Saints Speak – 11/30/17 - Celebra tu Herencia / Celebrate Our Heritage
Celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
A faithful, faith-filled group of school parents have come together this school year in an effort to help enhance and grow our All Saints Catholic Academy school community. This group, known as Celebra tu Herencia or Celebrate Your Heritage brings an enthusiastic desire to serve and to celebrate to ASCA. Here are just a few examples:
- In Prayer – Prayer connects us to our loving and gracious God, and to each other. Prayer has power to move mountains, minds and hearts. Our parents have joined together each week to pray the Rosary prior to our school masses, and have brought the beauty and richness of this prayer to all of All Saints in Spanish.
- In Service - Our parents planned a lovely reception for Madre Angelina and Madre Abby from the Hogar del Pobre orphanage and our honored guests when they visited us earlier this month. The Madres were so very touched with the hospitality that was extended toward them; and the opportunity to connect with our parents and students in Spanish. Our parents prepared a banquet of homemade delicacies that included tamales, empanadas, sweet breads and desserts. Madres Angelina and Abby had never felt more welcome at All Saints. During the reception, our junior high students came to visit with the Madres, and spoke with them in Spanish. We all did not want this day to end.
The Marian Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be celebrated at All Saints Catholic Academy on Tuesday, December 12. The feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been a religious and cultural hallmark for Mexican Catholics for centuries. To the present day, Our Lady of Guadalupe remains a powerful symbol of Mexican identity and faith. This date in 1531 holds special significance for millions of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans as it is the date when the Virgin Mary purportedly appeared to Juan Diego, an indigenous Mexican peasant boy, in the last of several apparitions.
On December 12, our students will be learning more about Our Lady of Guadalupe. We will then celebrate a prayer service at 2:15 pm in the school gym. All are invited and welcome to join us.
Additionally all students will be entered into a drawing to win one of four blessed statues of Our Lady of Guadalupe which have been donated to ASCA.
We will be also selling homemade tamales which will be available for pre-order, as well as for purchase on the 12th. All proceeds will be donated back to All Saints. Ordering information to come!!!
Please plan to join our school community on the afternoon of the 12th for this beautiful prayer service.
Thank you in advance to the Celebra tu Herencia team, and to all of the school parents, students, and staff who will come together to make this a true celebration of Our Lady.
The Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program
In August, with bipartisan support, the Illinois House and Senate passed a comprehensive education funding bill which was signed into law by Governor Rauner. The billed included a new five-year program for Tax Credit Scholarships (TCS) for students in private schools that will create more equity in school funding throughout Illinois.
As a result, we now have an opportunity to encourage people to donate money to the Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO), which will in turn, dispense the funds to students on a first-come-first-served basis. Additionally, we can identify students in our community who may want to attend one of our Catholic schools thanks to this additional funding.
One of the truly outstanding features of this program is that individuals and corporate donors will receive a 75% tax credit for their donation up to $1 million. This is not a deduction.
- The tax credit is a dollar for dollar reduction of the amount a tax that an individual or corporation owes.
Additionally, donors will be able to designate their donation to an individual school. What a wonderful opportunity for students who would like to attend All Saints!
For more information about the program from Father Belmonte, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Joliet, please click here.
Families who have applied for financial assistance in the past and received awards from the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) will be receiving a letter in the coming week with additional information about the program and next steps.
Best Wishes to our 8th Grade Students
All the best to our 8th grade students who will be taking the Catholic High School Entrance Exam on Saturday, December 2. You will be in our prayers.
Dinner Dance Auction Update
Coming home this week with our youngest and only students is a packet of the paperwork (please check your child's backpack) that has many different ways in which you can participate in this year's DDA:
These forms can be accessed by clicking on each form above; and will also be found on the ASCA website and the DDA website at
Don’t forget that the auction, “A Green Tie Affair”, will be held on St. Patrick’s Day at the Chicago Marriott Naperville on Saturday, March 17. We look forward to seeing you all at the auction!
ASCA Holiday Shop
It's almost time for our first ASCA Holiday Shop! Every student should have received a flyer and "gift list planner" envelope this week. The shop will be open Monday, December 11 after school through lunch on Thursday, December 14 in McSherry Hall. Students will have an opportunity to start shopping at 7:30 am, during morning walk and recess, and again after school. Please take some time to look at our online store for a complete inventory of our shop and pricing at . Students can even make an online "wish list" to print and bring with them for easy shopping. All purchases are tax free and gift wrap is included! Come get all your shopping done in our one stop shop!
Please consider volunteering to work the Holiday Shop. The more volunteers we have, the more enjoyable this event will be for our children. To sign up to help, please go to Any time you are able to donate is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Michelle Ling at
Advent Project - Hesed House
Each Advent, All Saints sponsors a collection of needed things for Hesed House, a resource center in Aurora for the homeless. We are asking, if you are able, for classes to collect much
needed items.
It is perfectly ok for several families to join together if the items are too expensive for an individual. All help will be greatly appreciated. The list is being sent home with youngest and only students. You can also click here for the list.
Christmas Gift 2017 – Remembering the Teachers - Deadline tomorrow, Friday, December 1
The deadline for your donation is tomorrow, Friday, December 1. This is a hard deadline. Please click here for the donation form. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Janor Spirit Wear Orders
If your recent Janor spirit wear order contains gift(s) for your student that you would prefer not go home with your child, please contact Lindsay Augustine at to make alternate arrangements.
Lynch Creek Farms – Saints Helping Saints
Decorating for the holidays? Do not miss out on this opportunity to help raise funds that will go towards ASCA scholarship programs with the purchase of gorgeous high quality seasonal wreaths, garland, trees, and centerpieces from Lynch Creek Farms. These items make great gifts, and will be delivered to the gift recipient with free shipping.
Every time we shop online through our group's fundraising page, All Saints Catholic Academy will earn 20% of all purchases! It's that easy. If we work together, we'll meet our $1,000 goal in no time. So please join our fundraising team by clicking the link below. Join now at
All Saints Annual Fund Appeal
When all of us who love All Saints Catholic Academy – parents, teachers, administrators, board members, alumni, friends - come together to work towards a common goal, great things can and will happen. This coming week, all school families will be receiving information about our 2017-2018 ASCA Annual Fund Appeal in the mail. We thank you in advance for your contribution. Know that each and EVERY contribution is greatly appreciated!!! Thank you to everyone who contributed during #GivingTuesday. You can also make an online contribution at
STEM Class Registrations
Due to a technical snafu, it appeared that registration was full and closed for the STEM classes that will begin in January. There are still openings available. You will find the registration paperwork at
Parents Night Out - Last Call
Sign up for Parents' Night Out on Saturday, December 9th from 6-8pm at Airtastic in Aurora!
Please see the attachments and forms below, both of which should be returned to school with your $13 cash payment per child by Friday, December 1st. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Haidu at
We hope it will be a great night for parents and children alike!
Parents Night Out Flyer and Registration Form
Airtastic Liability Form
News from the All Saints Athletic Association
Dribble, dribble, pass, shoot . . . . Our basketball season opens with our HOME opener this Friday! Come out and spread your ASCA spirit, enjoy some hot popcorn or tasty frozen yogurt while you cheer on your favorite teams.
The volunteer sign-ups for Concessions/Admissions were sent out and can be accessed through the link:
Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
If you have not already done so, ALL volleyball uniforms are to be returned ASAP. Place the uniform in a Ziploc bag with the player’s name and team so that you receive credit for the return.
SHOUT-OUTS now available! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
GOOD LUCK to our 8th grade athletes who will be taking the high school placement test this Saturday! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!