Saints Speak – 3/1/2018 – The Promise of Spring
March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb. This old English proverb probably did not have Chicago area weather in mind when it was authored. The weather can be downright unpredictable this time of year. It seems as if we have had more indoor lineups and recesses than usual this winter, and even a snow day. Truth be told, we have enjoyed some delightful weather this past week. The temperature even made it into the 60’s the other day. Students were shedding jackets (which I hope did not end up in the lost and found) as they enjoyed the warmth, and promise of spring which is just around the corner.
While it seems as if mud is everywhere due to the thaw and recent rains, it makes my heart happy to see the clumps of snowdrops that dot my landscape when there is really little else to see................yet. In these delicate flowers, l see, know, and am comforted that the end of winter is near. Golden daffodils and vibrant colored tulips cannot be too far behind.
The days are getting longer. We’ll be ‘springing ahead’ in a little over a week with the arrival Daylight Savings Time. Even though Punxsutawney Phil scurried out of his little hole and saw his shadow last month, the long winter is almost over. We are looking forward to the newness of spring at All Saints, and all of the excitement that comes with it. This is a great time to renew your excitement for All Saints. You can accomplish this in so many ways. Volunteer. Get involved. Make new friends.
Our Paws for Books Spring Book Fair is almost here, so let's get this paw-ty started! We need all paws on deck to make this event a huge success? We are currently in need of several volunteers. The students really enjoy coming to the fair and growing their love of reading. If you are interested in joining the team for this fun event, please visit the following link – all paws in:
It is hard to believe that we are almost half way through this Lenten season. This is a good time to reflect on how you are doing? Do you need to refocus? Here are a few opportunities that you might like to take care of keep moving forward, or to hit the reset button. It is never too late!
- 24 hours of Reconciliation: There will day long reconciliation available on March 3 and March 10 at two local parishes.

2. Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross, is a traditional Lenten devotion. Stations of the Cross serve as an excellent way to tell the Good Friday story. The stations are places to stop and think about what is depicted in that scene at that place. There are typically fourteen or fifteen stations highlighting Jesus’ walk to the Cross. See specific parish details below.
3. Parishes: All of our affiliated parishes have Lenten programs. Please check out the following sample of available Lenten opportunities. Visit the parish websites for additional offerings and more information:
Holy Spirit
- Reconciliation Saturdays 3:30-4:00 pm
- Stations of the Cross every Sunday at 12:15 pm – February 18 - March 19
St. Elizabeth Seton
- Reconciliation Saturdays 4:00-4:30 pm
- Stations of the Cross. At St. Elizabeth Seton, various groups will present the Stations of the Cross for the parish. All parishioners are invited to each or any of these opportunities for this special devotion as follows:
- Monday, March 12 at 7:00 pm - 7th and 8th Grade Religious Education.
- Thursday, March 22 at 7:00 pm - 5th Grade Religious Education. Simple Soup Supper in the Great Hall at 6:00 pm.
- Friday, March 23 at 3:00 pm - Stations of the Cross for Healing.
- Good Friday, March 30 at 3:00 pm - Knights of Columbus
St. Margaret Mary
- Reconciliation:
- Sunday, March 4 5:00 pm - Parish Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service
- Fridays 6:30 PM to 7:30 pm - Reconciliation through Lent
- Stations of the Cross Fridays 7:30 pm through Lent, except March 16 when there will be a Healing Mass.
St. Thomas the Apostle
- Reconciliation - The St. Thomas community will celebrate a Lenten communal reconciliation service on Wednesday, March 7 at 7:00 pm. Liturgy of the Word will be followed by the opportunity for individual confession with a priest. Regular confessions are heard Saturday 3:30-4:00 pm
- Stations of the Cross - Pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday of Lent at 7:00 pm in the Church beginning February 16.
