Saints Speak – 11/14/2019 – The Spirit of Generosity
Thank you to all of the parents who came to meet with our teachers at parent teacher conferences last Thursday. We certainly appreciate the generosity of your time on this day; and hope that you enjoyed learning more about the child(ren) that you share with us each day at All Saints.
Our staff would like to extend a huge and sincere thank you to those of you who so generously plucked a leaf from the 2019 Giving Tree that was located near the Welcome Desk. The teachers are so excited to put these wish list requested items to use in their classrooms, which will enhance the learning experience for all of their students. The teachers would like to personally thank each one of you, although some of the items were donated anonymously.
As we grow ever closer to Thanksgiving, Advent and the Christmas Season, we are so very grateful for the 302 families, and 432 students who are part of our All Saints Catholic Academy school community and family. The spirit of generosity that you offer in your support of ASCA strengthens our school, and our ties to each other.
There is always something happening that you can be involved with or contribute to at All Saints; and we know that it can sometimes seem overwhelming. To whatever extent you are able to help, it is always humbly and gratefully appreciated. The collective actions of our All Saints parents is truly a game changer and a spirit booster, making ASCA a more exciting, energetic and vibrant school community. Thank YOU!
Grandparents Day - Call for Volunteers!
Speaking of energy in the school, one of the most eagerly anticipated days of the school year is when our beloved grandparents and other VIP’s come to visit.

On Tuesday, November 26, we will be welcoming about 300 grandparents and special guests into our school, and we need your help to make their visit go smoothly. Please take a few minutes to sign up for a position (or two) if you are available to help. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the joy that comes from students sharing ASCA with those they love. To volunteer, please click here.
Is it too late to sign our grandparent(s) up????? THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR MORE.
Simply call the school; or send an email to If your grandparent(s) is(are) unsure that they will be coming, please have them respond, and let us know anyways. This will definitely save time at check in on Grandparents Day.
December Hot Lunch Orders
The deadline for December hot lunch orders is THIS COMING Monday, November 18. Please note that no late orders will be taken, so please do not be disappointed. Questions? Contact Cristine Shaw at
Please remember to -
• Make a copy of your order form (photo on your phone works great)
• Include your payment (checks should be made out to ASCA)
THIS TUESDAY, November 19 Event REMINDER – ASCA Parent Meeting -
6 – 8:30 PM
Sergeant Tim Erdman will be at All Saints Catholic Academy to speak to our ASCA parents this coming Tuesday, November 19th from 6:00 - 6:30 pm about our upcoming Active Shooter Drill at All Saints. Sergeant Erdman’s presentation will take place just before Detective Wistocki’s presentation on Cyber Safety which will take place from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Emergency Contact Information
All school families should have received the test of our Emergency Information System that was sent on Monday, November 4. If you did not receive a phone call/text/email, or wish to make a change in your contact information for emergency purposes, please contact Patty Bajek at
Sign Up for New Activities
Intermediate Chess
Students in Intermediate Chess will learn opening moves such as Ruy Lopez and Petroff’s Defense, as well as checkmate strategies. They will hone their chess skills with tactics including pins, forks, and the skewer. Click here to register. Click here for more information. Classes begin on Thursday, December 5. The last day to register for classes is Friday, November 29. Questions? Contact
Sticky Fingers Cooking Class
The new session begins on Wednesday, December 11. If you have a K – 5 student interested in cooking (and eating), this is the class for you. Click here to sign up. Click here for more information.

All Saints Parents Association (ASPA)
Daddy Daughter Dance
Families - we are in need of someone to chair the Daddy Daughter Dance this year. Our original chair needs to step down and we need a replacement.
The Daddy Daughter Dance is scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 2020 at ASCA. The chair can be one person, or a group working together – so consider talking with friends to see it this is something you would like to do.
This event is a lot of fun for daughters and daddys alike. As with all events, if we do not have a chairperson, we will not be able to hold the event this year. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, please send an email to
ASCA Holiday Shop
Do you love shopping, spreading cheer, or all things Christmas? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then look no further. We have the perfect volunteer opportunity for you this holiday season- the 2019 ASCA Holiday Shop! Come help our students do their holiday shopping, right in the comforts of McSherry Hall, and bring holiday cheer to the entire ASCA community. We are looking for volunteers to help set up our holiday shop, assist students in shopping, "wrap" purchases, and complete sales. Will you partake in the spirit of giving this season with your gift of time? We hope you will! You must have completed Protecting God's Children and have a current background check on file to volunteer.
Please click here to volunteer. You can contact Michelle Ling at, or Amy Bono at with any questions.
Lunch and Recess Volunteers Needed
Still interested in volunteering? Lunch and recess would love the extra help! We have been short volunteers lately, so we would appreciate any time you would be willing to give. The sign-ups may look full, but with illnesses and the holidays coming up, we often find ourselves short-handed. Please see the links below it sign up. Contact Cristine Shaw at, or Kathy Kokkinos at with any questions.
Celebrate Your Heritage/Celebra tu Herencia
Thank you for everyone who attended our meeting. We are excited about the plans for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which will take place at our school mass on Wednesday, December 11. If you are interested in helping, please contact Alma Alvarez at Our next meeting will take place on Monday, December 2 at 6:00 pm.
