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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 3/8/2018 – Destination:  Heaven

There is something wonderful that everyone needs to know about our All Saints students.  It is something that I have never experienced at any other school that I have worked at.  It continues to amaze me (although it shouldn’t).  It inspires me, and motivates me to ‘be better’; to try harder.

Our students have a heart; yes?  No, that doesn’t really describe an All Saints student.  What our students possess is a ‘hearts on fire’ enthusiasm and excitement for helping others.  They are growing kind and compassionate hearts.  They are looking outside of themselves at the needs of others; and they know that they have the power, passion, and ability to make a difference.  They are Jesus’ loving hands and feet here on earth.  They are living examples of our mission.  They are servant leaders.  They are true disciples of Christ.

As part of our almsgiving this Lenten season, we are raising monies to support the Hogar del Pobre orphanage in Celaya, Mexico.  We have had such a long and fruitful relationship with the Madres and children of the orphanage.  We are also working to raise money to be the ‘light of Christ’ in the world, and bring solar lights to families in Alenga, Uganda as part of the U4Uganda & Watts of Love project. Light is a game changer for these families.  Imagine what your lives would be like without light?   

Our Junior High Academy students have been overflowing with all kinds of ideas and plans to raise money towards these goals.  So, to help them in their efforts, I am happy to announce our first ever Lenten Market, which will be held at ASCA on Wednesday, March 21st.  The market will bring together all of the students and their fundraising efforts in one place.   We are still working out all of the logistics and details of the day; however, I hope that you and your children will ‘save the date’, and plan on attending and supporting our students and all of their hard work.  As a result, these truly worthy causes will reap the benefits of our generosity and caring. 

Growing a giving heart also extends to our school parents.  We have a wonderful group of parents who make up our Celebra tu Herencia (Celebrate Your Heritage) group.  They were formed and came together this year to harness their collective efforts, and offer their talents and gifts to help our school.  If you recall, their fall tamale sale was incredibly successful, with all proceeds going towards scholarship at All Saints.  The group will be meeting on Monday, March 19 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm; all are invited and welcome to come and join.  One of the topics that will be discussed involves helping one of our own here at ASCA.  All of us at All Saints were crushed when we very recently became aware that one of our graduates was unexpectedly diagnosed with leukemia.   This was devastating news because we are family at All Saints.  When one of us hurts, we all hurt.   On the 19th, we will be discussing ways in which we can help this family, our graduate and their sibling who is still here at ASCA.  I hope that you can join us.   Please pray for them.   

When I reflect on what is important in the formation and education of our students, our children, I am reminded of the profound words of a former principal in the Diocese of Joliet.  He believed that ‘it was not his job to get students into Harvard; it was his job to get them into Heaven.   While our ‘works’ here in our earthly lives do not guarantee a ticket to Heaven, they certainly reflect on the type of person that we are, on how we treat others, and on who we continue to become in the image of Christ Jesus.   


A Green Tie Affair - this year's Dinner Dance Auction

I certainly hope to see many of you at this year's Dinner Dance Auction, which will be held at the Chicago Naperville Marriott on Saturday, March 17.  Friday, March 9 is the deadline to purchase your tickets - simply go to to complete your transaction, or turn in your response card and payment to school.  You also can purchase a tuition credit raffle ticket at the ascadda website - take a chance to win a $5,000 tuition credit.  If you can not attend, you can still join in the fun and support our school by participating in the online silent auction.  Go to to take a look.    


Spring Book Fair – Paws for Books

You do not want to miss our Spring Book Fair.  Pick up a book or two for your student to enjoy over our upcoming spring break.  Fostering a love of reading is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to our children. 

  • Monday, 3/12/18 - Classroom Previews from 10 am -3 pm
  • Tuesday, 3/13/18 – the Book Fair will be open from 7:30 am – 5 pm
  • Wednesday, 3/14/18 – the Book Fair will be open from 7:30 am-5 pm.  Please plan on joining us on the 14th for Pastries with the Principal at the Book Fair at 9:15am (after mass)
  • Thursday, 3/15/18 – Last Day of the Book Fair - 7:30 am – 10 am      

If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the following link –  Thank you in advance for your support. 


Half Day Reminder – Friday, March 23

Just a reminder that there is a half day of school scheduled on Friday, March 23, the beginning of our Spring BreakOn this day, all preschool students will be dismissed at 11:15 am.  Kindergarten through Grade 8 students will be dismissed at 12 pm.    


News from All Saints Athletic Association

MARCH MADNESS CONTINUES . . . . Congratulations to our teams making it through the first round of playoff season.  Below is the schedule of games for those teams still standing:

Friday 3/9

  • 6:00pm  Boys 8B1 vs. St. Mary Gostyn @ St. Joan of Arc
  • 7:00pm  Boys 8B2 vs. St. Raphael @ St. Joan of Arc
  • 7:30pm  Girls 8B vs. St. Petronille @ Sacred Heart

Saturday 3/10

  • 11:00am  Girls 7A vs. St. Petronille @ St. Michael
  • 12:00pm  Boys 6B1 vs. St. Michael @ St. John the Baptist
  •  4:00pm  Boys 6A vs. St. Michael @ St. Pius

As always, you can stay on top of the playoff standings by going to

Mark your calendars! The end of season banquet for basketball will be held on Thursday, March 22 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.  Information was sent to your email on file with SI Play.  RSVPs are due on or before Friday, March 16th.  For those teams whose season has ended, you can return your uniform to the front desk.  Please place uniforms in a Ziploc bag and be sure to put the athlete’s name and team on the bag.

Track & Field meet sign-ups are posted.  If you are a parent of a Track & Field athlete, you are asked to sign up for (2) 2 hour shifts.  You can access the sign ups at or by visiting the SI Play website at

ATTENTION Parents of 4th graders……is your child interested in participating in our athletic program next year?  We will be hosting a meeting for all parents interested in learning more about the athletic program.  The date is TBD but will be shortly after break, watch your email for information. 

Did you miss the Janor online store?  You can still purchase spiritwear 24/7 through the online store set up with SI Play.  Visit to see what items are available.  All products will be shipped directly to your home.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!



Previous Article Saints Speak – 3/1/2018 – The Promise of Spring
Next Article Saints Speak – 3/15/2018 – Planning for the Future

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

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School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


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