Saints Speak - 1/18/2018 - Helping Others and Ourselves
On Monday of this week, All Saints Catholic Academy students and their families participated in a 'day on, not a day off' as they joined together in serving others. Take a look at just a few of the many different activities that took place:
- Helped at the St. Margaret Mary Parish Clean-Up
- Created cards for the St. Elizabeth Seton Parish Caring Cards Ministry
- Worked on the Kindness Rocks Project at St. Thomas the Apostle
- Facilitated games with residents of St. Patrick’s Residence
- Helped at West Suburban Community Pantry
- Made baskets of needed items for transitional housing clients for 360 Youth Services and Bridge Communities
- Hand packed meals for malnourished children at Feed My Starving Children
- Made Valentine's Day cards for PADS clients
- Created room decorations for hospital patients
- Packed a backpack with personal hygiene items (deodorant, lip balm, twin blade razors, shaving cream, hairbrush, etc.) for DuPagePads
- Make valentines for veterans
- Make fleece blankets for Advocate Hospice and the Ronald McDonald House
- Created Build-A-Bears for the Ronald McDonald House at Edward Hospital
- Organized birthday bags for children served by local food pantries
- Constructed bird feeders for the elderly
Students have been turning in their reflections, which I have enjoyed reading and look forward to sharing with you so you can be inspired by the impact of the good works and compassionate actions of your (our) children.
One student who voluntered at Feed My Starving Children stopped me to share how much she enjoyed the Day of Service; and how she wishes that these types of opportunities were more than just once a year. Imagine that! The seeds of service have been planted in fertile ground, and we need to be attentive to them. Our students have realized that they can make an impact, and that it feels good to give back!!!
While we can't take entire days off of school, we certainly should continue to encourage our children to serve, nurturing this 'others centeredness'. Our children may want to plan some service oriented activities of their own going forward. Perhaps, our SHPP Community Outreach can also help us in planning some future service related activities for students to be able to take part in.
I would like to thank our SHPP Community Outreach Committee Chair, Margaret Danahy, for her tireless efforts in setting up the many service options, procuring materials, and coordinating the facilitators (thank you to them, as well). Thank you to the many families who generously helped with donations of materials. Ask, and we received. Thank you to all of our school parents for taking time on this day to support and affirm your student by joining them in participating in the service activities. I hope that you enjoyed each activity as much as your student did.
Don't forget that each student must complete and return their reflection form to school by Wednesday, January 31, 2018 in order to receive attendance credit.
The stories of our students on this 2018 MLK Day of Service have truly been uplifting; however, this week, some of our students have experienced and shared their struggles with me. Many young people both here at All Saints, and in the greater population, have trouble dealing with stress in their lives, which results in anxiety and inability to manage the pressure and difficulties that they face. When these types of situations occur, we must take them seriously, and have open and frank conversation and evaluation when needed. Many students have never had to deal with disappointment, so they do not know how to act or react.
Awareness is key. I have discussed these topics with our social worker, Cyndi Swanson. We are working on bringing a professional to ASCA to speak to both our students and parents on these important and timely themes.
Meanwhile, I would like to let you know about some upcoming events and resources which might be of interest to you and your family:
1. "Too Blessed to Be Stressed" - Sunday, January 28 for Teens and Parents
- 3 -4:30 pm at St. Margaret Mary Parish, 1450 Green Trails Dr., Naperville, IL 60504
- 7:30-9 pm at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 1500 Brookdale Rd., Naperville, IL 60563
The presenter, Roy Petitfils is a licensed counselor at Pax Renewal Center in Lafayette, LA. Roy studied ministry and spirituality at The Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas and holds a Master's in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Louisiana. Roy has worked with you and young adults for more than 20 years as a minister, a teacher, school administrator, school counselor, an now was a counselor in private practice. He specializes counseling teens and young adults. Roy regularly consults with churches, publishers, and organizations to help them more effectively reach and minister to youth and young adults. Roy will share from his counseling expertise and faith background to give young people hope navigating all the pressures and stresses of life.
2. "Helping Hurting Teens - Monday, January 29 for Parents only
- 7 pm at SS Peter and Paul, 36 N. Ellsworth, Naperville, IL 60540
Anxiety, depression, self injury, suicide, sexual orientation, gender issues. These are just a fewthings ministers, catechists, teachers, parents and others involved in the lives of today’s teens face. It can be daunting to help teens who are dealing with these issues. Many parents think “I’m not a psychologist…How can I help these teens?” Many teens think “I’m stuck in this. What can I do to feel better?” The answer to both is “much more than you probably think." You’ll leave this session with a better understanding of these issues and with a clearer understanding of what you can do to help yourself and your teen.
