Saints Speak - 11/29/2018 - We Will Be Waiting
I hope that you all had a very happy Thanksgiving. At the Santos home, we welcomed 20 family members for a sumptuous feast that involved lots of cooking on the Wednesday before, and even more eating on Thursday. Don’t you just love the food that we wait to enjoy all year long on this one day? And then it takes us weeks of exercise to get rid of the results! At the end of the day, this is a time to remember - to spend with, and to value our families and those whom we love – to be thankful and grateful.
We are just completing many, many weeks of ‘ordinary’ time in our church calendar (33 Sundays to be exact), and now move into Advent this weekend. Everything about Advent looks and feels different. In church, the colors of the vestments change from green to purple (rose on the 3rd Sunday of Advent). There is a wreath, and candles that are lit each week. The music changes. Everything is just a bit more quiet and reflective.
Advent is derived from a Latin word that actually means “coming.” In the Catholic Christian church, advent is time of preparation and waiting for the birth of Jesus. Anyone who is a parent (or who was once a child) knows that waiting is one of the most difficult things. Does “Are we there yet?” ring a bell? The month before Christmas has got to be the longest time of year for children (and parents) who are not necessarily known for patience. But, even with all of the holiday tasks that seem to take front and center this time of year – decorating, cleaning, cookie baking and cooking, photos and cards, gift purchasing, party giving and going, vacations, letters and visits to Santa - there is something special about waiting – no, anticipation, of something bigger and better. Advent helps us keep the focus of Christmas on Jesus.
The world waited a long time for God to send a savior in the person of Jesus. And as Father Dennis from Holy Spirit pointed out in his homily on Wednesday, we are still waiting for Jesus. Advent is a good time to reflect on the belief that the expectant waiting that the church celebrates during the Advent season is not just the waiting and preparation for the feast of Jesus' birth at Bethlehem, but also the continued waiting and preparation for Christ's future coming in glory.
This Advent, let’s all try to ‘unplug’ a little bit from the distractions that take us away from reflection on the beautiful gift of a baby that changed the world.
We will be waiting………………………………………………….................................................................................
ASCA’s Annual Advent Hesed House Collection: December 3 – 14
Each year, during Advent, our school community collects items for Hesed House. Hesed House is a homeless shelter based in Aurora. Almost 1,000 individuals (including ~200 children) are served each year through Hesed House’s shelter and three housing programs. Hesed House has informed us that they are in need of certain items for their clientele. This is a voluntary drive, so if you are able to participate, your gift will be greatly appreciated. You can click here for the informational flyer. See the following holiday wish list.
Holiday Wish List:
Grade Level
Items Requested
(Both Adult and Children’s sized)
Socks (both athletic/white and heavy/warm/wool)
Underwear (regular and thermal)
Hats/Stocking Caps/Scarves
Heavy Ski Gloves and Masks
Sweatshirts and Sweatpants
Belts and Shoelaces
Any Grade
Gift Cards
Grandparents Day
We just celebrated an amazing Grandparents Day 2018 at All Saints. For the grandparents and other VIP’s who were able to be with us, we so enjoyed their company. It was very touching to witness the love and pride that they showed for their children and grandchildren. We were honored to welcome them to ASCA. I hope everyone enjoyed their visit.
I have to acknowledge Lisa Hajek and Tracy Coleman who chaired this huge undertaking and event, and the entire Grandparents Day team. There are so many moving parts and details that include invitations and communication, meetings, preparing schedules, coordinating parking, programs, entertainment, hospitality and refreshments, photography, providing directions – and so much more. I am very grateful to the entire All Saints community for making Grandparents Day 2018 such a great success. And be sure to put a hold on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 for Grandparents Day 2019.
Saints in Service – SHPP’s Community Outreach
Button and Zipper Coat Drive: November 26- 30
Button & Zipper is a charity that collects men’s, women’s and children’s outerwear to help Chicagoans in need stay warm during our long winter months. These items will be distributed to homeless shelters, youth organizations, and individuals on the streets, throughout the Chicagoland area, this winter. We will be collecting clean, gently used or new coats the week following Thanksgiving break.
Cradles to Crayons Shoe Drive: November 26 - 30
Cradles to Crayons is a charity that collects and distributes new and nearly new children’s items through grassroots community drives. Donations are processed and packaged by volunteers in their warehouse for distribution to local disadvantaged children. We will be collecting new or gently used shoes, boots, sneakers and sandals (infant/child sizes 0–13 and adult sizes 1–10) the week following Thanksgiving break.
Drop off collection bins will be placed by Door 1 for these collections. With the holidays approaching, this is a great time to clean out your closets to make room for new items!
First Wednesday Adoration
Our next First Wednesday Adoration will be this coming Wednesday, December 5. After our weekly mass, we will process to the chapel to begin Adoration. Adoration in the chapel will take place from after Mass until 3 pm.
