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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 12/20/2018 – Joy is the True Gift of Christmas

It doesn’t happen this way very often.  This week, I am amazed at how the virtue that we are studying here at All Saints, and trying to live out in our lives dovetails so completely with the liturgical season we are celebrating, and the gospel message of the day.   It all is about ‘Joy’


The virtue of joy is the pure gift of God’s grace and happiness.  Joy is beyond what we can find on our own.  Joy that comes from God stretches way beyond what we can imagine for ourselves and for the world


This past weekend, we celebrated the 3rd Sunday of Advent known as Gaudete Sunday.   Gaudete is the Latin word for joy.  The 3rd Week of Advent looks different and feels different.  The liturgical color is pink (rose) rather than purple.  By this week, we know that our journey of Advent is almost complete.  The focus of the 3rd week is on the joy that we are feeling and experiencing in our preparation for the coming of our Lord, which grows ever nearer.  We rejoice because we know that the true God exists.  We know that He is good, that He loves us, that He knows us, and that He is with us.   


In the beautiful Gospel reading from Luke for this coming 4th Sunday of Advent (we listened to this reading at our school mass yesterday), the angel Gabriel appears to Mary.  In his greeting to her, he exclaims, “Hail, full of grace!  The Lord is with you!”  In the Italian translation of this passage, Gabriel says: "Hail, Mary".  In the Greek translation of the same greeting, which is Kaire, the meaning changes to  "be glad" or "rejoice"This greeting is an invitation to joy. 


Pope Benedict XVI so wisely noted in his writings that the true gift of Christmas is joy, not the expensive gifts that call for time and money.  We cannot keep solely for ourselves this joy that we have received; joy must always be shared. Joy must be communicated.


Each one of us can transmit and embody this joy.  I see joy in the halls and classrooms here at ASCA each day.  I see joy in the faces of our students and staffI hear joy in the interactions that are shared.  This joy can start simply with a smile or a kind gesture.  It can be experienced when help is given to a classmate or a teacher, or come full circle when we give or receive forgiveness. When we spread and radiate joy, the joy that is given will be returned to us.


I wish Christmas joy to all of our students, staff, school families, benefactors and friends.  You can be a shining example of joy in all that you say and do.    And if all else fails, remember that song from way back in our childhood? – ‘Joy in my Heart’.  It has lyrics that go something like this, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, where?, down in my heart, where?, down in my heart.  “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, where?, down in my heart to stay."  


2018-2019 ASCA Annual Fund Appeal

If you were not aware, the true cost to educate each student at All Saints is much greater than tuition covers.  We have not had a tuition increase at All Saints in three years; and have worked diligently – both administration and boards – to hold the line on increases in tuition without sacrificing the educational quality for our students in the classrooms. 


This is your chance to contribute to the Annual Fund which helps to fill the gap between income from tuition and operating expenses.  Through the Annual Fund Appeal, each dollar in donation helps to control tuition increases – making Catholic education more affordable to families in our community, and keeping All Saints competitive.


Please prayerfully consider contributing to this year’s appeal at whatever level you are comfortable giving


No gift is too small (as small gifts can add up), and everyone’s help is needed!  So, please respond to this year’s appeal as generously as you are able; and know that each and EVERY contribution is greatly appreciated!!! 


All families should have received a letter and response card in the mail.  If you did not, please click here for the card; or click here to donate online. 


The Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program

A big thank you for those who have moved forward with a donation to the Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program


In this program, you can designate your contribution to support a student attending All Saints Catholic Academy, and receive a 75% credit on your state of Illinois tax liability.  


Remember that a tax credit is a dollar for dollar reduction of your tax liability.  For example, if you donate $1,000 under the Tax Credit Scholarship Program, you will receive a tax credit equal to 75% of your donation, or $750.   


I know that you don’t believe it but

Yes, this is For Real.  


Why pay money to the State of Illinois, when those monies can help a child at All Saints Catholic Academy.  If you would like more information on how to donate to the Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program with STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS, please click here


If you are interested in donating for this current tax year, you have to jump on this ASAP!  If you are looking to donate for the 2019 tax year, you have a bit more time to make your donation.    


New Parent and Tot Program at ASCA

Beginning on Friday, January 11 from 9 – 10 am, All Saints is launching a new Parent (Caregiver) and Tot program at All Saints, geared to connect our youngest saints who are not yet ready or age appropriate for preschool and their parent/caregivers with each other here at ASCA in Room 108.  It is time for you and your little one to come out of the cold, and make new friends in the new year!   Please plan to join us on Friday, January 11; and bring a friend. 


PM Extended Care and D203 Busing Changes in December

Please note that there will be no PM Extended Care on the following date:  Tomorrow, Friday, December 21 (half day, Noon dismissal).  There will be D203 busing to and from school on Friday, December 21 (buses will leave the ASCA campus at Noon).