- Immigration Ministry Lenten Calendar -Since 2006, the Archdiocese of Chicago has provided a Lenten calendar to accompany immigrants on their journey for justice. This year, pray, fast, and act in support of the DREAM Act. You can view the calendar on the St. Thomas the Apostle website
Our Lady of Mercy
- Reconciliation (Confession)
- Saturdays – Feb 17 & 24 / Mar 3, 10, 17, 24 9:00 – 10:00 am, and 2:30 – 3:45 pm
- Friday, March 2 8:30 – 9:30 am
- Sunday, March 11 4:00 – 5:30 pm
- Tuesday, March 20 7:00 pm Penance Service
- Tuesday, March 27 7:00 pm until all are heard
- Stations of the Cross – Fridays of Lent
- Feb 16 & 23 / Mar 2, 9, 16, 23 - 7:00 pm in English
- Feb 16, Mar 9, 16- 12:30 pm in Spanish
4. Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Holy Rosary - We continue to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every school day except Wednesdays in the Chapel at 7:50 am and we will continue to the bi-lingual Rosary Wednesday mornings in the gym prior to mass beginning at 7:50 am. No prior experience necessary! Note that the chapel is open this Lenten season during the school day for you to visit and spend some time with Jesus.
Note that information may be subject to change after publication
Our SHPP (School Home Parish Partnership) has been very busy……………………
There are so many exciting things coming up. We have the Mother Son event, Daddy Daughter Dance, Spring Book Fair and Booster thon just to name a few. These events take many volunteers to make them happen. I am asking for you to give of your time and talent. Please consider helping out. There will be options to help from home, as well as to help before and after these events. There is always plenty to do. Please check the upcoming sign up genius. Any time that you could offer would be greatly appreciated!
Also, I just wanted to take a moment and recap all of the things that our SHPP Committees have done so far this school year.
Did you know that SHPP
- furnished the new Health Office
- provided the DJ, slurpees and ice cream for our welcome back to school Meet and Greet event
- hosted the Charleston Wrap sale
- held the Fall book Fair
- facilitated the Trunk or Treat event
- distributed pretzels from the Pretzel Factory for students
- provided dinner for teachers during fall conferences
- provided Andy’s Frozen custard coupons for Christmas
- hosted the Holiday Shop
- sponsored the teacher Christmas Party
- helped to provide snacks for the MLK day of service to 360 Youth Services
- provided prizes for Catholic Schools Week
- provided funds for Art Awareness
- started a Kindness Rocks program at school
- contributed monies toward the internet safety presentation
- organized classroom parties and snacks
- provided new recess equipment (such as the large chess pieces and painted chess board)
- helped to fund part of the events for Grandparents Day.
- If you are going to the Dinner Dance Auction you will see that SHPP sponsored a raffle for the auction.
In the months to come, SHPP will be providing teachers with something special during Teacher Appreciation Week, and providing light refreshments and snacks for STEM night. SHPP will be holding a very special assembly for students in the month of May. Stay tuned for more information to come. As you can see, the many devoted volunteers that make up our SHPP committees work so very hard to provide these many opportunities to our school community that make All Saints more fun and connected. I would like to offer a special thank you to everyone who is part of SHPP. SHPP is a terrific place to make new friendships, and to offer to share your time and talents to make a lasting impact on our students and school.
News from the All Saints Athletic Association
March Madness Begins . . . . The regular season has ended, but our Saints will still be in action this weekend. Visit the league website at where you can stay on top of playoff game schedules. Our teams love it when our school community comes out to cheer them on! So, put on your blue and gold, load up the car and bring your Saints pride to cheer our teams on to a strong finish!
Thank you to all our families and fans who came out to support our 8th graders at Blue Out last Friday! We had a lot of fun as we honored our players for their years of dedication to our athletic program. Good luck as you move on to high school.
Mark your calendars! The end of season banquet for basketball will be held on Thursday, March 22 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. More information to come~
If you were unable to attend the Track & Field meeting and still need to register yourself or your athlete, the registration site will remain open through Sunday, March 4th. Please go to to register. If you will be helping with coaching, please register yourself as an assistant coach and indicate which grade and gender.
Track & Field meet sign-ups will be posted soon, watch your email for additional information on how you can sign up to help!
Attention Parents of 4th graders……is your child interested in participating in our athletic program next year? We will be hosting a meeting for all parents interested in learning more about the athletic program. The date is TBD, but will be shortly after break; watch your email for information.
Did you miss the Janor online store? You can still purchase spirit wear 24/7 through the online store set up with SI Play. Visit to see what items are available. All products will be shipped directly to your home.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!