Saints Speak - 1/25/2018 - Take the Initiative
Our virtue focus this week was an exploration of Initiative. Initiative is defined as “the action of taking the first step or move; the ability to think and act without being urged”. Proactive people do things before they need to be done instead of being reactive, or doing things after the need has been identified. Taking the initiative means that you start, on your own, to act and add value to the people in your life.
This week, we celebrate Catholic Schools Week at All Saints Catholic Academy. This year's theme is “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.”, which encompasses the core products and values that can be found at All Saints and in Catholic schools across the country. We celebrate that we have the opportunity to teach students to become future servant leaders, faith-filled disciples and enriched citizens in our communities, It is truly a privilege to be able to have such an impact on the students of All Saints Catholic Academy. It is also one of the most fun weeks of the year for our student and faculty alike. Please click here for the 2018 Catholic Schools Week Calendar to see all of the activities that are planned.
One of the most important and impactful activities that we take part in over Catholic Schools Week is our Change for Change collection. Each day during Catholic Schools Week (January 28th through February 3rd), students will be collecting “Change for Change.” Please help our good intentions shine through by digging deep for as many pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters as possible and bringing them to school during this special week. All funds are donated to the Hogar del Pobre Orphanage in Celaya, Mexico. They are extremely grateful for all that ASCA does to help them, and the children even pray for us at their daily mass! So, let’s take the intiative here and participate in this rewarding, school-wide endeavor! Together, we can make some Change for Change! Please click here to find out more about Change for Change.
One of the highlights of Catholic Schools Week is the Junior High Talent Show on Thursday, February 1. It is amazing how much talent our All Saints students and faculty have been blessed
with. Students get to vote for their favorite acts, and votes are only $1 each. The real talent show winner is the Hogar del Pobre orphanage, as all vote proceeds are donated to the children of the orphanage in Mexico. So, let's take the initiative, have a lot of fun, and help the orphanage with our generous votes!
This coming Sunday, January 28, we open the doors of All Saints Cathoilc Academy for our 2018 Open House. This is a tremendous opportunity for you to visit the school and take a look at the classroom(s) and meet the teacher(s) that your students will be moving to this coming fall. Do you have one of our littlest 'saints'? Find out more about our preschool program for three and four year olds AND our newest programming for 2 and 3 year olds - Mommy and Me for 2's and On My Own for 3's classes! Is your student moving to the Junior High Academy this fall? There is so much to see, and you and your student will enjoy learning more about what happens in 6th grade and beyond. You are encouraged to bring a friend who may like to know more about All Saints and why you love it so much.
On Sunday afternoon during the Open House, our gym will also be very busy with the annual 2018 Knights of Columbus Youth Free Throw Championship at All Saints Catholic Academy. All boys and girls ages 9-14 years old are invited to participate, so come on out to compete. There is NO ENTRY FEE for this event. Doors open at 1:00 pm; and registration closes at 1:30 pm when the competition begins. This event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Councils of St. Elizabeth Seton, Holy Spirit, St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Margaret Mary. Boys and girls will compete within their own gender and individual age category, thus there will be twelve different categories of competition. Winners are awarded a Council Level Prize and have the opportunity to advance through three additional levels of competition: District, Regional and State Level.
So, take the initiative here and plan to join us on Sunday afternoon from 1-3 pm at the Open House.
We close out Cathoilc Schools Week on Friday, February 2 with the 9th Annual Fun Fair. It is so fun to come together as a school community on this night for fun and games. It is a great evening to connect with friends, and to support the Class of 2019 with this fundraiser that helps to defray the costs of all of their 8th grade activities. There is fun for all ages! Many thanks to everyone for their support of this event which has been many months in the planning. Two of the most popular games are the Cake Walk and the Soda Pop Toss. We are still in need of baked goods/cakes and pop donations for these games. Please take the initiative, and be generous in your donations and support of the Fun Fair. Go to to sign up.
Wristbands and water bottles are available for purchase now, and will also be at the door of the Fun Fair. A limited supply of t-shirts will be available for purchase at Door 1 on February 1st, at 3:00 pm. Any remaining shirts will be available for purchase at the Fun Fair.
Another very special evening that I would like to highlight during Catholic Schools Week is on Monday evening, January 29 at 7 pm. All are invited to take the initiative to attend and enjoy a musical performance by our 4th grade students, and the living 'Saints Museum' presented by our 5th grade students. The students have been working very hard, and I know that you will really enjoy this evening and supporting our students!
Taking the initiative can affect change in so many ways.
News from All Saints Athletic Association
From the Saints Sidelines . . . It was a busy weekend in our Saints gym and several or our teams scored a win. Congrats to the Boys 6A, 6B2, 7B1, 8B2 and Girls 8B teams on your wins last weekend!
Current standings show our Boys 8B2 team in 1st place while three teams, Boys 6B1, 8B1 and Girls 8B are holding strong in 2nd place for their divisions. Way to go Saints . . . keep hustling! You can stay on top of the league standings and schedules by visiting the league website at
Basketball pictures for teams and individuals are still being taken online via the link . Orders can be placed online through Sunday. Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
Attention Parents…..Track & Field season is right around the corner and ASAA is looking to fill the positions of Track & Field Coordinator and Varsity Boys Coach (7th & 8th grade boys). Without a coach, we will not be able to enter a team at this level. Please contact Keith Glab as soon as possible if you are interested or have any questions regarding either position.
SHOUT-OUTS now available! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
As always, ASAA values the time commitment provided by all our volunteer parents. Your involvement helps make a successful athletic program at All Saints! Thank you!
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!
Stay Calm and Dribble On!!!