Open House at All Saints – Sunday, January 27 from 1 – 3 PM

Put a big red circle on your calendar and plan on joining us at this year’s Open House on Sunday, January 27 from 1 – 3 pm.  There will be all kinds of excitement going on in your child’s classrooms, so come on by to say hi and meet all of the teachers.  Help us show off our school to brand new potential students and families by giving a school tour.  Bring a friend who is considering transferring to ASCA.  Take part in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition in the gym.  This day is the kick off to Catholic Schools Week, one of the most fun weeks of the school year.  Be on the lookout for more information to come; ways in which you can help us to spread the word, and better yet – plan on coming!


Fun Fair 2019 – Friday, February 1 from 5:30 – 8 PM

Talking about Catholic Schools Week, plan to join us UNDER THE BIG TOP for our 10th Annual FUN FAIR!  Save the date for this fun filled family event.   Stay tuned for more details.    Sponsored by the Class of 2021.


  • When:  Friday, February 1st from 5:30 - 8:00 pm






Re-enrollment for the 2019-2020 School Year

Re-enrollment of current school families for the 2019-2020 school year will take place in January 2019 after we return from Christmas break.   PLEASE STAY TUNED for additional details so that you can secure your student’s spot for next school year by the re-enrollment deadline before enrollment is opened up to new students.


Financial Aid Applications for the 2019-2020 School Year

Information on how to apply for aid for the 2019-2020 school year will be communicated with families after Christmas.  Please stay tuned.  


Saints in Service - SHPP's Community Outreach Committee

Thank YOU ASCA families for your generous donations to the Hesed House!  We had a trunk load filled with new items for their clients, which they were thrilled to receive prior to Christmas!  Many thanks to our 8th graders for leading this drive in the school!  We would also like to thank Susan Glab and Lori Eckes for their help with this school-wide drive.


We also would like to recognize our 3rd graders as Saints in Service this week!  They have partnered with St. Patrick's Residence this year, which is served by the Carmelite Sisters.  Our 3rd graders spent time last week making blankets for the sisters.  We know they will be so touched to receive these handmade gifts for Christmas!  We are so proud of you!  Many thanks to Lauren Giroux for leading this meaningful project.


Mark your calendars for MLK Day:  Monday, January 21, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr. was deeply committed to serving others.  Each year on MLK Day, the students of ASCA honor Dr. King through acts of service.  School is not in session on MLK Day.  Instead, students are asked to perform an act of service. 


The Community Outreach Committee will have multiple planned activities that you and your student can participate in that day.  You can also organize and perform your own act of service at home, in your neighborhood or community.  Some of the planned activities include: Packing Sessions at Feed My Starving Children (on both Saturday, January 19th and Monday, January 21), Parish Clean Up Day at St. Margaret Mary, Playing games with residents at St. Patrick's Residence, working at the West Suburban Community Pantry and making cards at ASCA for those in need through the Caring Cards ministry at St. Elizabeth Seton.  More information, including online signups, will be available after Christmas break.


Questions regarding the Community Outreach Committee?  Please contact Robin Beck at, or Anne Soto at Thank you!


All Aboard SHPP

The next SHPP meeting will be Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 6:30 pm in Café 1.  If you have any questions, please contact the Executive Team at  Please mark your calendars, and look for the meeting agenda in January. We hope to see you there!  Childcare will be provided. 


COMING HOME – ASCA’s 14th Annual Dinner Dance Auction

KNOW WHAT’S COMING SOONER THAN CHRISTMAS? Your last chance to be entered into the Fees and Forms credit raffle as a part of the DDA Tuition Raffle! Less than 50 tickets remain!


TOMORROW is the LAST DAY to purchase your Tuition Credit Raffle ticket to be entered into the drawing for a Fees and Forms credit for the 2019-2020 school year…an additional $390 value! Purchase your ticket by NOON TOMORROW, Friday, December 21st to be entered into the drawing and for only $100 per ticket you have the chance to win $5,000 toward your 2019-2020 tuition – AND the Fees and Forms credit!


You can purchase your ticket online at Cash, Check (payable to ASCA) or FACTS (must be set up for auto-pay) will be accepted. Don’t miss this last chance to win big!



Our thanks to the many families who made cash donations to purchase supplementary items for the DDA auction line-up! Your generosity will help the planning committee put all of the finishing touches on this year’s auction packages!


The committee is still in need of additional auction package item donations –vacation getaways, concert and theater tickets, sporting event tickets, airline miles and hotel points are among the most popular items. Don’t forget! You will receive fundraising credit of up to $500 for the amount your item sells for at the auction. Item donations and the accompanying description forms are due by Friday, January 11, 2019. Click here for the item donation form.  Thank you in advance for your continued generosity!


