Saints Speak – 4/12/18 - An ASCA Evangelization
Father Dennis celebrated mass with our school community yesterday morning. As we continue our Easter Joy, he reminded us of our calling as Catholic Christians. When we are baptized, we are claimed for Christ. We are anointed as Priest, Prophet and King. That means we are called to reach out and minister to others. We are called to spread the Good News, just as Jesus’ apostles left their mark on Christianity after Jesus’ resurrection.
To evangelize is to ‘preach the Christian gospel’. The Church's mission is to evangelize and declare the faith. We are the Church. In Father Dennis’ homily, he chose a representative sample of students and parents from the assembly. He then ‘commissioned’ each one of them to ‘spread the good news about Jesus’ – that Jesus had conquered Death. How did these ‘volunteers’ spread they good news? They simply had to tap two different people on the shoulder, and ask them if they had heard the good news. The two people chosen then had to do the same, and so on, and so on, and so on.
It only took a couple of minutes before the gym was alive and overtaken by the sharing, the joy, and the love! God’s gift of salvation was one of pure love; and brought forth a new gift: the gift of grace. The worst thing that has ever happened in human history, had become the best thing that has ever happened in human history; and man’s history has been changed forever.
So, we all need to ask for the grace that only Jesus Christ can give – the grace to live as he lived, and to love as he loved. Through this grace, mountains and hearts can be moved. As a result of the exercise that we participated in at mass, our students and school community experienced firsthand the power of evangelization, and how we all have a role to play in the furthering of the Church, and of our faith.
Our continuing weekly study of the virtues help us to live our lives as Jesus commanded us – “You shall love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus also told us to “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another”.
Please ask your student about this week’s mass, and what they learned while sharing the good news about Jesus with their neighbor. Your family can continue to share this Easter Joy with others. St. Francis’ beautiful Peace Prayer is also a lovely blueprint for living a virtuous life in the image of Christ, and being Christ to one another:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
SHPP High Tea Thank You
On Wednesday, the SHPP Hospitality Committee 'gifted' our ASCA staff members with a lovely High Tea. Bridget Roe and Cristina Ghapson would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU from the committee to everyone who volunteered in any way to make the High Tea for the teachers and staff successful! Your generosity and willingness to help is certainly appreciated. Whether you donated time, food or funds, we are truly thankful, as we couldn’t have done it without you!
I would like to echo these thoughts and thank yous. The amount of delectable goodies was overwhelming. It was so nice to take a respite from our busy day, enjoy a proper cup of tea, a delicious lunch, and the company of others.
ASCA’s New Fundraiser: Run with the Saints
I, and our entire staff, are very excited about this new fundraiser. This initiative will help us to continue the high level of academic performance that we all expect here at All Saints. Moreover, we are very impressed with the student education that is going to take place throughout the days that this fundraiser will take place.
Our students will be exploring an amazing character theme called Castle Quest, which is all about being brave and living with character. On their personal quest to regain Bravemore Castle, students will learn the “SIX VIRTUES of a TRUE HERO” from a cast of colorful characters.
We will be kicking off Castle Quest and our Run with the Saints with a Pep Rally on Tuesday, April 24th. Families will then gather pledges for every lap your student runs (max 35 laps), and we’ll celebrate at the Fun Run on May 3rd. With our big goal of netting $25,000, we asked the Fun Run experts at Boosterthon to power our Fun Run and make it more profitable, easier, and fun. There will be lots of incentives and prizes, so stay tuned for more information to come.
Support for Javier and Team Tecuatl
The support and love that has been extended to the Tecuatl family from our All Saints Catholic Academy school community is truly inspiring. Javier graduated from All Saints in 2015 (sister Ashlee is currently in 6th grade). Javier Tecuatl is a typical 17 year old high school student. He is a junior at Wheaton-Warrenville South High School. He enjoys learning, especially math class, and dreams of one day becoming a doctor. Javier is a member of his school’s football, wrestling, and track and field teams. Like many teens, he has a part time job (Dunkin Donuts) and dreams of fancy cars. He helps his dad around the house, assists with translating and communicating for his parents, looks out for his little sister, Ashlee, and cheers on the Chicago Cubs and Bears.
Everything changed a couple of months ago when Javier was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Three of four childhood cancers are classified as ALL (American Cancer Society). It is a cancer of the bone marrow, blood, and white blood cells. This diagnosis was a dramatic change in the life of the Tecuatls. The family discovered his condition when he continued to come home tired and with headaches. Mom insisted they go to Central DuPage Hospital where Javier was diagnosed. He is anticipated to have three to four years of chemotherapy treatment. He has already started receiving treatments via a port. Javier continues to stay upbeat and positive when he can, maintaining his “rock of the family” outlook. Because of the treatment needed and his depleted immune system, Javier is not anticipated to return to school this year.
When one of our ASCA family is in need, we all rally together, and step up to help. Here are a few of the ways that you and your family can be involved:
1. If you like to cook--please consider hopping aboard The Meal Train: Please go to to sign up.
2. If you are able to donate monetarily--The GoFundMe Page is at
3. April 25th Special Mass & Anointing of the Sick. A Living Rosary will be said prior to the 8:15 Mass at ASCA.
4. April 28th ASCA Blood Drive & Cookout with Live Music! Please click to schedule your preferred donation time! Walk ins are welcome.
Please consider helping in whatever ways you feel comfortable. We are an All Saints family, and it is this family and our faith that is sustaining the Tecuatl Family!
2017-2018 Family Fundraising Obligation
Statements will be coming home with youngest and only students soon (a SchoolSpeak email will be sent to all school families at that time). The statements will note any amounts due at this time.