Saints Speak – 12/5/2019 – Hope in Advent
Our virtue focus this week has revolved around hope. Hope enables us to trust in God’s promise to share his life with us forever, making us confident in God’s love and care for us. Hope is like an anchor that holds us steady, and keeps us from drifting away from God’s loving presence. During this beautiful, quiet season of Advent, hope is the first evidence, the first real experience that we have of God. Advent reminds us that hope runs deeper than our own humanity. Hope is of God. It is hope that helps each one of us to keep going. It strengthens us and reminds us where to place our trust – in God.
Advent is truly a time of grace, and can bring us hope, joy and peace. I had a recent conversation with one of our school parents who shared feelings about herself and others feeling a bit ‘out of sorts’, and not particularly engaged this season. She noted that it has been difficult to find volunteers where previously there had never been a problem with people stepping up. It has been challenging to jump start 'the Christmas spirit'. Perhaps this has something to do with the late Thanksgiving making us feel as if we have had no time to prepare, or maybe the unseasonably cold weather that reached us much earlier this year.
During this time of Advent, this time of preparation for Jesus’ coming, we need to slow down, and invest ourselves in each moment of each day, rather than thinking ahead, or lamenting that which is undone. Staying focused, and practicing small things done with great kindness and love, will help us to find and to feel the joy that surrounds us.
While most of us have an Advent calendar that may have a candy or other surprise revealed each day in December, I have found a Kindness Advent Calendar online that has wonderful suggestions to do each day, reminding me that “Everywhere you go, leave a glitter trail of kindness behind you.” Please click here to check it out, and try some of the suggestions.
Additionally, our ASCA Office Manager, Maryanne Higdon, shared a Random Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar with me that her three children (now grown) followed when they were younger. Both Maryanne and her husband Rick have such fond memories of sharing in these acts of kindness with their children each Advent. If you think that your child(ren) might enjoy their own kindness calendar, please click here to take a look.
May you find and choose true joy in this Advent season of hope and anticipation.
Grandparents Day Thank You
ASCA was brimming with joy and happiness during our recent celebration of Grandparents Day prior to Thanksgiving. We were thrilled to welcome so many beloved grandparents and other VIP’s to our campus. We hope that our guests enjoyed themselves.
There are many parents who were part of the GPD team, and also our teachers, who worked tirelessly to make this day so special for everyone. In particular, I would like to acknowledge Carolina Zavala who stepped up to chair this event. Carolina is brand new to ASCA this year, and we are so grateful for her being part of both our All Saints family, as well as ASPA, our All Saints Parents Association, and for all of the energy that she brought to Grandparents Day. Thanks also to Carolina for donating the awesome Card My Yard sign that welcomed our grandparents at Door 1.
If you think that you might like to become more involved at All Saints and don't know where to start, I suggest that you contact Carolina. I know that she would be pleased to not only share her volunteer experience with you, but that she will inspire you to take the next step to volunteer.
Car Line Reminder
As the weather gets colder, more parents are dropping off their children at Door 7, rather than parking at Door 1.
When traffic is heavy, please be sure to form TWO LINES as you enter our campus via the western entrance. Once your vehicle rounds the northern part of the school, the line merges into one line as you pass Door 5 approaching Door 7.
If we did not form two lines, traffic would spill out onto Aurora Avenue creating a safety hazard. I ask that we all be good citizens, practice patience (especially when the weather is bad), and allow our fellow ASCA parents to safely merge into one line.
Upcoming Dates and Events
Poinsettia Plant Pick Up – Tomorrow, Friday, December 6
If you ordered poinsettias, they will be delivered and ready for pickup THIS Friday, December 6th from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. Stop by the Welcome Desk at Door 1, and you will be directed to the pickup location. If you need to arrange pick up during aftercare, please email
January 2020 Hot Lunch Orders
The deadline for December hot lunch orders is Wednesday, December 11. Please note that no late orders will be taken, so please do not be disappointed. Questions? Contact Cristine Shaw at
Please remember to:
- Make a copy of your order form (photo on your phone works great)
- Include your payment (checks should be made out to ASCA)
No Cookin’ in the Kitchen Night at Aurelio’s – Tuesday, December 10
Please plan to join us. More information will be provided in our Weekly Reminders on Sunday.
Our Lady of Guadalupe feast day celebration and Tamale/Sweetbread/Hot Chocolate Sale – Wednesday, December 11
Mass will take place at 8:15 am. Rosary prayer will be held in the gym prior to Mass at 7:50 am. Please plan to join us.
There will be a Tamale / Sweet Bread / Hot Chocolate sale at Door 1 from 3 - 4 pm (or until sell out). There will be three types of tamales for sale (no preorders): Rojos Puerco (Red Pork), Verde Pollo (Green Chicken), and Verdura (Veggie).
Tamale cost is $18/dozen, $9/half dozen, and $2 per tamale. Hot Chocolate and Sweet Breads will also be available for purchase - $1 each.
ASCA Christmas Concert – Wednesday, December 11
All are invited to attend our annual Christmas Concert, which will be held in the school gym on Wednesday, December 11 at 6 pm. (Doors will open at 5:30 pm).Our preschool through grade 5 students have been busy preparing a beautiful holiday program that is sure to spread Christmas cheer!
