Saints Speak – 3/23/2018 – Grace and Sacrifice
This Sunday, we enter into Holy Week beginning with the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Jesus was lauded as a King to shouts of Hosannas from the crowds. Little did the people know that Christ’s passion and death on the cross were necessary for our salvation. His sacrifice and suffering were part of the mystery of God’s plan. He was the ‘lamb of God’, whose blood washed away the sins of the world – our sin.
At our school mass this past week, Father Mark talked about sin. Of the five human senses, one of the greatest is the sense of smell. Father Mark described the smell of the room that he shared growing up, the smell of a sweaty baseball glove, and one of the most offensive smells known to man – that of a hockey locker room. Father Mark pointed out that sin is stinky; and Jesus is the great 'Febrezer’. How blessed are each one of us as we are reminded of the great sacrifice that Jesus made for us. He died on the cross to save us from the stink, the stench, the stain of sin, and to bring us to new life.
This week, our virtue focus was on that of sacrifice. We learned that sacrifice is the willingness to offer something up to God, or to dispose of one’s goods or service in charity and kindness for the good of another. When we sacrifice, we want to help others, which, in turn, helps us to grow closer to God. Over the past week, I saw and experienced this virtue being lived out in the lives of our students, parents, and school community in ways that touched my heart, and brought me to tears. Our students truly lived out the mission of All Saints Catholic Academy in ‘service to others’.
- Our Junior High Academy students organized our first ever Lenten Market to raise funds for various Lenten almsgiving causes. Our school gym was filled with excitement as students flocked to the market. They purchased homemade baked goods, a variety of bracelets, ASCA necklaces, T-shirts, pet rocks and candy. Students had their nails polished for Spring Break, and their face painted like a mouse. Students participated in a variety of games. Mr. Gonzalez took quite a few pies in the face, enough to earn $250 at his table alone. All in all, the students raised over $5,000, all to help others.
- Our school community accepted the $1,000 challenge match of an anonymous donor for contributions offered for the Hogar del Pobre orphanage. Thank you to everyone who so generously gave for these children who have so little.
- A couple of weeks ago, I shared the news of one of our own graduate’s recent Leukemia diagnosis. Our school community has rallied and reached out to help this student and his family. Javier Tecuatl is a member of the ASCA Class of 2015. This fine young man is facing this disease with good spirits and great resolve. It is not easy. The Tecuatl family humbly only asks that we pray for Javier - for healing, comfort and strength. They are so grateful for all of the support that they have received. Our All Saints family can do more. Below, you will see some of the ways that everyone is invited to help.
1. We will be holding a blood drive at All Saints on Saturday, April 28 from 9 am – 1 pm. To schedule your appointment, please go to Blood Drive In Honor Of Javier Tecault on April 28th - Sign Up Now to Save Lives! Please save the date, and look for more information to come. We will also be having a cookout with hamburgers, chips and drinks on the 28th. Come to donate blood; stay for lunch (all proceeds will go to the family). Babysitting will be provided by Student Voices.
2. A Meal Train has been created to help out with dinners for the Tecualt family. Please go to to sign up.
3. Please join us for our school mass on Wednesday, April 25 at 8:15 am. Father Mark will celebrate the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Collections from this mass will be donated to the family.
A fruit and vegetables basket has already been put together and presented to the family. It is so important for the family, and especially Javier, to eat healthy and to keep up their strength. There are more plans in the works, so please stay tuned. If you are interested in becoming more involved, please contact Maria Kazlauskas at
- Our Dinner Dance Auction, A Green Tie Affair, was an amazing night, and a great success. I would like to share a just a few of the incredible details, with more information on the final numbers yet to come. The paddle call for technology raised $45,900! In the Live Auction, one of the items offered sold for $12,500. The raffle team sold 94 bottles of wine. The sponsorship team raised over $32,000! The tuition credit raffle brought in over $13,000. Almost every item sold in the silent auction.
- We congratulate Mrs. Morris homeroom (5B) on winning the 2nd Box Tops for Education contest by collecting 513 box tops. We collected 2,134 box tops in total for our March submission (on top of 4,011 last fall). We only need 3,855 more to reach our goal of 10,000 for this school year. Our last collection of the year will be May 11, so keep collecting! The winning homeroom gets to select an out of uniform day or an extra recess.

- We reached our Spring Book Fair sales goal of $8,000, currently surpassing it by $100. Thank you to everyone! Online purchases can be made at through Friday, March 23. As a result of reaching our goal, all students will enjoy an out of uniform dress down day on Tuesday, April 3 (our first day back from Spring Break).
- Illinois State Representative Grant Wehrli (41st District) is helping to organize our 4th grade students’ field trip to our state capital in Springfield next month. He has also graciously offered to assist with the admission fees for our students to visit the Lincoln Museum.
I continue to be touched by the great kindness, compassion and sacrifice of our All Saints Catholic Academy school community and family.
I wish you all a most blessed Easter season, filled with the joy of the Risen Christ. Out of the pain of the Passion of our Lord on Good Friday, we receive the greatest gift of all – Christ’s victory over death. Enjoy this Spring Break with your families.
8th Grade Legacy Gift
Doing some Spring Cleaning over Spring break? The 8th grade will be conducting a donation drive for Savers as a fundraiser for their legacy gift. We will be collecting clothes and small household items during AM drop-off and PM pick-up April 17th-19th.
We will accept donations of:
- Clothing and Shoes
- Books
- CD’s and DVD’s
- Small Electrical Items
- Kitchen Items
- Toys and Games
- Sporting Goods
Please click here for more information on what can and can not be donated/accepted.
A Note from SHPP
Please mark your calendars. Our next meeting will be in the evening on Thursday, April 5th at 6:30 pm. in Café 1. Please join us for an evening of information on many upcoming events. Such as Mother Son, Daddy Daughter, an upcoming assembly and Teacher Appreciation week just to name a few. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided. SHPP is a great place to become involved at All Saints, and to share your thoughts and ideas. One of our goals for this meeting is to have a parent from each grade attend. I hope to see YOU there! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Theresa Cunningham or Katy Maurer at the following email addresses. or
Mother Son Outing Signup Deadline Extended
It's not too late to join the Mother/Son Fun on April 22! The RSVP date has been extended to Friday, April 6, End of Day. Alternate food options will be available for those with allergies. Please email Chris or Angie with specific allergy concerns.
We hope to see you there! Click here for the registration form.
All Saints 2018 Summer Sports Camps
All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) is excited to offer summer sport camps for students age 5-14. Under the instruction of Mr. Justin Busche, students will get the opportunity to enhance their learning of popular sports, fun activities and increased fitness. The goal of each camp is to enhance skill level and provide for a fun week of activity for all students. There are five camps being offered. Fpr more information, please see the following: