Saints Speak – 12/6/2018 – Hope
Our virtue focus this week has revolved around hope. Hope enables us to trust in God’s promise to share his life with us forever, making us confident in God’s love and care for us. Hope is like an anchor that holds us steady, and keeps us from drifting away from God’s loving presence. Every day at All Saints, I see many of our students who are working hard, who are sometimes so very hard on themselves, or who are experiencing anxiety for one reason or another. Maybe they are worried about a test, about not getting all of their homework completed or other school related performance, friendships, family relationships, or other activities or concerns. Some days can be so stressful that our children feel like giving up, like they have lost hope. I often am discouraged when I don’t meet a deadline, or forget something important. It is hope that helps each one of us to keep going. It strengthens us and reminds us where to place our trust – in God.

Hope is a powerful life force that helps us to overcome challenges. It is human nature to be optimistic, or hopeful. My wish for you today is that you know and embrace this wonderfully positive virtue of hope. Hope springs eternal. When our hope is in Jesus, we are never alone. And when our focus is eternal, the wait seems shorter. May you find hope through the One who is always with you, and loves you more than life itself. And may you always hope and dream when take a chance and purchase a lottery ticket. How much fun is it to think about how you would spend your winnings? Hope makes us happier.
New Emergency Notification System – Nixle Everbridge
All Saints will begin using a new notification system in the event of a school closing or other emergency. Families will receive notification by email, phone AND text via the Nixle Everbridge network platform. Nixle Everbridge provides a market-leading software platform for local, public safety and service communications. If you receive notifications from the City of Naperville, known as Naper Notify, or any other municipality, you are already familiar with this type of information delivery system.
All Saints will be doing a test of this new system tomorrow, Friday, December 7 at 7 pm. This will only be a test. There will be nothing further for you to do. All school family contact information will be included for any emergency emails/texts/phone calls.
Also, school families will soon have the opportunity to ‘opt in’ to future texts (no phone or email) for sports or for calendar reminders.
We are truly excited to be able to be even more interactive with our families, making sure that you are always kept up to date with timely and relevant information.
Safety Letter from the ASCA School Board
All school families should have received a letter from our School Board President, Christopher Johanneson, that outlined security initiatives at All Saints Catholic Academy. This letter was sent home to all school families via the youngest and only student last week. I am very proud of our historical security practices that date back to the opening of the school in 2005; however, we continue to push forward toward an even safer school environment for our children, staff, volunteers and school families. I thank everyone who has stepped up and are following the rules. You help to make ASCA a safer place.
It cannot be repeated too often – the success of safety policy is the responsibility of everyone. It can only be effective when all constituents are following and executing the policy as it has been designed. And remember, our best practice – “When you see something, say something”!
3rd Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest
I hope that everyone is preparing their entry in our 3rd Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest, which will take place on Tuesday, December 18. The uglier and the tackier the better. Store bought, or homemade – let your creativity run wild. Your entry can be worn in place of your uniform top on this day.
2018-2019 ASCA Annual Fund Appeal
When all of us who love All Saints Catholic Academy – parents, teachers, administrators, board members, alumni, friends, benefactors - come together to work toward a common goal, great things can and will happen! This coming week, all school families will be receiving information about our 2018-2019 ASCA Annual Fund Appeal in the mail. We thank you in advance for your contribution and generosity. Know that each and EVERY contribution, no matter how great or how small, is greatly appreciated!!!
PM Extended Care and D203 Busing Changes in December
Please note that there will be no PM Extended Care on the following dates:
- Wednesday, December 19
- Friday, December 21 (half day, Noon dismissal)
There will be D203 busing to and from school on Friday, December 21 (buses will leave the ASCA campus at Noon).
Celebration of the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Please plan to join us this coming Wednesday, December 12 at 8:15 am for our weekly mass, a celebration the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Rosary will be held before mass in the GYM. This is a very special liturgy, and we are so happy that it will take place at our weekly school mass.
The feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been a religious and cultural hallmark for Mexican Catholics for centuries. To the present day, Our Lady of Guadalupe remains a powerful symbol of Mexican identity and faith. This date in 1531 holds special significance for millions of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans as it is the date when the Virgin Mary purportedly appeared to Juan Diego, an indigenous Mexican peasant boy, in the last of several apparitions.
Christmas Concert – Wednesday, December 12
All are invited to attend our annual Christmas Concert, which will be held in the school gym on Wednesday, December 12 at 6 pm. Our preschool through grade 5 students have been busy preparing a beautiful holiday program sure to spread Christmas cheer!
ASCA’s Annual Advent Hesed House Collection begins THIS WEEK
Each year, during Advent, our school community collects items for Hesed House. Hesed House is a homeless shelter based in Aurora. Almost 1,000 individuals (including ~200 children) are served each year through Hesed House’s shelter and three housing programs. Hesed House has informed us that they are in need of certain items for their clientele. This is a voluntary drive, so participate, if you are able. Items will be collected through next Friday, December 14.
Our 8th graders will be visiting each classroom to briefly explain the drive to all ASCA students. Thank you 8th grade for your leadership with this impactful drive! You can click here for the informational flyer. Your child may bring these items to school, where there will be collection bins available. See the following holiday wish list.
Holiday Wish List:
Grade Level
Items Requested
(Both Adult and Children’s sized)
Socks (both athletic/white and heavy/warm/wool)
Underwear (regular and thermal)
Hats/Stocking Caps/Scarves
Heavy Ski Gloves and Masks
Sweatshirts and Sweatpants
Belts and Shoelaces
Any Grade
Gift Cards
Student Voices Candy Cane Sale
The Student Voices Candy Cane Sale will run through next Wednesday, December 12. Make someone's holiday sweet by purchasing a candy cane. All ASCA students and staff are invited to purchase a candy cane for a friend, a sibling, a teacher, a staff member, or even your whole class. You can wish them a blessed Christmas and simply let them know that you are thinking of them.
The Details:
What: Surprise a friend, teacher or staff member with a Candy Cane and your own personalized message.
Who: Anyone can purchase Candy Canes for $1.00 each. You can pay by cash or check.
Where: Submit order form, exact money and your personal message for each Candy Gram purchased to your Homeroom teacher.
When: Order from Wednesday, December 5th to Wednesday, December 12th.
How: Click here for the Candy Cane Order Form. If purchasing for more than one person, each name and your own personal message must be included along with your order form. Click here for the Candy Cane Message Form.
Important Note: A Candy Cane Message Form MUST BE FILLED OUT for each candy cane recipient. For example, if you purchase a candy cane for each student in your child's class, you will need to fill out a separate message form for each student in that class (one for Fred, one for Wilma, one for Barney, one for Betty............... etc).
Saints in Service – SHPP’s Community Outreach
Shoe and Coat Drive Update
Thank YOU, ASCA families, for your generous donations to our shoe and coat drives last week! We asked and you delivered! We received a carload full of shoes and boots which were
donated to the Cradles to Crayons organization. Many thanks to the Baka family who generously offered to transport our donations to the Cradles to Crayons warehouse. We are so grateful for your help!

You also donated 87 coats to Buttons and Zipper! They will distribute your coats to homeless shelters, youth organizations, and individuals on the streets in the Chicago area this winter. Thank you for your generosity and for making a difference in the lives of others in our community!
Kindergarteners help the Ronald McDonald House
We want to recognize our kindergarteners for being Saints in Service! On November 19th, a speaker from the Ronald McDonald House came to speak with our kindergarten classes, about how they can help families in our community. They learned that little things can make a difference! This year, they will be collecting pop top tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Each student decorated a pop top tab collection container to take home. At the end of the school year, they will donate all of their collected pop top tabs, and the funds created will support programs benefitting the Ronald McDonald House. Special thanks to Kate Gruber for coordinating this meaningful project for the kindergarten and preschool classes. Way to go Kindergarteners! You are Saints in Service!
Questions regarding Saints in Service? Please contact Robin Beck at or Anne Soto at Thank you for your support of ASCA's Community Outreach efforts!
All Aboard SHPP
The next SHPP meeting will be Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 6:30 pm in Café 1. If you have any questions, please contact the Executive Team at Please mark your calendars. We hope to see you there! Childcare will be provided.
A Few Recess Volunteer Openings Available
We are currently in need of a few more volunteers for recess, a great way to meet new people, and enjoy that crisp wintry weather! Please sign up on the following link if you are interested in volunteering:
COMING HOME – ASCA’s 14th Annual Dinner Dance Auction
Do you know why All Saints host the DDA each year? While it is true that every private school has to fundraise to help cover the cost to educate its students to the very high standards we all enjoy at All Saints, the DDA is much more than just a fundraiser, it is a celebration and a way for us to show and share our gratitude for the blessing of being a part of the All Saints community!
The DDA is “Coming Home” to All Saints this year so we can truly appreciate all that our facilities, faculty and families mean to the future of All Saints. This event is all about your children and you; and we need your help to make it an All Saints-worthy success!
WHO WOULDN’T LIKE A PERSONAL SHOPPER THIS TIME OF YEAR? Make a cash donation by this Friday, December 7th and the Auction Committee will do the shopping for you!
The DDA Auction Committee is busily working to build amazing auction packages for the 14th Annual DDA – Coming Home! With your cash donation (Which goes toward your Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO), by the way!) they will be able to purchase supplementary items that will make this year’s auction line-up spectacular! It’s a win-win situation – you help meet your FFO while helping RAISE EVEN MORE MONEY for our great school! Thank you to all those who have generously donated to this point - DDA can only be successful with your help! All donations big and small make a huge difference!