December Orchestra and Band Concerts
Another way to grow your Christmas spirit is to attend our ASCA orchestra or band concerts. Concerts take place in McSherry Hall.
- Orchestra concert will take place on Tuesday, December 10 at 7 pm.
- Band concert will take place on Thursday, December 12 at 7 pm.
4th Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest – Tuesday, December 17
I hope that everyone is preparing their entry for our 4th Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest, which will take place on Tuesday, December 17.The uglier and the tackier the better. Store bought, or homemade – let your creativity run wild. Your contest entry can be worn in place of your uniform top on this day.
Student Voices Candy Cane Sale
The Student Voices Candy Cane Sale will run through next Thursday, December 12. Make someone's holiday sweet by purchasing a candy cane. All ASCA students and staff are invited to purchase a candy cane for a friend, a sibling, a teacher, a staff member, or even your whole class.You can wish them a blessed Christmas and simply let them know that you are thinking of them.
What: Surprise a friend, teacher or staff member with a Candy Cane and your own personalized message.
Who: Anyone can purchase Candy Canes for $1.00 each. You can pay by cash or check.
Where: Submit order form, exact money and your personal message for each Candy Gram purchased to your Homeroom teacher.
When: Sales continue through Thursday, December 12.
- Click here for the Candy Cane Order Form. If purchasing for more than one person, each name and your own personal message must be included along with your order form.
- Click here for the Candy Cane Message Form.
- Click here for the Candy Cane Sale Flyer.
Important Note: A Candy Cane Message Form MUST BE FILLED OUT for each candy cane recipient.For example, if you purchase a candy cane for each student in your child's class, you will need to fill out a separate message form for each student in that class (one for Betty, one for Fred, one for Barney, one for Wilma, one for Pebbles, one for Bam Bam, one for Dino ......... etc).

All Saints Parents Association (ASPA)
Saints in Service - ASPA’s Community Outreach
Advent Service Project for Hesed House - December 2 – 13
Each year, during Advent, our school community collects items for Hesed House. Hesed House is a local homeless shelter based in Aurora. Almost 1,000 individuals (including ~200 children) are served each year through Hesed House’s shelter and three housing programs. To find out more about Hesed House, please click here.
Hesed House has shared their Holiday Wish List with us, and we are happy to help again this year with their very specific needs. Please keep in mind that these items are given to clientele as Christmas gifts, so they must be NEW. This is a voluntary drive, so please participate only if you are able. We are so grateful for any donation! Please click here for more information.
Holiday Wish List
Items Requested
Adults and children’s sizes socks
(both athletic/white and/or heavy/warm/wool)
Adults and children’s sizes t-shirts
First Grade
Adults and children’s sizes underwear
(regular and thermal)
Second Grade
Adults and children’s sizes
hats/stocking caps/scarves
Third Grade
Adults and children’s sizes heavy ski gloves and ski masks
Fourth Grade
Adults and children’s sizes hoodies
Fifth Grade
Adults and children’s sizes jeans
Sixth Grade
Adults and children’s sizes sweatshirts and sweatpants
Seventh Grade
Adults and children’s sizes sweaters
Eighth Grade
Belts and shoelaces
Any Grade
Gift Cards*
* Gift cards allow Hesed House to fill specific needs for their guests during the holiday season and year round. They are used as both gifts, and to purchase gifts/special needs and are truly the most valuable gift items they receive. Ideas for gift cards that are most useful: Walmart, Target, Meijer, Walgreens, and CVS. Gift cards can be placed in an envelope ATTN: Community Outreach/Hesed House and given to the ASCA Office.
Questions? Please email Anne Soto at or Robin Beck at for more information. Thank you!
Fundraising Corner
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
Here’s your reminder that TODAY - Thursday, December 5) and TOMORROW - Friday, December 6 only, there will be no fee when using a credit card to shop all 750+ brands. ALSO, there are bonuses being offered on physical gift cards from 80+ brands. So get ready for Christmas gift-giving and order your Scrip cards today!!!!!!!!!!!
Scrip is a great fundraiser to take advantage of, as orders are placed most EVERY WEEK! Simply click here to enroll. Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information? Contact
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Basketball season HOME opener this Friday! Come out and spread your ASCA spirit. Come in out of the cold and enjoy some hot popcorn while you cheer on your favorite teams.
The volunteer sign-ups for Concessions/Admissions were sent out and can be accessed through the link:
Reminder…all parents are asked to volunteer for a minimum of 2 volunteer slots per athlete/per season. Sign up today!!
Basketball team/individual photos will be taken next Friday, December 13th in McSherry Hall from 3:30 – 6:00 pm. ALL PLAYERS should plan to have their pictures taken during this time, even if you are not purchasing a photo package. Individuals will be photographed and team photos will be compiled for the yearbook. Detailed information will be emailed to all team players.
Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
If you have not already done so, ALL volleyball uniforms are to be returned ASAP. Place the uniform in a Ziploc bag with the player’s name and team so that you receive credit for the return.
Don’t forget to purchase a SHOUT-OUT! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
GOOD LUCK to our 8th grade athletes who will be taking the high school placement test this Saturday!
Be sure to find us on our new webpage: and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!
Were you aware that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!! Click on the icons below to take a look.

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.