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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 3/15/2018 – Planning for the Future

What a difference one hour can make.  Even though we were all a little bit sleepy this past Sunday when we lost an hour of sleep due to daylight savings time, it is so nice to enjoy the ‘longer days’ – both psychologically, and from a productivity standpoint.  It is as if we have all uncovered and tapped into a renewed source of energy and exhilaration.  This ‘strength for the journey‘ could not have come sooner, as there is so much happening at ASCA - both now and in the coming months.   

This St. Patrick’s Day weekend is our annual dinner dance auction A Green Tie Affair – which will be held at the Chicago Naperville Marriott.  I look forward to seeing many of you at the dinner dance where we will celebrate all things ASCA.  This is the school’s biggest fundraiser, and an event where each one of us can give or contribute in some way toward our success – today and in the future.

Our virtue focus this week is quite timely as it centers on the beautiful virtue of generosity.  Generosity is a readiness to give to others in the way that God gives to us, free from the smallness of mind and character.  In the Bible we read, “When you give, give generously and not with a stingy heart; for that, the Lord, your God, will bless you in all your works and undertakings.” (Deuteronomy 15:10) 

This Old Testament reading reminds us of the importance of sharing what have, all of our blessings, with others.  When we are able to do this, we embody the teachings and example of Jesus.  We are putting our beliefs into action. 

All Saints Catholic Academy would not be the school that it is without the support and generosity of all of you, and those who came before you – parents, grandparents, benefactors and visionaries.  We are very grateful.  This weekend, we can collectively join together to make this year’s DDA - A Green Tie Affair – a huge success for our children and the school.  Even if you will not be attending, you can browse, bid and buy online by taking part in the silent auction at I hope that each one of you will participate in some way. 

Here are just a few examples of the many items available for bid/purchase:

  • out of uniform passes, no homework passes and break a rule passes
  • grade level parties with your child’s teacher
  • sporting event tickets – Cubs, White Sox, Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Notre Dame
  • golf with Father Mark
  • lunch with Mrs. Santos
  • restaurant and wine experiences
  • vacation getaways  
  • classes and camps for children and parents alike

There truly is something interesting for everyone at many different price points so that everyone can take part, and help All Saints.  I would like to thank you for your generosity. 

I would also like to acknowledge the 5th grade DDA team, and in particular our auction co-chairs Kendra Kirchgessner and Tracy Coleman.  Many, many hours of work have been put in by the team so that All Saints will benefit both financially, and in the strengthening of our school community.  Please join with me in thanking them.   

While our dinner dance auction is a huge part of the financial planning for All Saints’ future, our 2018-2019 school calendar is a huge part of the logistical planning of our future.  Please click here to view the 2018-2019 ASCA School Calendar.  Please note that our first day of school for grades 1-8 will be Tuesday, August 21, and it will be a half day ending at 12 pm.  The first day of school for kindergarten will be on Wednesday, August 22 (this will be an abbreviated day for orientation).  The first full day of school for kindergarten and preschool will be Thursday, August 23.  

As noted in a previous Saints Speak, our staff will be attending the NCEA conference that will be held in Chicago in April.  Due to the timing of this conference that follows Easter, we have scheduled an Easter break that will start on Good Friday (4/19/2019), with students returning to school on Monday, April 29.  This break will be in addition to our spring break which occurs at the end of March. 


ASCA Lenten Market

The Junior High is presenting the first ASCA Lenten Market as part of their Lenten Almsgiving Project.  We will be donating all of the money to worthy causes. The majority of the money will go to the Hogar Del Pobre Orphanage, with additional funds directed to puchase solar powered lights for our pen-pals in Uganda through U4UGANDA.  Additional monies will go toward other causes that are close to the students hearts.  Your generosity will be most appreciated by the students and the causes that will benefit.

When: Wednesday, March 21 from 2-4 pm.

Where: ASCA Gymnasium

Who: All Are Welcome!  Parents, students, new families - all are welcome to come to our market.

What: We are selling homemade baked goods, a variety of bracelets, ASCA necklaces, T-shirts, pet rocks and candy.  Get your nails polished for Spring Break or have your face painted like a mouse.  Participate in a variety of contests including a 3 point contest and a soccer shoot out.  You might also enjoy playing a game of Bozo Buckets or race motorized cars and win a prize.

Why: For Lenten Almsgiving

********All ASCA students will be visiting the market on Wednesday, March 21 during school hours.  Please support these worthy causes by sending money with your child so they can join in the fun. *******

Thank you for your support.  We are looking forward to seeing you there.


All Saints Women's Basketball League

Ladies, you've sat in the stands all winter long watching your kids play basketball and cheering them on.  Now that their season is just about finished, it is time to dust off your high tops and put your game face on!  Join your fellow All Saints moms, teachers and friends in the gym for some fun on the following dates:

  • 3/20/2018 Tue - 7:00 PM-8:30 PM          practice         
  • 4/5/2018 Thu - 7:00 PM-9:00 PM            practice         
  • 4/12/2018 Thu - 7:00 PM-9:00 PM          game 1
  • 4/19/2018 Thu - 7:00 PM-9:00 PM          game 2            
  • 4/26/2018 Thu - 7:00 PM-9:00 PM          game 3
  • 5/3/2018  Thu-7:00 PM-9:00 PM             game 4
  • 5/10/2018 Thu - 7:00 PM-9:00 PM          game 5
  • 5/17/2018 Thu - 7:00 PM-9:00 PM          game 6

Cost to participate will be $50 for new players (includes a jersey).  To sign up or get additional information, please contact Chris Gambs ( or Dana Menendez (


News from All Saints Athletic Association

MARCH MADNESS CONTINUES . . . . We have 3 teams still in the hunt for a championship.  Let’s pack the stands and support our Saints on the road this weekend.  Below is the schedule of games for those teams still standing:

Friday, March 16

  • 7:30 pm:  Boys 6B1 vs. St. Michael at St. James in Glen Ellyn

Saturday, March 17

  • 10:15 am:  Girls 7A vs. St. Dominic at Montini Catholic High School in Lombard -Championship Game
  • 12:00 pm:  Boys 8B2 vs. St. Mary of Gostyn at St. Joan of Arc in Lisle

We will send out updates on Championship games as our teams progress.  As always, you can stay on top of the playoff standings by going to

RSVPs are due tomorrow, March 16 for the end of season banquet for basketball.  Invites/rsvp is available here:

For those teams whose season has ended, you can return your uniform to the front desk.  Please place uniforms in a Ziploc bag and be sure to put the athlete’s name and team on the bag.

Track & Field meet sign-ups are posted.  If you are a parent of a Track & Field athlete, you are asked to sign up for (2) 2 hour shifts.  You can access the sign ups at (link has been updated) or by visiting the SI Play website at

ATTENTION Parents of 4th graders……is your child interested in participating in our athletic program next year?  We will be hosting a meeting for all parents interested in learning more about the athletic program.  The date is TBD but will be shortly after break, watch your email for information. 

Don’t forget, there’s no need to wait for the next online store, you can purchase spiritwear 24/7 through the online store set up with SI Play.  Visit

to see what items are available.  All products will be shipped directly to your home.


Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!






Previous Article Saints Speak – 3/8/2018 – Destination:  Heaven
Next Article Saints Speak – 3/23/2018 – Grace and Sacrifice

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

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School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


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