All ASCA families, students, and staff are welcome to join us. For parents and families, a sign-up sheet will be located at the Welcome Desk at Door 1. We would appreciate people signing up to be certain that we have the entire day covered. Times will be one hour slots from 9-3.
Please enter through Door #1 and get a badge prior to Adoration. Thank you, and God bless. If you have any questions, please contact Christi Kluzak at
Mother Daughter Event - Pinot's Palette Open Studio Painting Party
This very special time for our ASCA mothers and daughters (or other VIP’s) will take place this coming Sunday, December 2 from 11 am to 1 pm. Click here for more information and the registration form.
Janor Pop Up Store Order Deadline has been Extended
Do you need to spruce up your spirit wear? Need some warmer weather ASCA branded items? Got to have some great items to check off your gift list? The perfect place to go is the Janor Pop Up Spirit Wear Store.
Show your ASCA pride. There are great items that include Under Armor and other popular quality brands - all with our All Saints logo.
The store will now be open through Sunday, December 2 – but that is it!!!! Don’t be disappointed – place your order today! Click here to go to the ordering website - the password is winter18.
All Aboard SHPP
The next SHPP meeting will be this coming Tuesday, December 4 at 6:30 pm in Café 1. An agenda will be sent out with the Weekly Reminders on Sunday. If you have any questions, please contact the Executive Team at Please mark your calendars. We hope to see you there! Childcare will be provided.
ASCA Holiday Shop Opens This Week
Talking about waiting - the wait is almost over! Starting next week, the Holiday Shop will be open and ready to help make everybody's Christmas season magical. The shop offers a large variety of gifts with kid-friendly prices -- most are under $5 -- with free gift wrapping. Stay out of the cold and crowds and get all of your holiday shopping done right in McSherry Hall.
The Shop hours will be as follows:
- Monday, December 3 after school from 3:00 - 4:00 pm
- Tuesday, December 4 from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
- Wednesday, December 5 from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
- Thursday, December 6 from 7:30 am-12:30 pm
To make the shopping experience as quick and easy as possible, click on the link below to view our items, with their prices, and create shopping lists. You can either print the wish list out or use the envelope your student received this week to help with their shopping experience. Please note- only cash and checks will be accepted and there is NO sales tax. Please make checks payable to ASCA. Shopping couldn't be any easier!
The Holiday Shop is calling all of Santa's Helpers!!
The Holiday Shop cannot run without an adequate number of volunteers to help. If you haven't done so already, please consider signing up for a shift to help make this event happen. It only takes a little bit of your time to help create memories the children will remember forever. This event is SO much fun!
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Ling at It takes many of Santa's Helpers to help spread that Christmas cheer and we would love for you to join our team! Just click on the link and sign up. Thank you in advance for helping make this holiday season magical for all!
Would you like to become a Recess Volunteer?
If the answer to that question is a resounding YES, have we got a proposition for you! We are currently in need of a few more volunteers for recess on Thursdays and Fridays. Recess duty is a great way to meet new people, be involved with our students, and enjoy that crisp wintry weather!
Please sign up on the following link if you are interested in volunteering:
Coordinated Teacher Christmas Gift
SHPP is currently collecting for the teacher/staff Christmas Gift. Please click here for more information. The deadline is this coming Monday, December 3.
COMING HOME – ASCA’s 14th Annual Dinner Dance Auction
Calling all graphic designers and photographers…DDA needs YOU!
Classroom projects are always a very special and successful part of the All Saints DDA events and teams are gearing up to make these projects spectacular. The DDA Committee is looking for one or two additional photographers as well as a graphic artist or two to help with the process. Come lend your artistic talents to this incredible project! To volunteer or to learn more, please contact Christi Kluzak at
Here are the Top 7 Ways* YOU can contribute to the success of this year’s DDA (Drum Roll Please):
- Make a cash donation toward the purchase of supplementary auction items
- Make an item donation to the silent and live auction packages
- Buy a tuition credit raffle ticket…or two!
- Become a corporate sponsor…or encourage a business you know to sponsor.
- Buy a Program Ad
- Purchase a Saintly Spot Ad
- Plan to attend the DDA on February 23rd and bring a friend!
*See the November 27th DDA Update for full details on all of these opportunities to help.
ASCA 14th Annual Dinner Dance & Auction – Coming Home! Saturday, February 23, 2019 6 pm - Midnight at ASCA
The DDA Forms Finder
Looking for a form? Please see the following forms and links below:
Fundraising Corner
Tamale Sale Deadline – Tomorrow, November 30 at 3:30 PM
Our ASCA Tamale Sale is ongoing through the end of this month. Friday, November 30 will be the last day that orders are accepted. We are only 200 tamales short of our 2,000 tamale goal. Can you help us get there (and take care of dinner in the process). Proceeds will go toward renovation of our chapel and the purchase of a new tabernacle. Click here for a copy of the order form.
