Saints Speak - 2/1/2018 - Memories that Last Forever
What an exciting week Catholic Schools Week 2018 has turned out to be. Last Sunday, we held our annual Open House to kick off this week. I enjoyed seeing so many of you and your children at school, saying hello to your teachers, checking out the teachers and classrooms that your child will have this coming fall, and even participating in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition in the gym. Our beautiful building has no life without our students, teachers and families.
If it seemed a little bit crowded in the hallways, it was because we also welcomed 50 new families who toured All Saints on Sunday. These families are considering enrolling their student(s) at ASCA this coming fall, and we are already starting to receive their registrations. There are so many people to thank for the success of this event:
- To all of the parent volunteers who checked in families, conducted tours, answered questions, gave personal testimony about your family's experience at ASCA, and offered hospitality and information to all of the prospective families. You are always so giving of your time and talents.
- To all of the students who helped welcome and escort families throughout the building. Some of the students also conducted tours. These students are a wonderful representation of all of our students here at ASCA.
- To our alumni who came back to share their stories of high school, and the impact of their All Saints education on their future success.
- To our teachers who are such a key part of the excellent education grounded in faith that All Saints offers to all students. Families were very impressed with your classrooms, and with each of you!
- To members of our Marketing Committee and to our Director of Student Services, Patty Bajek, for all of their planning and work that helped contribute to the outcome.
- To our administrative staff for their support in answering phone calls, and inviting interested families to the open house.
- To out custodial staff who prepared and cleaned the school so it would shine with their usual care and sense of pride and ownership.
We then hit the ground running on Monday, and have not slowed down since. From Color Wars to Pajama Day, from Catholic Identity to Summer Daze - we have enjoyed the 5th grade Saints Museum, our 4th grade musical performance, a pep rally, Teacher Swap, spelling bees, visiting performers from Marmion and St. Francis, the Talent Show, D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and READ Day, Crazy Sock Day, our weekly School Mass, and our daily giveaways all week long. Tomorrow, Catholic Schools Week 2018 culminates with our 9th Annual Fun Fair, presented by the ASCA Class of 2019. A lot of hard work has been poured into Fun Fair 2018, and I really hope to see everyone tomorrow night, Friday, February 2.
Preschool and kindergarten students - you get the benefit of early access at 5:30 pm. The fun fair opens to everyone else at 6 pm, with the fun continuing until 8 pm. There is something exciting planned for children of all ages. And plan to come hungry, because there is going to be lot of yummy food and snacks that include pizza, hot dogs, chips, candy, drinks and homemade treats. So, plan on bringing the family and make an evening of it. I can't think of a better place to be on a bitter cold night, than having fun with friends at the ASCA Fun Fair.
Also, SHPP (your School Home Parish Partnership) is happy to announce that there will be a raffle at the end of the day on Friday. What a fun way to end the week and start the weekend! SHPP will be raffling off 3 prizes. All the baskets are in the theme of Movie Night. The first basket has a $30.00 AMC gift card along with snacks and beverages for you to enjoy. The other two baskets have Red Box gift codes and some snacks to enjoy. Good Luck! Thank you SHPP!!
What I will remember about this Catholic Schools Week is all of the children's excitement when they came into school each day. Each day, students thanked me for all of the fun that they have enjoyed. I would like to thank my staff for all of their help this week.
The students have been so generous in bringing in Change for Change contributions to help the children of Hogar del Pobre orphanage. We also will continue to take student votes through tomorrow, Friday, February 2 (only $1 each) for their favorite Talent Show acts. All of the proceeds go to the orphanage.
When I mentioned this week to my daughter who is 22 years old, she immediately replied how she remembered how much fun that she had during Catholic Schools Week, and how she wishes that she could go back to enjoy all of the fun. The memories that we are making today and tomorrow, are the memories that last forever.
One other upcoming event that is always very popular in the Daddy Daughter Dance. It will be held on Saturday, April 14 at ASCA, so please mark your calendars now to save the date. We are also looking for some volunteers that would like to be part of the team. We have fun jobs for anyone and everyone! If you’re interested in joining us or would like more info, please contact Kristen Johanneson- or Michele Klein- This is more memories in the making.