3. The Alive Center of Naperville has a mentoring program for students in grades 6 - 8. Alive is Naperville’s teen center. Centrally located at 500 W 5th Ave, Naperville, IL 60563, they provide teens a unique place to connect, discover and come alive! Their mission is to be a teen-led, teen-driven (TLTD) center focused on empowering the youth of today to become the impassioned, resilient leaders of tomorrow. For more information on Alive or the mentoring program, contact Jared Mason at (630) 335-1629, or
Catholic Schools Week Open House
I invite all of our current school families to come to our Open House on Sunday, January 28 from 1 - 3 pm. We will be re-enrolling current school families for the 2018-2019 school year in the next week. The open house provides a tremendous opportunity for you to meet your child's future teachers, and to find out more about the next grade up. I hope to see you there.
Late Breaking News
8th Grade Fundraiser - Nothing Bundt Cakes!
The Class of 2018 is raising money to help fund their 8th Grade Legacy Gift to benefit All Saints! Nothing Bundt Cakes are a delicious way to help us toward the goal.
If you aren’t familiar with Nothing Bundt Cakes, they are delicious concoctions of premium ingredients including fresh eggs, real butter, and cream cheese frosting! These will be available for pick up Friday, Feb. 9th ……..just in time for Mardi Gras and Valentine Day’s celebrations. Available flavors are: Red Velvet, White Chocolate Raspberry, Chocolate Chocolate Chip, Classic Vanilla and Gluten-free Chocolate Chocolate Chip!
Please click here for the order form, which needs to be returned by Thursday, February 1st.
“A Green Tie Affair” – Dinner Dance Auction, March 17, 2018
School Wide Wine Collection
The DDA committee will be collecting bottles of wine and/or monetary donations for the WINE PULL RAFFLE this year. Donated bottles can be dropped off in the office or on Monday, February 5th and Tuesday, February 6th outside Door 1 and Door 4 during pick up from 3:15-4:00PM. Monetary donations can be made anytime now through Tuesday, February 6th via cash or check (payable to ASCA). All monies donated will go toward the purchase of wine. Last year the wine pull raffle sold out fast! Thank you for your help and support. Please click here for the donation form.
Fun Fair Soda Pop Toss and Cake Walk Donations
The 2018 Fun Fair is coming soon! We are in need of donations for the always popular Soda Pop Toss and Cake Walk. Please sign up below if you are able to contribute. All flavors of soda in 2 liter bottles and all types of baked goods are welcome. Soda bottles can be dropped off at the door 1 Welcome Desk or the main office from January 29-February 2. Baked goods can be dropped off February 1 and 2. Thank you for your help in making the Fun Fair a success!
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Have you heard…..The TCBY Home Athlete of the Week for this week is Calista Wold. Calista brought the heat and scored 14 points to help the Girls 7A to a big win! Congrats Calista!
From the Saints Sidelines . . . The cold and snowy weather didn’t stop our Saints from dominating the courts last weekend! We had many, many wins last week including Boys 6A, 6B1, 6B2, 7B1, 8A, 8B1, 8B2 and Girls 7A, 8A & 8B teams. Way to go Saints!
The ASCA gym is the place to be this weekend! Most of our teams are at home so bring your ASCA spirit and spend the day at the gym! You can stay on top of the league standings and schedules by visiting the league website at
Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
Attention Parents…..Track & Field season is right around the corner and ASAA is looking to fill the positions of Track & Field Coordinator and Varsity Boys Coach (7th & 8th grade boys). Without a coach, we will not be able to enter a team at this level. Please contact Keith Glab as soon as possible if you are interested or have any questions regarding either position.
CHECK IT OUT !!! NEW ATHLETICS SPIRIT WEAR OFFERINGS . . . in an effort to offer an ongoing line of spirit wear for our athletics program, ASAA has teamed up with Squad Locker (powered by SI Play). You can access the new line by logging into your SI Play account or by going to
You can now order your ASAA gear 24/7 and items will be shipped directly to your home address.
SHOUT-OUTS now available! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
As always, ASAA values the time commitment provided by all our volunteer parents. Your involvement helps make a successful athletic program at All Saints! Thank you!
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!
Stay Calm and Dribble On!!!