As we head into the start of the second semester and the countdown to “Coming Home” on February 23rd, we are looking for auction Runners, Callers and Pickers. Runners will make stops at 10-20 local businesses to drop off auction information and request donations in person (this is the ideal volunteer position for anyone who likes to visit all the hot spots in town!). Callers will make auction requests by phone (a great way to help from home) and Pickers will drive to businesses to pick up donated items as needed. This short-term volunteer role will make a HUGE impact on the success of this year’s DDA. To volunteer or to learn more about any of these roles, contact Christi Kluzak at


CONGRATULATIONS TO CATHERINE GIANAN, winner of the December 12th Christmas Cheer Basket Giveaway!


The 2019 DDA “Coming Home” celebrates the All Saints community and will be a great night of food, music, festivity and fun while supporting our children’s home away from home – All Saints Catholic Academy!  Join us Saturday, February 23, 2019 6 pm - Midnight at ASCA!


ASCA 14th Annual Dinner Dance & Auction – Coming Home!

Saturday, February 23, 2019 6 pm - Midnight at ASCA


The DDA Forms Finder

Looking for a form?  Please see the following forms and links below:


Lost and Found

Just a reminder to stop by Door 1 to check out the Lost and Found.  Items not claimed by noon tomorrow, Friday, December 21 will be donated. 


Fundraising Corner


Bakers Square Pie Sale

Thank you for all of your support for the ASCA Class of 2019 with your purchases of Bakers Square Sweet Rewards Gift Cards.


Yankee Candle Update

Don't forget you can still place orders online, but only until December 31, 2018 to still earn FFO credit. Go to, and enter our GN 99983478.  Remember to set up a student account to receive FFO credit.


Lynch Creek Farms

You can STILL SEND SOME BEAUTIFUL GIFTS AND EARN FFO CREDIT. You can purchase gorgeous high quality seasonal wreaths, garland, trees, and centerpieces from Lynch Creek Farms.


It is easy to purchase online - not just for yourself, but you can also send gift items to others.  To take a look and place your order, simply go the following link: of purchases will be applied to your fundraising obligation.  We are almost 40% of the way to our $1,000 goal. 


Questions?  Contact


What is this FFO? 

Remember that all families are responsible for their Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO - $250 for preschool only families; $500 for K-8 families)


We encourage ALL SCHOOL FAMILIES to take advantage of each fundraiser that is offered that goes toward your FFO.   For more information on fundraising opportunities at ASCA this year, please go to   If you have any fundraising questions, please contact


Remaining fundraisers currently available that count toward your FFO include:


  • Yankee Candles – online ordering available through 12/31/18.
  • Lynch Creek Farms Christmas Wreaths – see information above. 
  • Scrip – orders are placed each week.  Orders made through the end of February will count toward the 2018-2019 FFO.   Orders placed after February count toward your 2019-2020 FFO.   Using Scrip is a GREAT WAY to purchase your Christmas gifts and other holiday needs, and earn money toward your FFO.  Questions about getting started with Scrip?  Contact
  • DDA donations - item donations.  See the DDA Forms Finder for more information.  Note – ticket/raffle purchases do not count toward the FFO. 


Tecuatl Family Meal Train

If you are interested in volunteering to prepare a meal, please sign up at


News from All Saints Athletic Association

Have you heard…..The TCBY Home Athlete of the Week for 12/14 is Colin Barczi!   Colin’s 15 points lead his team to a 32-21 victory over St. Pets.  Congratulations Colin, keep hustling!


From the Saints Sidelines . . . Our Saints continue to bring the heat on the courts! Congrats to the following teams who brought home wins this past weekend – Girls 5B and 6A; Boys 5B, 7A, 7B1, 7B2, 8A , 8B1 and 8B2.


Our Saints will take a break from the regular season until January 5th, except for those teams participating in holiday tournaments.  Be sure to check the league website at for league standings and schedules.


Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!


SHOUT-OUTS now available!  Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance?  SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association.  Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend.  Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment!  Contact Keith Glab at

There is still time to show your team pride by placing a SAINTLY SPOT in the DDA booklet.  Submission deadlines are due by January 19th. For further information, contact DDA Chair, Catherine Chen at


“Wishing you the gifts of love, friendship and good health this Christmas season!” – from the All Saints Athletic Association



Stay Calm and Dribble On!!!






Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!






A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of 

A Green Tie Affair, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2018 






For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.  We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.  

Previous Article Saints Speak - 12/13/2018 - It's Beginning to Look A Lot like Christmas
Next Article Saints Speak – 1/10/2019 – The Virtue of Knowledge

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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