Click here for the Cash Donation Form – please complete and return by TOMORROW, Friday, December 7th and we’ll take care of the rest! Payment can be made via cash or check submitted to the office with your form, or via FACTS (FACTS account must be set up for auto pay.)
The 2019 DDA “Coming Home” celebrates the All Saints community and will be a great night of food, music, festivity and fun while supporting our children’s home away from home – All Saints Catholic Academy! Join us Saturday, February 23, 2019 6pm-midnight at ASCA!
ASCA 14th Annual Dinner Dance & Auction – Coming Home!
Saturday, February 23, 2019 6 pm - Midnight at ASCA
The DDA Forms Finder
Looking for a form? Please see the following forms and links below:
Fundraising Corner
Tamale Sale Delivery – Tuesday, December 11 from 3 – 4 pm
Thank you again to ALL who ordered tamales during our recent sale. Over 1,500 tamales were ordered. Pick up will take place at Door 1 (Welcome Desk) from 3 – 4 pm on Tuesday, December 11. Please let us know if you need your tamale order delivered to aftercare.
Bakers Square Pie Sale
Bakers Square pies are great for birthdays, Christmas OR ANYTIME!!!! Have you tried their Candy Cane pie? Delicious!!!! Click here for the order form. All of this information can also be found at
Yankee Candle Update
Don't forget you can still place orders online (but only for a few more weeks) through the end of 2018, and still receive FFO credit. Go to, and enter our GN 99983478. Remember to set up a student account to receive FFO credit.
Lynch Creek Farms
Decorating for the holidays? Do not miss out on earning monies toward your 2018-2019 Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) with this new fundraising opportunity. You can purchase gorgeous high quality seasonal wreaths, garland, trees, and centerpieces from Lynch Creek Farms.
It is easy to purchase online - not just for yourself, but you can also send gift items to others. To take a look and place your order, simply click here. 20% of purchases will be applied to your fundraising obligation. We are OVER 1/3 of the way to our $1,000 goal.
Questions? Contact
So, what is this FFO?????
Remember that all families are responsible for their Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO - $250 for preschool only families; $500 for K-8 families).
We encourage ALL SCHOOL FAMILIES to take advantage of each fundraiser that is offered that goes toward your FFO. For more information on fundraising opportunities at ASCA this year, please go to If you have any fundraising questions, please contact
Remaining fundraisers currently available that count toward your FFO include:
- Yankee Candles – online ordering available through 12/31/18.
- Lynch Creek Farms Christmas Wreaths – see information above.
- Scrip – orders are placed each week. Orders made through the end of February will count toward the 2018-2019 FFO. Orders placed after February count toward your 2019-2020 FFO. Using Scrip is a GREAT WAY to purchase your Christmas gifts and other holiday needs, and earn money toward your FFO. Questions about getting started with Scrip? Contact
- DDA donations - cash and item donations. See the DDA Forms Finder for more information. Note – ticket/raffle purchases do not count toward the FFO.
Tecuatl Family Meal Train
If you are interested in volunteering to prepare a meal, please sign up at
Upcoming Events in our Parish Communities
Events at St. Thomas the Apostle
- Sat. Dec. 8 Immaculate Conception Mass 8:30 am. St. Thomas Church. Breakfast following at Chick-fil-A
- Sun. Dec. 9 Donuts w/ Santa after morning masses. Professional photographer available.
- Sat. Dec. 15 Make and Pray the Rosary 9:50 – 10:25 am. All Saints Enter Door # 7 rsvp please
- Sun. Dec. 16 9:30 & 11:15 a.m. masses. Children are invited to be in the Entrance Procession. Bring a bell to ring as we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Joyful Sunday!
- Sun. Dec. 16 Christmas Caroling 1:00 p.m. meet at St. Thomas. We will go to St. Patrick’s for caroling then return to STA for hot chocolate and cookies. RSVP required. Limited numbers due to space issues.
News from All Saints Athletic Association
From the Saints Sidelines . . . Our Saints opened the season like champs with several teams dominating the hoops! Congrats to the following teams who scored the “W” – Girls 5A, 5B, 8A; Boys 5B, 7A, 7B1 and 7B2. What a way to start off the season!
TCBY HOME ATHLETE OF THE WEEK…..The TCBY Home Athlete of the Week for opening weekend is Sayo Adeoye! Sayo scored 18 points leading her team to their win over SS Peter & Paul. Congratulations, Sayo!
***Looking to take a break from all the holiday hustle….we have many home games this upcoming weekend. Be sure to stop by and catch our Saints in action! You can stay on top of the league standings and schedules by visiting the league website at Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
SHOUT-OUTS now available! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
Parents….be sure to sign up for Concessions/Admissions work assignments by going to the link:
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!
Stay Calm and Dribble On!!!
Check Us Out on Social Media

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
A Green Tie Affair, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2018

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.