Saints Speak – 12/14/2017 – Making Spirits Bright
There have been so many events and fun being had at All Saints during the month of December. Students, parents and staff alike have been busy making merry, spreading happiness, and keeping the Faith of the Season.
On Tuesday afternoon, we celebrated the beautiful Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We learned more about Our Lady through a prayer service that included a film produced by our All Saints alumni, a wonderful homily from Deacon Larry (thank you so much for presiding), heartfelt petitions and Marion music sung in both English and Spanish. A gorgeous statue of Our Lady was donated to the school, and is now in our chapel. Additionally, four smaller statues were donated with a raffle held to select winners. A stunning altar adorned with flowers was put together to honor Our Lady. To top things off, we had a very successful Tamale and Mexican Hot Chocolate Sale. Over 1,400 tamales were homemade and sold, along with Mexican Hot Chocolate, with over $2,000 in sales. Wow!! Thank you to all of our staff, students and school parents, especially those of our Celebra tu Herencia group, who worked so hard to make this a glorious feast day to remember and hold dear.
On Tuesday evening, our preschool through grade 5 students presented a Christmas concert that highlighted Christmas movie music that evoked our faith, family and the making of
memories. We heard about how Santa used Rudolph's amazing gift one foggy Christmas Eve. We followed the story of the Grinch who stole Christmas. We joined together to reflect on that Holy Night that Christ was born. Thank you to our students for giving us all a big dose of Christmas spirit. A special thank you to our music teacher, Mr. Sedlacek, who planned a high energy program, and prepared the students so well for their performances.
Our staff celebrated the season with a Christmas party on Wednesday afternoon. Our thanks to SHPP for facilitating this gathering. We so enjoyed it! Also, our gratitude to the many ASCA families who generously contributed to the teacher's gift collection. We are overwhelmed by your kindness; and humbly thank you.
Our 2017 ASCA Holiday Shop just closed this afternoon. If you were anywhere in the vicinity of McSherry Hall, you could not help but be swept up in the excitement of our students shopping for their loved ones (and maybe a little bit for themselves). SHPP (our School Home Parish Partnership group) extends a very big "thank you" to everyone who helped make this first Holiday Shop such a success! SHPP could not have executed this event without the help and support of the ASCA staff, all of the volunteers, and each All Saints family. It is hoped that everyone enjoys their treasures this holiday season. You can be sure that there will be a 2018 ASCA Holiday Shop. Also, you can still shop our Holiday Shop online, but only through Sunday, December 17th. Just click on our link to access our store. Gifts will be wrapped, delivered, and handed out at school Thursday, December 21st- just in time for Christmas break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
Friday, December 15 is the last day to purchase a Candy Cane Gram from our Junior High Student Voices. These messages of good cheer will be delivered to all of the recipients by our 'elves' on Wednesday, December 20.
Janor Spirit Wear orders will also be going home on Friday, December 15. If your order is a gift for your student, and you do not want it to go home with them, please contact Lindsay Augustine at to make alternate arrangements.
We have celebrated the first three Sundays of Advent through our weekly liturgies, looking forward to lighting the 4th candle on our Advent Wreath at next Wednesday's school mass.
Don't forget about our 2nd annual Ugly Christmas Sweater contest coming up on Tuesday, December 19. Think outside the box. Be creative. Most of all, join in the fun! This day is also known as Tacky Tuesday for the ASCA staff. Our teachers and administration will join in the wacky fun on this day.
The excitement is building for the "Early Bird" drawing for the Tuition Credit Raffle, which will take place on Tuesday, December 19. Anyone who buys a ticket by Monday, December 18 will be eligible to win a Fees and Forms credit for the 2018-19 school year. Last year the fee was $390. If you win, your ticket will still be entered in the $5,000 Tuition Credit Raffle drawing at the Dinner Dance Auction on March 17, 2018. Your $100 investment has the potential to win $5,390 in credit for your family for the 2018-19 school year. Over 60% of the total tickets have already been purchased. Don't miss this amazing opportunity! Forms are available on the school website (for payment by cash, check or FACTS) or you can purchase tickets online with a credit card at If you have any questions, contact Jeanette Jimenez at
Also on Tuesday, December 19, the ASCA Class of 2018 will be having a bake sale after school to earn money to be contributed toward their Legacy Gift to the school. Don't forget to bring your $1's.
