Saints Speak – 1/23/2020 – The Most Fun Week of the Year
This coming week, we will celebrate Catholic Schools Week (CSW). It is a week filled with fun and festivities that I look forward to each year. I have heard many, many former students, when asked to recall their most favorite grade school memory, cite Catholic Schools Week as #1.

To take a closer look at all of the activities and events that will take place next week, I invite you to click here to view the Catholic Schools Week 2020 calendar.
Throughout Catholic Schools Week, we will celebrate and share the great news and stories of Catholic education, showcase performances and achievements of our amazing students, and come together as an All Saints school community for our 11th Annual ASCA Fun Fair – Winter Wonderland. All of this could not be possible without the awesome school families, and outstanding faculty and staff here at All Saints Catholic Academy.
As always, I would like to acknowledge and affirm all of you - our parents and school families - for selecting All Saints Catholic Academy for your child(ren) and family. Please share your positive experiences at All Saints with others – with other family members, in your neighborhood, on the bleachers at sporting events, on social media, at work, in your playgroups, at the gym, at the park, at the bouncy place, at the indoor sports complex - because happy school families bring us more happy school families; and it is difficult to keep good news to yourself!

Better yet, you have a golden opportunity to invite someone new to come to our Open House THIS SUNDAY, January 26 from 1 – 3 pm, and give them a personal tour. Families who successfully refer a new school family to ASCA for the 2020-2021 school year can earn a $250 credit toward their 2020-2021 FFO (Family Fundraising Obligation).
We warmly invite ALL of our current All Saints school families to come visit the school this Sunday afternoon. Not only can you say hello to your current teacher(s), but stop by to meet
next year’s teacher(s). Additionally, boys and girls who are 9 – 14 years old can even participate in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest on Sunday afternoon, with check in at Noon.
You can also help us advertise the Open House AND earn an Out of Uniform Pass for your student(s). Click here for the message to be shared on social media, or printed out and posted at a public location for students to earn an out of uniform day. You will also be able to find the same message on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, which you can easily share or repost.
Students/parents must post the ad between today and Saturday, January 25 to get the out of uniform pass. Either a screen print of the post or a picture of the flyer hanging up must be emailed to by this Saturday, January 25, along with the student's name(s) and homeroom teacher(s). Parents should title the email "Open House Ad". We thank you for your help to get the word out.
So, plan on celebrating the most fun week of the year – Catholic Schools Week - with us here at All Saints – beginning this Sunday, January 26 through Friday, January 31.
We will be looking for you!
Parking Lot Safety
Yesterday, one of our kindergarten students was almost hit by a car that was backing up in the parking lot. Had she not been pulled to safety by the adult that she was with, we could be talking about a tragedy much worse.
There is NOTHING more important than safety. It is something that we have to practice every minute of every day. There are no shortcuts when it comes to safety.
The driver of the vehicle involved in yesterday’s incident was a younger person - not a school parent. If you have someone who is picking up your ASCA student(s), please have a conversation with them as soon as possible about parking lot rules and safety.
This includes:
- looking in all directions when backing up or pulling out
- checking mirrors
- driving or backing up slowly
- not talking or texting on cell phones when the car is moving (which has been observed by our administrative staff)
- leaving the car and coming to Door 1 to personally pick up and escort students back to the car, not waiting in the parking lot or car for the student to come to them
- practicing patience and respect toward others in the parking lot when the lot is most busy
It would be heartbreaking for all if someone gets hurt in an accident that could have been avoided if we were attentive to our parking lot rules; and putting safety first.
Re-enrollment for the 2020-2021 School Year
With our open house this coming weekend, we will begin enrolling students and families who are new to ASCA for the 2020-2021 school year.
This is also the time that we re-enroll our current students for the 2020-2021 school year.
We use SchoolSpeak for re-enrollment, and it is done electronically. Mrs. Bajek will be sending two SchoolSpeak messages to families:
- The first email will be entitled Instructions about Re-enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year. This email will explain the re-enrollment process, what is expected of each school family to complete the process, and the timeline for completing the process. The content in this email will also be sent home in hard copy on Friday, January 24, 2020.
- The second email will be entitled Important - Action Required - Re-enrollment Email for the 2020-2021 school year. In this email, you will actually execute the re-enrollment process, and let All Saints know whether your student(s) will be returning for the 2020-2021 school year.
If you have any questions about the process once the emails and hard copy information is sent, please contact Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or
Update of 2019-2020 Fundraising in FACTS Accounts
We will be updating FACTS account with current fundraising information. Please be aware that SCRIP balances will not be updated until after the February 29, 2020 deadline for the 2019-2020 school year. You can personally log into your SCRIP account at any time to view your current balance; or contact
Things to Do and Upcoming Events
Martin Luther King Day of Service
What a dynamic day of service for our students and families. I personally experienced great energy and joy at the events that were held here at ASCA; and have heard many stories about what the day meant to many of our students. I would like to extend a huge thank you and round of applause to ASPA Community Outreach, and in particular, Robin Beck, who worked tirelessly to provide a variety of service opportunities for all of our students to sign up for.
Remember that your student must complete the MLK Day Reflection Form about their service project, and turn it in by Friday, February 7, 2020 to receive attendance credit for the day.
For the MLK Day Reflection Form, please click here.
Fun Fair 2020 – Winter Wonderland – Friday, January 31, 2020
We are about ONE WEEK away from Winter Wonderland – time to come out of the cold to have fun with friends, and celebrate!
Click here for the Fun Fair Parent Letter
Click here for the Fun Fair Items Available Info
Click here for the Fun Fair Order Form
Click here to place your 2020 Fun Fair order online
Click here for the Basket of Privileges Raffle Form.
Click here for the Cake Walk Donation Form
Please see the Fun Fair Checklist below to see if you can check off all of the boxes...........
Fun Fair Checklist
[ ]󠄀: Have you purchased your wristbands? If not, click here to order online. Click here for order form. Pre-order is the WAY TO GO. Who wants to pay more at the door?
󠄀[ ]: Have you purchased your Basket of Privileges Raffle Tickets? If not, click here for the form.
󠄀[ ]: Have you purchased a 2 ltr bottle of soda to donate for the Soda Pop Toss? Jewel is having a Crazy 8 sale this week - includes 2 ltr soda bottles. Purchase 8 of anything - mix and match - 2 ltr soda (Pepsi, Mt Dew, Dr. Pepper, 7-Up), eggs, select Signature pasta , select Campbell's soup, Goldfish, Pringles - they are .88 each. Do a little bit of shopping for home; AND pick up a few bottles of soda for the Soda Pop Toss!
󠄀[ ]: Have you decided what goodies you are going to donate for the Cake Walk? Click here for the Cake Walk Donation Form.
[ ]󠄀: Have you called all of your friends to make sure that they are coming and that they can check off all of the boxes on this checklist? Start calling or emailing!
[ ]󠄀: Still interested in purchasing a 2020 Fun Fair t-shirt or hat? Contact Kendra Kirchgessner at
󠄀[ ]: Proceed directly to the Fun Fair; and have an AWESOME time.
Thank you to everyone. This year’s Fun Fair will be the best and most fun yet!
2020 DDA – our 15 Annual Dinner Dance Auction – The Crystal Gala – Friday, March 6, 2020

