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Monday, March 10, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak - 2/9/2018 - Snow Day

We have been aware of this winter storm for days.  Meteorologists have been talking about it in their weather reports.  Once the weather became the main story in local and national newscasts,  we all had to pay attention.  Our school administrators and those of school districts throughout the area began to closely monitor the situtation - looking at Doppler Radar images, and snowfall totals and accumulations by the hour.  Students started praying for a snow day - even the possibility of having one created excitement and anticipation.   When the snow day was announced yesterday at afternoon prayer, the roar of the students could probably be heard out to the car line and beyond.   

Snow days are those rare events that take us out of our normal routine.  Students get to sleep in, and maybe get that extra day to complete a homework assignment that wasn't finished.  The sledding hills beckon with fresh untouched snow.  If the snow is 'just right', there are snowball fights to be had, igloos to be built, and snowmen (snowwomen and snow children too!) to be brought to life. 

The world seems to stand still as the snow falls, glistening like precious diamonds dropped from heaven, delicately framing the trees and bushes.  There is always hot chocolate to be shared, marshmallows optional.  Our own typical work routine takes a back seat as we step off the merry go round of our regular lives for a short time.  These days take us back to our childhood.  Today, we have the opportunity to create memories with our children.   I hope that you all are safe and warm on this Snow Day 2018.   

With the amount of snow that we have experienced this winter season, it seems a good time to revisit our pick up, drop off, and parking lot procedures and a few other housekeeping items. 

  • Please give yourself enough time in driving to school in the morning.  Students who are dropped off at Door 7 should have enough time to make it to their locker and classroom so that they are in their seat for morning prayer and announcements which begin at 8 am.  If you are dropping off your student at  7:59 am, this can not physically happen.   Students who are tardy need to be brought into the school at Door 1 (our Main Welcome Desk  Entrance) and signed in by a parent.  
  • Please be courteous and mindful of others in the car line when dropping off your student(s)KEEP SAFETY FIRST.  Do not travel faster than 5 mph.  Please do not be on your cell phone or other electronic devices.  Please use your signals when merging in or out of traffic.  Please do not cut others off.  Please do not drive between parking spots.  Please be a good example for your student and for other drivers who 'maybe are not following the rules'.  
  •  Remember that students who are exiting the school at Door 1 at the end of the day should have a parent waiting for them outside Door 1.  Students should never be unaccompanied in the parking lot outside Door 1.
  • Early Dismissal for Students needs to be called in and requested NO LATER THAN 3 pm.   This allows us to request the student to come down at afternoon announcements ready to go for the day at 3:10 pm.  Parents should be at Door 1 NO LATER THAN 3:15 pm to take their child.   

Please do not show up at Door 1 requesting an early dismissal after 3 pm that has not been prearranged.  Our Welcome Desk is very busy at the end of the day, and students are in transition, often making it difficult to locate a student in a timely way. 

So, please let the school know about any early dismissal NO LATER THAN 3 pm in the afternoon; and be at school ready to take your child at 3:15 pm.   

Our Welcome Desk at Door 1 has been a wonderful addition to All Saints Catholic Academy.  It really is the hub of the business of the school.  It is where we welcome visitors and potential new families who come to tour All Saints.  It is where all incoming calls are taken.  Geri Everson has been a phenomenal addition to our ASCA Administrative Staff; offering outstanding customer service and hospitality to all who enter the school.   When you come to or call All Saints, you should expect to have complete focus and attention from staff to your needs.   We are also very much in tune to privacy concerns with regards to the business that takes place at the Welcome Desk.  

For all of these reasons, we are asking that school parents and visitors be mindful when entering the school.  Once you have entered and established a business purpose for your visit(signing in, etc),  please allow our staff to continue to do the excellent work that we all expect of them, serving others in a friendly and professional way. 

We ask that parents not enter the building to wait for their student(s) at the end of the day.  We also ask that parents not linger at the Welcome Desk chatting with others.  We wish that we had a Starbucks attached to the school to allow all of you to remain in the building to visit with each other; and we realize that is is important to build community here at All Saints.  Towards this end, we ask that you stay tuned for information about the return of Coffee with the Principal. 


From the Fun Fair Committee - Thank you for supporting the Class of 2019

Thank you to all who helped make this year’s Fun Fair a great success.  The dedication and hard work of each and every volunteer was above and beyond our expectations.  A special heartfelt thanks to the Jr. High teachers, led by Mrs. Kazlauskas and Mrs. Harrison, for the commitment of time and energy to create and monitor the Jr. High Zone. 

We would also like to thank the ASCA staff and all the ASCA families for their generous donations of cakes and soda pops!  This was a truly a group effort, and we are so grateful for all those who supported the Fun Fair and the Class of 2019.


It’s Box Tops Submission Time!

Please bring your Box Tops in to your homeroom by Thursday, February 15th.  We need to collect 5,992 more Box Tops to reach our goal of 10,000 or $1000.  The homeroom with the most Box Tops will win an out of uniform day, and will be passed the traveling trophy from Mrs. Foege’s homeroom.  No expired tops please.  

Also, please continue to save your pop tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald Family Room at Edward Hospital.  ASCA will deliver the tabs to the Pop it and Drop it event on Saturday, May 12th.
Last year ASCA collected 43.3 pounds!  Each homeroom has a collection box.  Any questions about box tops or pop tabs, please contact Gretchen Muller


Janor Online Spiritwear Store to Re-Open

Please stay tuned for more information.  


News from All Saints Athletic Association

Have you heard…..The TCBY Home Athlete of the Week for this week is Sarah Gillette (G5A). Sarah stepped up big time by playing the entire game, scoring 4 points and leading her team to a 13-1 victory over St. Scholastica.  Last week’s TCBY Athlete of the Week was Ella McDonald who scored 12 points in Girls 8A win (43-9) over St. John the Baptist on 1/26/18.  Congrats Sarah and Ella!

From the Saints Sidelines . . . . It was another great weekend for our Saints!  Teams bringing home wins last week were Girls 5A, Boys 5B2, 6A, 8A, 8B1 and 8B2.  Great job Saints!

Many of our teams continue to move up the ranks.  Our Boys 8B2 is currently in 1st place. 2nd place standings currently are Boys 6B1, 8B1 and Girls 8B while our Boys 6A are currently holding 3rd place in the league standings. Whether on the courts or off, our Saints make us proud demonstrating skill and good sportsmanship!  Keep up the good work Saints!

You can stay on top of the league standings and schedules by visiting the league website at

BLUE OUT is BACKBe sure to come out to the ASCA gym on Friday, February 23 at 6:00 pm for a SPECIAL night honoring our 8th grade players and their parents!  We have some fun things planned for this night as we host our 8th graders one last time on HOME court.  Wear your Blue Out shirt for free admission!

BLUE OUT shirts will be sold at HOME games as shirts remain available (limited sizes & quantities available)  If you didn’t purchase a shirt in the fall be sure to come out to HOME court and get one!

More information will be coming soon on the end of season banquet.


Previous Article Saints Speak - 2/1/2018 - Memories that Last Forever
Next Article Saints Speak - 2/15/2018 - Intentions and Actions

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

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School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


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