On Wednesday, December 20, we will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in McSherry Hall at All Saints Catholic Academy from approximately 9:15 am (after mass) through 3:30 pm. During this period of adoration, our students and staff will visit our Lord to pray and to adore, fostering a deeper spiritual communion with Him. All are welcome to join us throughout the day.
On Thursday, December 21, the last day of school before our Christmas break, we will celebrate our classroom parties in preschool through grade 5, with our junior high students enjoying their Christmas dance.
Throughout the month of December, classes have been collecting much needed items for Hesed House. Collections will continue through Thursday, December 21. Thank you to all who have contributed so far. Please click here for the list.
Coming next week before our Christmas break, information about our Martin Luther King Day of Service on Monday, January 15.
We are making memories that we will hold dear, and which will endure.
DDA 2018 - A Green Tie Affair
There is so much excitement surrounding this year's Dinner Dance Auction, "A Green Tie Affair", which will be held on Saturday, March 17, 2018 at the Chicago Marriott Naperville. This week, our auction team was successful in securing Taylor Swift tickets for her June, 2018 appearance in Chicago. If you were not able to snag some tickets, plan on bidding at the auction!!!!
Beginning this week and every week on Tuesday, we will be sending out a SchoolSpeak email that will keep you up to date on the auction, with news, stories and tidbits of interest.
One Call Now Outcall System Test on Monday, December 18
With the colder weather now taking hold, we will be performing a test of our One Call Now outcall system this coming Monday, December 18 at 10:30 am. This outcall system is used to notify school families and staff in the event of a school closing or emergency situation. A test call and email will be going out on Monday, December 18 to all of our school families and staff using the contact information currently in our SchoolSpeak data base. If you do not receive a phone call, or if you wish to change your contact information in the One Call Now system, please contact the school after the test.
ASCA Annual Fund Appeal
We have had a marvelous response to our Annual Fund Appeal, and we can do even better as we approach the Christmas break and the end of this calendar year. It is not too late to contribute if you have not yet returned your pledge card; and it could not be easier to make a contribution. Current school families can contribute via cash/check, credit card, FACTS agreement or online at Click n Pledge. Your contribution is evidence of your deposit of faith in all of the wonderful things that we are doing at All Saints Catholic Academy.
Tax Credit Scholarship Program
This new program truly impacts all of our school students, families and benefactors. Please stay tuned, as we will be sending information to all constituents over the next week prior to our Christmas break.
Lost and Found Table
Please check out the lost and found table outside the school office. There are many items just waiting to be reunited with their owner.
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Have you heard…..The TCBY Home Athlete of the Week for 12/10 is Brandon Erban scoring 12 of the team’s 13 points agains St. Mikes. For the Week 12/3 our Athlete of the Week was Charlotte Rotkis who scored a whopping 26 points against St. Mary’s! Congratulations Charlotte and Brandon, keep hustling!
From the Saints Sidelines . . . Our Saints continue to bring the heat on the courts! Congrats to the following teams who brought home wins this past weekend – Girls 5A, 8B; Boys 6A, 8A , 8B1 and 8B2. Remember you can stay on top of the league standings and schedules by visiting the league website at
***Take a break from your holiday shopping and come out to watch our Saints in action….we have many home games this upcoming weekend.
Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
NEW ATHLETICS SPIRIT WEAR OFFERINGS . . . in an effort to offer an ongoing line of spirit wear for our athletics program, ASAA has teamed up with Squad Locker (powered by SI Play). You can access the new line by logging into your SI Play account or by going to
You can now order your ASAA gear 24/7 and items will be shipped directly to your home address.
SHOUT-OUTS now available! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!
Stay Calm and Dribble On!!!