Saints Speak – 4/20/2018 - Shepherd Me O God
If you asked most children today what they would like to be when they grow up, you will probably not hear anyone respond, “A shepherd”. Like most people, chances are you do not personally know any shepherds.
In this weekend’s gospel, we hear about how Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and how we are his sheep. For the earliest Christians who were familiar with shepherds, the Good Shepherd was a favorite image to associate with Jesus. Jesus himself referred to himself as a shepherd. He said, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). A shepherd knows his sheep well. There is a personal relationship between Jesus and his followers; and he knows each of us by name. And we like sheep, will respond to his voice, and not follow the voice of strangers who may lead us to harm.
The image of shepherds is that they are kind, loving, patient, strong, and self-sacrificing. They love their flock, feed their flock, and would lay down their life for their flock. A shepherd is such a good image for Jesus. And Sheep, who are rather complex creatures who can be both intelligent yet foolish and easily led astray, are actually a fairly accurate symbol for each of us.
In our virtue study of prudence this week, we have focused on making sound judgements, and directing our actions toward the good. How beautifully does this virtue dovetail into this week’s gospel? Sometimes we make choices in what we say and do without even thinking about them. When we practice prudence, we stop to think about how God wants us to live. We turn to our loving and gracious God in prayer to listen to His voice. We work on forming our conscience that helps us to make decisions to follow what God wants for us. We choose our words and actions with care. Isn’t this exactly what Jesus, our Good Shepherd, wants for us.
This coming week at our school mass on Wednesday, April 25, our ASCA school community, our family, will be gathering to shepherd one of our own flock – the Tecuatl family, and our alumnus Javier Tecuatl.
Please plan to join us in prayer at 7:50 am on the 25th. Our rosary that day will be said in honor of Javier & his health as the special intention. The family (Mom, Dad and sister Ashley) will be present at this mass. If Javier's health permits, he too will be here; and the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated.
We and our students have been reflecting on the following questions in thinking about one of our flock who is hurting:
1. How are we an ASCA family?
2. Why is it important to remember our alumni and those who have gone before us?
3. How can we help Javier and his family?
Our Catholic traditions teach us that we are called to serve by sharing our time, talent and treasure. At this upcoming liturgy on April 25, each member of the ASCA community will be asked to carefully pray and discern what they can do/offer among the following alternatives:
- Time: Spend some time in prayer. We can pray for Javier, and lift up all people who are suffering from any illness.
- Talent: We can gather ingredients for a meal, or cook a meal to share with the Tecuatl family.
- Treasure: Students can donate money earned via chores. The money can be put into the "Collection Envelopes" that have been distributed to students, and brought in on Wednesday, April 25th to be put in the collection basket.
I am excited to share, that we are almost half way to our GoFundMe goal of $25,000 for the family Tecuatl. If you are able to donate monetarily--The GoFundMe Page can be found at If you like to cook, a Meal Train has been set up at
On Saturday, April 28th, please come to our ASCA Blood Drive and Cookout with Live Music! It will be held on the ASCA campus from 9 am until 1 pm. It is here at All Saints that we build community. It is here where we share friendship. Come and enjoy the cookout, the wonderful live music, and be part of something larger than ourselves.
If you would like to donate blood, you can sign up at…/schedul…/drive_schedule/2036684. Walk ins are welcome!
The outpouring of time, talent and treasure, and love that has been offered in love for Javier and his family from the entire ASCA school community cannot be put into words. It can only be felt within our hearts. We know that God is our shepherd, gently raising us up and healing our weary souls. He is our comfort and our hope. He is always at our side, leading us beyond our fears beside the quiet waters of peace.
On a different note, I would like to discuss student use of personal technology during the school day, and in particular cellphones. School policy states that all cellphones and student owned technology that are brought to school must be turned in at the Welcome Desk before the school day begins, and picked up at the end of the day prior to leaving school. It has come to our attention that some students are not complying with this policy, and not only keeping their phones with them; but also using them during the school day. This fact became evident earlier this week when one of our boiler pumps was being repaired; and parents were informed by their student prior to receiving SchoolSpeak notifications from Mr. Busche. While phone calls during school hours is a concern, our school policy is also in place to ensure that unapproved images or videos of students and staff are not posted to social media.
Historically, if we discover that a student did not turn in a cellphone at the beginning of the day, the cellphone is then confiscated and held in the office. To get the phone back, the student’s parent is required to come to school at the end of the day to meet with me. Since this has become a more prevalent problem in recent weeks, I will now be holding any cellphones not turned in until the end of the year. Please discuss with your student so they understand the consequences of their actions.
ASCA’s Inaugural ‘Run With the Saints’
Please stay tuned for more exciting information on our inaugural Run With the Saints, which will be sent to all school families THIS SUNDAY.
Annie Jr. TONIGHT and TOMORROW Evening
Students enjoyed a preview snippet of this year’s school musical, Annie Jr. this afternoon. We hope that you will come back tonight or tomorrow evening (4/20 and 4/21) at 7 pm to enjoy the entire musical. The students have worked very hard, and look forward to performing for a packed house. Break a leg, kids!
Mother Son Event THIS ‘SON’DAY
It's almost time for our Mother/Son Event this Sunday, April 22 from 1-3 pm at Dave & Buster's in Addison. Envelopes with game cards and wristbands were sent home yesterday in backpack mail. Please bring those envelopes with you to the event. Lost or forgotten game cards cannot be replaced. Get ready for lots of fun with your son(s), and team up to compete against other moms and sons in a Skee-Ball Competition! Any questions, please contact Angie
( or Chris ( See you there!
A Message from Daddy Daughter Dance
Thank you all for coming out to celebrate the 2018 ASCA Daddy Daughter Barn Dance. It was so much fun watching all the girls and their dads (or dates) dancing the night away. A number of attendees requested duplicates of their daddy/daughter portraits. For anyone interested in purchasing a copy of their portrait from Elan Photography, please contact them at (630) 960-1400.
Thank you to everyone, kids and parents, who helped us set up last Friday and Saturday to make this event so special for all the families. We truly appreciate your generosity and time.
One of our volunteers was nice enough to capture some great images of the event. Please click the link below to view pictures of the 2018 Daddy Daughter Dance.
Open House BBQ – Wednesday, May 9 from 5 – 7 pm
We invite all of our current school families to come out to our Open House BBQ on May 9. This is a terrific opportunity to meet the teachers not only from your current grade, but especially in the grade that you will be moving to this fall.
In particular, we encourage our 5th grade parents and students to attend, to meet the entire Junior High team, and to hear the expectations of both students and parents before coming back to school in August.
Did we mention that there will be food?
News from the All Saints Athletic Association
Track and Field Meet
Good luck to our track and field team that will be competing tomorrow, Saturday, April 21 in a meet co-hosted by St. Cletus and St. Raphael. The meet will take place at Bolingbrook High School. Go Saints!!!
A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
A Green Tie Affair, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2018
For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.