Invitations are being readied, and will be coming home soon with youngest and only students.
Have you purchased your Tuition Credit Raffle Ticket yet? Don’t delay so you not only have a chance at winning $5,000 toward next year’s tuition; but can be entered in the Fees and Forms drawing that will take place for ALL ticket holders who have purchased their ticket by Friday, February 7. You could win your student fees for the 2020-2021 school year (a $390 value for K – 8 students; does not include graduation fee.)
To purchase your Tuition Credit Raffle Ticket:
- Tickets will be sold at all home basketball games, before and after mass on Wednesdays, and on Fridays from 2 – 4 pm
- Click here to purchase online.
- Click here for the ticket purchase form.
Deadlines Coming Up SOON!!!:
This Friday, January 24, 2020 is the deadline for a number of items:
- Item Donations
- Wine and Champagne Donations
- Saintly Spot Ads
- Advertising Opportunities
- Event Sponsorship
Click here to go to the DDA website where you will find ALL forms.
Email your questions to or visit us in person on Wednesdays and Fridays.
2020-2021 Financial Aid Applications
If you are interested in applying for financial assistance for the 2020-2021 school year, please click here to start your FACTS application (must be completed by all families seeking assistance). All applications and supporting information must be completed by Monday, March 2, 2020 for consideration.
Additionally, have you completed your application for an Invest in Kids Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship via Empower Illinois? To find out more, and to apply, please click here. Questions? Please contact Patty Bajek at
All Saints Parents Association (ASPA)
Fundraising Corner
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
As we previously shared, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Get your special sweetheart a special something using a gift card. Hundreds of the country’s biggest retailers offer Scrip gift cards.
You have until the end of February to reach this school year’s FFO. Please note that All Scrip purchases after February 29, 2020 will count towards the next school year’s 2020-2021 FFO.
Simply click here to enroll. Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information? Contact
Nothing Bundt Cakes – Class of 2020 Legacy Gift Fundraiser
The Class of 2020 is raising money to help fund their 8th Grade Legacy Gift. Nothing Bundt Cakes is a delicious way to help us toward the goal! If you aren’t familiar with Nothing Bundt Cakes, they are luscious concoctions of premium ingredients including fresh eggs, real butter, and delicious cream cheese frosting!
The cakes will be available for pick up on Thursday, February 13th...just in time for your Valentine’s Day celebrations, and yummy treats for all. Click here for the order form. The order deadline is Thursday, February 6.
All Saints Athletic Association
From the Saints Sidelines . . . The weather didn’t sideline our Saints last weekend. Dominating the hoops were our Boys 6B, 7A, 8B1 and 8B2 and Girls 5B, 6A, 6B and 8A teams! Way to bring the heat Saints!
Be sure to check the league website at for league standings and schedules.
***Parents, be sure to check the concessions/admissions sign-ups at Parents not previously signed up for 2 volunteer assignments have been randomly assigned.
BLUE OUT is coming! Mark your calendar for Saturday, February 15, 2020. We will be honoring our 8th grade athletes as they play their last games on home court. It’s always a fun time!
BASKETBALL TEAM PHOTO orders have arrived and are being sent home with your athlete. Be sure to ask your athlete for your photo order!
Looking for a way for your athlete to stay active this spring? Students in grades 5-8 are welcome to join Track & Field! The 2020 T&F season will be underway soon with practices starting late March. Register your athlete now at
Remember to pick up a new ASCA sports car decal and show your team spirit!
Celebrate your athlete’s birthday, recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
There is still time to show your team pride by placing a SAINTLY SPOT in the DDA booklet. Submission deadlines are due by January 24th. For further information, contact DDA Chair, Dino Abbott ( )
Did YOU know that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!! Click on the icons below to take a look.

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.