Bakers Square Pie Sale
You can still support the Class of 2019 who is raising money to help fund their 8th Grade Legacy Gift with the sale of Sweet Return gift cards from Bakers Square.You can use the Sweet Returns gift cards to purchase pies for the holidays or family gatherings. The cards make great gifts! You can purchase cards now and save them for future use. The Sweet Returns cards have NO expiration date and can be used at any Bakers Square location.
Sweet Return Red Cards can be used to purchase fruit pies, and only cost $13. Sweet Return Green Cards can be used to purchase custard and cream pies, and only cost $15. If you purchase a red card and decide you want a pie from the green card list, you can pay an additional $2 (+tax) at the time of purchase. Please note that cheesecakes and carrot cakes are not included in this offer.
Click here for the order form. All of this information can also be found at
Yankee Candle Update
Don't forget you can still place orders online through the end of 2018, and still receive FFO credit. Go to, and enter our GN 999983478. Remember to set up a student account to receive FFO credit.
Lynch Creek Farms
Decorating for the holidays? Do not miss out on earning monies toward your 2018-2019 Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) with this new fundraising opportunity. You can purchase gorgeous high quality seasonal wreaths, garland, trees, and centerpieces from Lynch Creek Farms.
It is easy to purchase online - not just for yourself, but you can also send gift items to others. To take a look and place your order, simply go the following link: 20% of purchases will be applied to your fundraising obligation.
What is this FFO?????????????????????????????????????
Remember that all families are responsible for their Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO - $250 for preschool only families; $500 for K-8 families).
We encourage ALL SCHOOL FAMILIES to take advantage of each fundraiser that is offered that goes toward your FFO. For more information on fundraising opportunities at ASCA this year, please go to
If you have any fundraising questions, please contact
Remaining fundraisers currently available that count toward your FFO include:
- Yankee Candles – online ordering available through 12/31/18.
- Lynch Creek Farms Christmas Wreaths – see information above.
- Scrip – orders are placed each week. Orders made through the end of February 2019 will count toward the 2018-2019 FFO. Orders placed after February count toward your 2019-2020 FFO. Using Scrip is a GREAT WAY to purchase your Christmas gifts and other holiday needs, and earn money toward your FFO. Questions about getting started with Scrip? Contact
- DDA donations - cash and item donations. See the DDA Forms Finder above for more information. Note – tickets to the auction and raffle ticket purchases do not count toward the FFO.
Tecuatl Family Meal Train
If you are interested in volunteering to prepare a meal, please sign up at
Upcoming Events in our Parish Communities
Advent By Candlelight Concert - THIS Sunday, December 2
A concert featuring award winning music artist and author Tacji (Tatiana Cameron) will be held at Holy Spirit Catholic Community on Sunday, December 2 from 3 – 5 pm. If you have not seen her, she presents a very moving experience. All are welcome! Reserve your seats at
Breakfast with Santa at St. Elizabeth Seton - THIS Sunday, December 2
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 10025 this coming Sunday, December 2 after 8:30 and 10 am Masses. Come hungry for pancakes, sausage, etc. Visit and take a picture with Santa and MORE! Breakfast is Free. Donations will be accepted. All are welcome!
St. Thomas the Apostle News
- Sat. Dec. 1 Keeping Christ in Christmas 9:50 – 10:25 am. All Saints Cafeteria Enter Door #7. You will go home with an activity that encourages loving and kind actions during Advent. Rsvp needed now.
- Sat. Dec. 8 Immaculate Conception Mass 8:30 am. St. Thomas Church. Breakfast following at Chick-fil-A
- Sun. Dec. 9 Donuts w/ Santa after morning masses. Professional photographer available.
- Sat. Dec. 15 Make and Pray the Rosary 9:50 – 10:25 am. All Saints Enter Door # 7 rsvp please
- Sun. Dec. 16 9:30 & 11:15 a.m. masses. Children are invited to be in the Entrance Procession. Bring a bell to ring as we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Joyful Sunday!
- Sun. Dec. 16 Christmas Caroling 1:00 p.m. meet at St. Thomas. We will go to St. Patrick’s for caroling then return to STA for hot chocolate and cookies. RSVP required. Limited numbers due to space issues.
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Basketball season HOME opener this Friday, November 30! Come out and spread your ASCA spirit. Come in out of the cold and enjoy some hot popcorn while you cheer on your favorite teams. Stay tuned to the ASCA Weekend Sports Report for more information on upcoming home games.
The volunteer sign-ups for Concessions/Admissions were sent out and can be accessed through the link:
Reminder…all parents are asked to volunteer for a minimum of 2 volunteer slots per athlete/per season. Sign up today!!
Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
If you have not already done so, ALL volleyball uniforms are to be returned ASAP. Place the uniform in a Ziploc bag with the player’s name and team so that you receive credit for the return.
Don’t forget to purchase a SHOUT-OUT! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
GOOD LUCK to our 8th grade athletes who will be taking the high school placement test this Saturday!
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!
Check Us Out on Social Media

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
A Green Tie Affair, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2018

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.