually the case. I hope that you enjoyed the time off from the usual routine. It was so nice to ‘not have to do something’, to catch up on sleep, and to have time with my family. I pray that the break offered you and your family similar opportunities. Now that we are all rested and re-energized, we return to school with a renewed sense of excitement and purpose.
This week our virtue focus has centered on gratitude. The actual meaning of gratitude is showing appreciation for someone or something. It means being thankful for someone or something, and makes us joyful by reminding us of God’s great love and generosity. Gratitude is the perfect response to what we take away from the unbelievable jubilation of Easter and all that it encompasses. Jesus loves us - right now. At this moment, Jesus holds each one of us in his warm and loving gaze, and loves us so freely at a depth that our human minds can’t take in. As we receive his embrace, let us feel the blessings and peace of Easter wash over us.
I leave you with a story about Adam, one of many adorable preschoolers in our Growing Saints Early Childhood Academy. Adam is an energetic, bright, and very inquisitive young man in a tiny body. I always know that I am going to be challenged when Adam and I have a conversation.
One morning during Lent, Adam was in the chapel with his mom praying the Divine Chaplet. He shared that he always ‘plays mass’ at home, and proceeded to describe what that looks and sounds like at 'his' masses. One of our school parents asked Adam if he thought that he might become a priest someday. He responded rather matter of factly, “I already go to priest school’.
There are only 60 days of school remaining, and so much happening in the coming weeks. We have both our Daddy Daughter Dance and Mother Son Event happening this month. I know that all attendees will certainly enjoy and make memories of these special times together. Just a reminder, It's not too late to join the Mother/Son Fun on April 22! The RSVP deadline is tomorrow, Friday, April 6 by End of Day. Alternate food options are available for those with allergies. Please email Angie ( or Chris( if you or your son has a food allergy, and we can provide you the allergy safe options. Click here for the registration form.
I would like to personally invite our entire school community to come out to support our ASCA Drama Club, and their performance of Annie Jr. on Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21. These 5th through 8th grade thespians have been really working hard since January. They are going to knock your socks off with their performances of favorite songs that you and your children know like Tomorrow and It’s a Hard Knock Life. Especially for our ‘youngest saints’, this school production will give them their first taste of theatre in a familiar setting at a reasonable cost. It may even inspire your children towards the arts in ways that you did not imagine.
Pre-sale tickets are now on sale (click here for the order form), as well as program ad opportunities (If you have a business, please consider supporting the students with a program ad). Click here for more information. There is a Family Pack ticket plan that is only available through pre-sale, so don't delay in getting your order form in.
Late Breaking News
Please come out to support the ASCA Class of 2018 tomorrow, Friday, April 6. They will be holding a bake sale after school, with lots of tasty options for that end of the day pick me up. Everything is only $1; and all proceeds will go toward the 8th Grade Legacy Gift.
New ASCA Event Coming Soon
In just a few short weeks, we will be kicking off our ASCA Run with the Saints Fun Run. Please stay tuned for more information on how you can help and be involved.
Exciting News Alert
The inimitable Father Rocky from Relevant Radio will be coming to All Saints Catholic Academy on Thursday, May 10 for a LIVE Noon broadcast of his very popular radio show, Go Ask Your Father. This broadcast will involve many of our students, and provide an excellent opportunity to strengthen the faith of our young people, to highlight the value of Catholic education, and to inspire Relevant Radio listeners through the questions asked by our students.
Open House Opportunity
On Wednesday,May 9, from 5 to 7 pm, All Saints will be holding an Open House/BBQ.
- Our preschool staff will be on hand with fun activities for your child at our Preschool Fair, geared toward our youngest saints. Meet the teachers and find out more about your student. If you are wondering whether your child is ready for preschool, or if you or a friend would like to find out more about our Growing Saints Early Childhood Academy, you will not want to miss this evening.
- Would you like to find out more about kindergarten or grades 1-5? Staff will be available for questions about your student and these particular grade levels at All Saints.
- Our junior high academy staff will be on hand to discuss and answer questions about junior high at All Saints. Do you have questions about academics or the transition to junior high? Do you have a friend who will be moving from an elementary school to a middle school or junior high, and may be interested in what All Saints has to offer for their 6th – 8th grade years.
If you are already enrolled for next year, please come. If you or a friend are thinking of enrolling, please come. If you are hungry, please come. We know that you all fit in one or more of these categories. This is your opportunity before the end of the school year to get a closer look at a great Catholic education at All Saints.