Saints in Service - ASPA’s Community Outreach
Post-Halloween Candy Collection for Operation Support Our Troops
Thank YOU for your generous candy donations to Operation Support Our Troops! We collected over 200 pounds of candy, which will be distributed to our active duty military, in time for the holidays. Due to the chilly Halloween weather this year, OSOT informed us that their candy donations have been lower than in previous years. They were so grateful to receive all of the candy you donated. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of those who serve our country!
Shoe and Coat Drive – November 18 -22
Next week, we will be collecting shoes and coats to help those in need during the cold winter months. Bins will be placed by doors 1 and 7 for these items. Thank you ASCA families, in advance, for your generosity!
See below for further details:
- We will be collecting new or gently used shoes, boots, sneakers and sandals for Cradles to Crayons from November 18 – 22. Cradles to Crayons is a charity that collects and distributes new and nearly new items to children in need.
- We will be collecting clean, gently used or new coats for Button and Zipper from November 18-22. Button & Zipper is a local charity that collects and distributes coats to homeless shelters, youth organizations, and directly to individuals on the streets, throughout the Chicagoland area.
Upcoming Advent Service Project for Hesed House - December 2 - 13
Each year, during Advent, our ASCA school community comes together to collect items for Hesed House, a homeless shelter based in Aurora. Almost 1000 individuals (including ~200 children) are served each year by Hesed House. The collection for Hesed House will take place from December 2 -13. Stay tuned for more information to come regarding this collection.
Questions? Please email Anne Soto at or Robin Beck at for more information. Thank you!
Fundraising Corner
FFO (Family Fundraising Obligation) Balances in FACTS
Please note that all FACTS accounts have been updated to reflect credit for the Charleston Wrap Fundraiser, and for any Scrip Credit earned through 10/31/19.
Remember that all school families are responsible for a fundraising obligation of $500 for K – 8 families, and $250 for preschool only families. If you have any questions about your account balance, or how you can earn toward your family’s FFO, contact
No Cookin’ in the Kitchen Night (does not count toward FFO) – NEXT Wednesday, November 20
Join us for our next "No Cookin' In the Kitchen" at Chipotle on Wednesday, November 20th from 4 - 8 pm. Chipotle will be donating 33% of all in store orders to All Saints!
Click here for the flyer that must be presented (hard copy or electronic copy on your phone) in order for us to receive credit. Out of uniform passes will be given to any student that attends. Please send in proof of attendance to the front desk, or email Kathy Kokkinos at
The Chipotle location for this fundraiser is located at 848 N. Route 59 Suite 106, Aurora, IL 60504. Remember, SCRIP offers gift cards for Chipotle with a 10% rebate!
Last Few Days for the Optional Christmas Poinsettia Sale (counts toward FFO)
Order beautiful high-quality Poinsettias for the Christmas season through THIS Sunday, November 17th. The cost is $20 each and you will earn $10 towards your Family Fundraising Obligation. So you earn 50% FFO! The poinsettias will be to ASCA delivered for pick up the week of December 3rd.
To order, click here. Questions? Contact
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
Don't forget for Wednesday, November 20: No Cookin’ in the Kitchen Night at Chipotle. Get your discounted physical gift cards if you place your order by 8 am this Monday, November 18, or you can purchase e-cards right up until the event on November 20th.
And another message from a school family on how they were able to meet their Family Fundraising Obligation using Scrip:
I’m happy to share that we have already met our FFO for this year through Scrip. Believe me, it’s worth it to use the Scrip program – you will most likely meet your FFO and the school will benefit from the fundraising, too. We took a family vacation this past summer to Walt Disney World. We paid for our vacation through the Scrip program. The Disney cards (available as physical gift cards and ecards/ScripNow!) were used to pay for our hotel room, meals, and other items in the parks. The rebate amount from the Disney Scrip purchases put us well on our way to meeting our FFO. With a little advance planning, Scrip can work for your family, too!
Important Scrip Dates Coming Up:
- Think about purchasing gift cards via Scrip for upcoming holiday gifts instead of purchasing them in the checkout line at the store.
- ThanksScriping Day – Thursday, November 21 - This huge event only happens 3 times a year. Earn the biggest bonus rebates of the season on dozens of eGift cards and reloads for one day only.
Scrip is a great fundraiser to take advantage of, as orders are placed most EVERY WEEK! Simply click here to enroll. Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information? Contact
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Be sure to visit us at our new website and registration system powered by SportsEngine! Our new link is: By downloading the SE app, you can keep up to date on your team schedule and communicate among team parents from your mobile device. Be sure to download the app today.
Basketball practices began this week. Please reach out to your team coach for more information regarding your practice times.
SPORTS PHYSICALS: In order to participate in practices and/or games, athletes must have a current physical to carry them throughout the season. Please be sure your athlete’s physical is current and on file with the school nurse. Should your athlete’s physical expire during the season, you will be required to submit an updated physical in order to continue participation. Any questions, contact Susan Fuller at
Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!
REMINDER: Parents: please return your athlete’s volleyball uniform to the main office as soon as possible. Uniforms need to be cleaned prior to return. Place the uniform in a Ziploc bag with the player’s name and team so that you receive credit for the return.
SHOUT-OUTS now available! Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance? SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association. Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend. Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment! Contact Keith Glab at
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics) and Facebook (All Saints Athletics)!
Go Saints!
Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.