Saints Speak - 12/7/2017 - Seeking Honesty
This week, our students have been exploring the virtue of Honesty. Honesty is being truthful in thoughts, words and actions. It means telling the truth. As Catholic Christians, we know that Jesus teaches us to follow God's law. We should not lie, cheat or steal. Instead, we seek truth in kind and loving ways.
Have you ever reflected on the impact of your words on others? Do you ever gossip about others? Do you ever say mean or cruel things that hurt other's feelings? We need to strive to be loving, kind and truthful, letting God's love inspire and guide us in all that we do.
Two of the Ten Commandments are based on a call for honesty – you shall not steal (the 7th Commandment), and you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor (the 8th Commandment). There is inherent wisdom in the well known proverb, Honesty is the best policy, as one lie or bit of cheating often begets another. As teachers, school administrators and parents, we desire to not only teach our students the basic difference between right and wrong. We want them to learn what it means to be grounded in a virtue that builds character, instills honor and fosters a deep sense of self-worth. Christian faith and practice call for keeping God’s law and following the example of Jesus. By teaching our children that honesty is not only practical but also virtuous, we bear authentic witness to our faith, and reveal to them the truth of Jesus’ life and teaching.
Water Quality at All Saints
A letter was sent home to all school families today via their youngest and only student detailing the results of recent water testing at All Saints. Additional information from the study will be sent to all school families via SchoolSpeak on Friday, December 8.
Dinner Dance Auction Update

It's not too late to buy your Tuition Credit Raffle ticket! Anyone who buys a ticket by December 18 will be eligible for the "Early Bird" drawing to win a Fees and Forms credit for the 2018-19 school year. Last year the fee was $390! If you win, your ticket will still be entered in the $5,000 Tuition Credit Raffle drawing at the Dinner Dance Auction on March 17, 2018. Your $100 investment has the potential to win $5,390 in credit for your family for the 2018-19 school year! Only 150 tickets will be sold, and we've already sold 89! Don't miss this amazing opportunity! Forms are available on the school website (for payment by cash, check or FACTS) or you can purchase tickets online with a credit card at If you have any questions, contact Jeanette Jimenez at You can't win if you don't buy a ticket! Don't wait! Buy your ticket today!
Don’t forget that the auction, “A Green Tie Affair”, will be held on St. Patrick’s Day at the Chicago Marriott Naperville on Saturday, March 17. We look forward to seeing you all at the auction!
Tamale Sale and Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer Service
We hope that everyone is planning on joining us on Tuesday, December 12 as we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a prayer service that will be held in the school gym at 2:15 pm.
In honor of this feast day, we are holding a Tamale Sale. The homemade tamales are traditional Mexican tamales, and all tamales are wrapped in a corn husk. Five different varieties are available:
- Rojos Puerco (Red Pork)
- Verde Pollo (Green Chicken)
- Rajas (Hot Pepper Slices with Cheese)
- Verdura (Veggie)
- Dulce (Sweet)
Pre-orders for 1/2 dozen or a dozen tamales are being accepted through THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8. Payment must accompany your pre-order (cash or check made out to ASCA). Please click here for the pre-order form. Purchase a dozen of your favorite tamales, or select a 1/2 dozen of one or more different varieties and try something new. Dinner - DONE!
The pick up of your tamale pre-order will be this coming TUESDAY, December 12 from 2:00 - 3:45 pm at Door 1. On Tuesday, December 12, a limited number of tamales will also be available for sale - 2 tamales for $3 (cash only). So, don't be disappointed. Turn in your pre-order form and payment by this Friday, December 8.
ASCA Holiday Shop Next Week
It's almost here!! Starting Monday, our first Holiday Shop will be open and ready for business. The children have been busy looking at our preview table and checking their "nice" lists. The Holiday Shop will be open Monday, December 11th at 3:00 pm through Thursday, December 14th at 12:30 pm. The following are the shop's operating hours: Monday, December 11th 3:00 pm-4:00 pm, Tuesday, December 12th 7:30 am-4:00 pm, Wednesday, December 13th 7:30 am-4:00 pm, and Thursday, December 14th 7:30 am-12:30 pm. We are anticipating large crowds so please look online at all our items with prices and have your child fill out and bring with them the envelope they received last week to make the shopping and checkout process move as quickly as possible. Checks should be made payable to ASCA. There is no tax on these purchases and gift wrapping is included, free of charge!
We are still in need of volunteers to make our Holiday Shop a success. If you haven't done so already, please consider signing up. It's a great way to mingle, be involved in our school community, and surprise your child with an in school visit. You may even find a stocking stuffer or two while you're there! Use the SignUp Genius link to volunteer. If you aren't able to work any of the shifts listed but are still interested in donating your time, please contact Michelle Ling at Help is needed all day long.
Advent Project - Hesed House
Thank you to all for your generous donations. Our Advent collection for Hesed House continues. All help is greatly appreciated. You can click here for the list.
Lynch Creek Farms – Saints Helping Saints
Decorating for the holidays? Do not miss out on this opportunity to help raise funds that will go towards ASCA scholarship programs with the purchase of gorgeous high quality seasonal wreaths, garland, trees, and centerpieces from Lynch Creek Farms. These items make great gifts, and will be delivered to the gift recipient with free shipping.
Every time we shop online through our group's fundraising page, All Saints Catholic Academy will earn 20% of all purchases! It's that easy. If we work together, we'll meet our $1,000 goal in no time. So please join our fundraising team by clicking the link below. Join now at
All Saints Annual Fund Appeal
Thank you to all of our school families who have generously responded to our ASCA Annual Fund Appeal. Know that each and EVERY contribution no matter how large or small is greatly appreciated!!! Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift! Please consider making a donation with a matching gift from your company, and make your contribution go even farther. Please contact Patty Bajek with any questions. You can also make an online contribution at
News from the All Saints Athletic Association
From the Saints Sidelines . . . Our Saints opened the season like champs with several teams dominating the hoops! Congrats to the following teams who scored the “W” – Girls 7A, 8A, 8B; Boys 6B1, 7B1, 8B1 and 8B2. What a way to start off the season! Remember you can stay on top of the league standings and schedules by visiting the league website at
***Looking to take a break from all the holiday hustle….we have many home games this upcoming weekend. Be sure to stop by and catch our Saints in action!
Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
NEW ATHLETICS SPIRIT WEAR OFFERINGS . . . in an effort to offer an ongoing line of spirit wear for our athletics program, ASAA has teamed up with Squad Locker (powered by SI Play). You can access the new line by logging into your SI Play account or by going to
You can now order your ASAA gear 24/7, and items will be shipped directly to your home address. Hurry …. order by Dec. 12th for Christmas delivery!
SHOUT-OUTS now available! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!
Stay Calm and Dribble On!!!