Saints Speak – 11/21/2019 – The Heart of a Community
You can tell what the ‘heart of a community’ is like by exploring how its members share their time, talent and treasure. As far as the gift of time and talent goes, each day I see school parents helping out at lunch and recess, serving on our School Board and Board of Trustees (and related committees), coaching our athletic teams, making exciting things happen as part of our All Saints Parents Association (ASPA), spearheading ‘too numerous to name’ committees for events and other important things that only happen here at ASCA if there is someone willing to step up and say “Yes!”. So many of you never fail to answer the call.
While most of us feel overextended, overwhelmed, and exhausted from a general lack of sleep most days, we know that by letting our light shine, and generously sharing our time and talents, that the entirety of our All Saints school community and those that it touches, will benefit and be better for it.
As far as the sharing of treasure, I know that there is no more generous group of people than our All Saints family and friends. One of my favorite verses from the Bible comes from Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be."
We know that our true treasure is not here on earth, but is the heavenly treasure that we seek with our loving and gracious God. We can not store up our treasures here on earth; however, that which we do truly treasure, we need to treat like treasure.
Because of the love that each one of you has for All Saints (a love that we all share), and what it has meant to your student(s) and family, you have been willing to give and to financially support the school ‘above and beyond’ your tuition dollars, which contributes to an enhanced and enriching All Saints experience for our students.
Just take a look at our accomplishments this current year –
- Proceeds from our recent Run with the Saints Boosterthon will make restoration of our concrete recess pad a reality to ensure the safety of our students.
- Donations to Empower Illinois and the Tax Credit Scholarship Program helped to fund 8 students at All Saints, three of whom were brand new students this year.
- Paddle raises at the Dinner Dance Auction last spring helped to makeover McSherry Hall into a bright and inviting learning space with technology advances that will benefit all of our All Saints students.
- Families attending our monthly No Cookin’ in the Kitchen events have not only raised money, but have strengthened community through our breaking bread (and burrito) together.
- Our preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students have realized a new Playscape on the recess pad, expanding their fun outside the school building with new riding and sensory experiences to enjoy.
- The donations from the 2019 Giving Tree have made our classrooms brighter, helping both our teachers and students.
- We created a brand new fall tradition with our inaugural All Saints Autumnfest, an event that brought our parents together for an evening of fun.
- Your record purchases at the Fall Book Fair have benefited our beautiful school library by providing funds to purchase new resources.
Additionally, many of you have contributed items like cereal at our Meet and Greet, box tops, Halloween candy for our military, shoes, coats, and books, just to name a few.
We recognize that at All Saints, when all of us who love All Saints Catholic Academy – parents, teachers, administrators, Board members, alumni, friends - come together to work toward a common goal, great things can and do happen.
During this season of being thankful for our many blessings at All Saints, we are so grateful for your financial support. We know that you value the strong academics here at All Saints, as well as the spiritual and values/character formation that our students receive, and that we partner with you, our school parents, to reinforce.
While so many schools have seen declining enrollment, and even school closings in recent years, All Saints has experienced growth, and is known in the diocese as well as our surrounding communities as a strong, viable, positive, and forward looking institution, with much to offer our students and families.
You may not be aware that the cost of educating each student at ASCA is much greater than your tuition covers. Please know that we take the responsibility of being good stewards of our financial resources very seriously. Through the diligent work of our administration, our school board, and our finance committee, we have not had a K – 8 tuition increase at All Saints in four years.
To build upon the excellence that we share here at All Saints, we humbly ask that you join with us in supporting this year’s 2019 Annual Fund Appeal.
The success of the Annual Fund Appeal allows us to:
- control future tuition increases
- make an excellent Catholic education more affordable to families in our community
- keep All Saints competitive from a cost perspective
- generate scholarship assistance for those who are making sacrifices to afford an All Saints education, but need help to bridge the gap.
Our Annual Fund Appeal letter will soon be arriving in your mailbox; and we are asking all of our school families to participate in this year’s appeal. We know that contributions to the appeal will look different for each individual family and donor.
No gift is too small (or too big); and everyone’s help is needed! We would love to share with our school community that 100% of ASCA families were able to contribute to the Annual Fund Appeal. So, please respond to this year’s appeal as generously as you are able.
Know that each and EVERY contribution is not only greatly appreciated, but makes an impact that will touch every All Saints student and family.
Cyber Safety Presentation
Speaking of the sharing of time, thank you to those parents who joined us for Detective Rich Wistocki’s presentation on Cyber Safety on Tuesday evening. If you were unable to attend the presentation, you can click here to view videos of Detective Wistocki speaking on the subject of Cyber Safety on the City of Naperville website.
A number of parents have reached out to me to ask if Detective Wistocki could be invited back to ASCA speak with our students, as our children should be aware of how to stay safe in the cyber world. We hope to invite Detective Wistocki back to All Saints to speak with our 5th – 8th grade students in the coming months.
Please click here for this week's ASCA NOW News produced by our junior high students.
Grandparent's Day – Volunteers Needed
This event is exclusively for grandparents or VIP’s in our children’s lives however, we encourage any parents that wish to be part of the day to volunteer.
On November 26 we will be welcoming about 300 grandparents and special guests into our school, and we need your help to make their visit go smoothly. Please take a few minutes to click through - - and sign up for a position (or two) if you are available to help. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the joy that comes from students sharing ASCA with those they love. #grandparentsday
DDA – 15th Annual Dinner Dance Auction
Mark Your Calendars!
The 15th annual Dinner Dance Auction, The Crystal Gala, will take place on Friday, March 6, 2020. It is sure to be a dazzling affair! Contact to find out more and get involved!
Do You Want to Win $5,000?
Purchase a ticket for the All Saints Catholic Academy 2020 Tuition Credit Raffle for a chance to win a $5,000 tuition credit for your family, or the ASCA Scholarship Program, for the 2020-2021 school year!
Tickets are $100, and only 150 tickets will be sold. Please visit the ASCA DDA website for complete rules and restrictions – Tickets are On Sale Now! Stop by the Raffle Table on Grandparents Day, located outside the gym on November 26th, to purchase your ticket. Cash, Check (payable to ASCA) or FACTS will be accepted.
If you have any questions, please contact Indiana Cary ( or Stacy Fano (
First Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration
Just a reminder, on Wednesday, December 4, Eucharistic Adoration will take place in the chapel outside the Welcome Desk from after mass (approximately 9:15 am) until 3 pm. All Are Welcome! Please consider spending time on this day with our Lord.
Sign Up for New Activities
Intermediate Chess
Students in Intermediate Chess will learn opening moves such as Ruy Lopez and Petroff’s Defense, as well as checkmate strategies. They will hone their chess skills with tactics including pins, forks, and the skewer. Click here to register. Click here for more information. Classes begin on Thursday, December 5. The last day to register for classes is Friday, November 29. Questions? Contact
Sticky Fingers Cooking Class
The new session begins on Wednesday, December 18. If you have a K – 5 student interested in cooking (and eating), this is the class for you. Click here to sign up. Click here for more information.
Sticky Fingers has also added a class for preschool students!!! Click here to register.

All Saints Parents Association (ASPA)
ASCA Holiday Shop
It's the most wonderful time of the year- the Holiday Shop is coming! Once again, ASPA is sponsoring a Holiday Shop for our school community. The shop offers a large variety of gifts with kid-friendly prices -most gifts are under $5. All purchases are tax-free and gift wrapping is included.

The shop will be held in McSherry Hall as follows:
- December 2 from 3:00pm-4:00pm
- December 3 from 7:30am-4:00pm
- December 4 from 7:30am-4:00pm
- December 5 from 7:30am-12:00pm
Please note that only cash and checks are accepted- checks should be made payable to ASCA. Look for the preview table outside the office next week. To see all the shop's items and prices, please click here. Stay out of the cold and crowds and get all your shopping done in one stop at the Holiday Shop!
Please click here to volunteer. You can contact Michelle Ling at, or Amy Bono at with any questions.
Saints in Service - ASPA’s Community Outreach
Shoe and Coat Drive – November 18 -22 – Continues through tomorrow, Friday, November 22
We are currently shoes and coats to help those in need during the cold winter months. Bins will be placed by doors 1 and 7 for these items. Thank you ASCA families, in advance, for your generosity!
See below for further details:
- We will be collecting new or gently used shoes, boots, sneakers and sandals for Cradles to Crayons from November 18 – 22. Cradles to Crayons is a charity that collects and distributes new and nearly new items to children in need.
- We will be collecting clean, gently used or new coats for Button and Zipper from November 18-22. Button & Zipper is a local charity that collects and distributes coats to homeless shelters, youth organizations, and directly to individuals on the streets, throughout the Chicagoland area.
Upcoming Advent Service Project for Hesed House - December 2 - 13
Each year, during Advent, our ASCA school community comes together to collect items for Hesed House, a homeless shelter based in Aurora. Almost 1000 individuals (including ~200 children) are served each year by Hesed House. The collection for Hesed House will take place from December 2 -13. Stay tuned for more information to come regarding this collection.
Questions? Please email Anne Soto at or Robin Beck at for more information. Thank you!
Fundraising Corner
No Cookin’ in the Kitchen Night (does not count toward FFO) –
It was great to see everyone last night at our "No Cookin' In the Kitchen" night at Chipotle. We earned $446.46!!! Thank you for your participation. Save the date for our next No Cookin’ night at Aurelio’s on Tuesday, December 10.
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, Physical Gift cards will not be distributed next week. However, get your orders in, and they will be processed and ready for pick up the week after Thanksgiving - December 4th.
Christmas is just around the corner so get your orders in early. Also, Downtown Naperville Holiday Gift Cards have arrived. Good at over 150 shops, spas & restaurants in Downtown Naperville, the gift cards are available through Scrip. Enclosed in a handsome gift card enclosure, Downtown Naperville gift cards make the perfect gift for any occasion!
Important Scrip Dates Coming Up:
- Think about purchasing gift cards via Scrip for upcoming holiday gifts instead of purchasing them in the checkout line at the store.
- ThanksScriping Day – TODAY!!! Thursday, November 21 - This huge event only happens 3 times a year. Earn the biggest bonus rebates of the season on dozens of eGift cards and reloads for one day only.
Scrip is a great fundraiser to take advantage of, as orders are placed most EVERY WEEK! Simply click here to enroll. Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information? Contact
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Basketball game schedules have been posted to the DPL website. You can view your team’s schedule at
Reminder no practices will be held during the Thanksgiving break. Practice schedules will resume on Monday, December 2nd, and games will begin on Friday, December 6th.
Concessions/Admissions volunteer sign-ups will go out over the weekend. Please remember to sign up for 2 assignments per athlete as stated in the registration process.
Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
Parents: please return your athlete’s volleyball uniform to the main office as soon as possible. Uniforms need to be cleaned prior to return. Place the uniform in a Ziploc bag with the player’s name and team so that you receive credit for the return.
SHOUT-OUTS now available! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!
Go Saints!
Were you aware that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!! Click on the icons below to take a look.

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.