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Friday, March 14, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 9/27/18 - Parking Lot Revisited

‘They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot’.  These lyrics from the 1970 Joni Mitchell oldie but goldie - Big Yellow Taxi – make me think about our ASCA parking lot.  There are not many subjects that can create more conversation and opinion sharing than the All Saints parking lot.  It has been that way since the dawn of time (no – not really, but since 2005), and continues to be that way over a decade later.   In my communication to our school families last week, I talked about some of our parking lot policies and procedures.


Our administration has spent a great deal of time studying the parking lot, both this year and in years past.  We have looked at the amount of available spaces, the flow of traffic, and the safety of entering and exiting the campus.  A number of school families have contacted me and other administrative staff to share their observations and suggestions.  Our staff has had multiple discussions concerning the parking lot.  We have even gone outside to observe the parking situation and the flow of traffic at different times of day.   


There is a section of our parking lot, and a certain amount of additional parking spaces that have been contracted by North Central College for remote parking for their student population due to the lack of parking in the proximity of their campus in the downtown Naperville area.  This contract brings in a considerable amount of rental income for All Saints, is an important revenue source for the school, and is a good use of this property.  It is up to us to ensure that NCC is complying with the terms of the contract; which means that North Central students should be parking in the designated spaces, and have purchased a current year permit for their vehicle.   


When the weather is nice in the late summer and early fall weeks, more ASCA families choose to park their cars to drop off/pick up their student at the Main Entrance at Door 1.  As the weather gets cooler, we know that historically, more families will be using the car line to drop off/pick up their students in the car line at Door 7.  This will eliminate some of the frustration felt by families who may have trouble finding a parking spot on some days at Door 1.  It will, however, present a whole new crop of questions and concerns about how and when the car line merges from two lanes to one lane, how to be a good citizen of the ASCA car line in allowing our fellow ASCA families to merge, and how to pull out of the car line safely to leave campus after drop off/pick up. 


The key to success in the parking lot is for all school families to observe the rules, especially when entering and leaving the campus; and, most of all, to exercise caution, care, and patience above all. 


  • The first action that everyone can accomplish together is to drive slowly – the speed limit is 5 mph
  • No one should be on their phones or electronic devices.  My father had a saying that still resonates with me today – “Driving is a full time job.”  Distracted driving is dangerous.  There is no call or text that should take your focus off of safety first. 
  • Entering the campus through the western entrance, and leaving via the eastern entrance will keep traffic moving in the right direction, and your fellow school parents not guessing which way someone is going to turn.  Turning in the correct direction during the posted hours will help
  • Giving yourself enough time in the morning and in the afternoon will ensure that no one arrives at school frazzled with the potential to drive a wee bit too fast, cut others off, or turn the wrong way – all things we are capable of doing when we are in a hurry.  Sometimes we have to be like sheep and follow everyone else.  Cutting across lanes of traffic, or swimming upstream like a salmon will not get you to your destination quicker, or endear you to other ASCA parents.
  • Always be looking and keeping an eye out for cars AND for each other.  We have to work together to keep our children safe.


When Afterschool Transportation Logistics Change

As we have been discussing, timely communication is the primary way in which everyone is on the same page with regards to school policy, procedures, and expectations.  This could not be truer than when there are changes in afterschool transportation logistics.  


  • For students who regularly ride the bus home – in the absence of written communication from a parent/guardian, it is our policy to put you on the bus.  If you will not be riding the bus home on a day that you would normally take the bus, a parent/guardian should send a note, or email both the teacher and to let us know of any change.  A student cannot communicate the change.  You may also phone the school prior to 3 pm to inform us of a change.  This will allow us to get a message to your student at afternoon announcements and prayer.


  • For students who are being picked up -   Students should know how they are being picked up – whether they should they leave the school via Door 1 (Welcome Desk door), or Door 7 (car line door).  Students should leave school with the person who is designated to pick them up, or inform the appropriate parties when a change is being made. 


This past week, one of our students went home after school with a friend.  The student’s ride then arrived at school to pick up the student, who was no longer on campus. We did not know what to tell the student’s ride, and proceeded to make phone calls to try to track down what had happened.


What should have been done?  The parties involved should have come inside to the Welcome Desk to inform us of the change.  They also should have made phone calls to all of the necessary parties - the parent/guardian and/or ride/person designated to have picked up the student. 


As noted above, a parent or guardian may also phone the school prior to 3 pm to inform us of a change.This will allow us to get a message to your student at afternoon announcements and prayer, and to be aware that a change has been made.


While we know that last minute things sometimes happen, please try to make that phone call prior to 3 pm when possible. It is so busy (and sometimes very loud) here at the end of the day with students in transition, lockers being visited, backpacks being stuffed, and last minute homework questions being asked and answered.  It is difficult to communicate changes to a student right before school lets out, or to pull a student off of a bus that is ready to leave or may have already left the school.


Visitor Management System

New to ASCA this year is our Visitor Management System (VMS), aka Raptor.  It requires all parents, visitors and contractors to present identification which is used to print a time sensitive ID sticker.  This system allows us to account for all visitors to the school, and enhances our security measures in protecting students and staff.   This is required for all visitors who will be traveling in the school building beyond the Welcome Desk at Door 1. 


If you are dropping something (or someone) off, or picking something (or someone) up, you do not have to be processed in the VMS.   All other visitors who will be proceeding beyond the Welcome Desk must present an ID and be processed.  This is our school policy; and our Welcome Desk personnel are responsible for enforcing this policy.  I am sure that everyone would agree that keeping our students, staff and all visitors to ASCA safe is one of the most important things that we do.  Please support us in these efforts.


Uniform Heads Up

Please note that this is the last week to wear our warm weather uniform options.  After this week, no more shorts or gym shoes until May 2019

Beginning Monday, October 1, all K – 8 students should be wearing dress shoes to school every day.  On Mass days, girls and boys are expected to be in ‘Perfect Uniform”. 


What does that mean? 

  • All K – 8 students should be in dress shoes. 
  • K-3 girls should be in a jumper (no pants or shorts) with their top of choice. 
  • Grades 4-8 girls should be in a skirt with an ASCA logo sweater vest over their top of choice (no pants or shorts). 
  • All K – 8 boys should be in pants (no shorts) with their ASCA logo top of choice. 



The first edition of this year's ASCA NOW News has just been released.  Our honors ELA 8th grade students will be honing their anchoring, reporting, editing and production skills in putting together this weekly news program that will bring us All the News You Can Use.   To check it out, go to


All Aboard SHPP

Our next SHPP meeting is this coming Tuesday, October 2 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm in Café 1.  Childcare will be provided.  The meeting agenda follows:

1. Welcome and Prayer

2. Review of Meet and Greet - What went well? Is there anything we can add/subtract?
3. Dinner for Conferences and Staff Christmas party - Do you need volunteers? Do you know a venue? 
4. Classroom Philanthropy Projects - Please share ideas for the projects. Do we have volunteers for each class? How can we help?
5. Daddy Daughter Dance - Is anyone interested in leading this? Should we cancel it?
6. Budget Review
7. If there is a need, we can touch on Grandparents Day, Book Fair and Trunk or Treat
8. Fundraising update
9. Questions/Suggestions

We will keep the meeting to an hour!  Please email with anything you would like to add to the agenda. 


We now have online signups for upcoming events!  Please click on the Sign Up Genius links below.  Note that some of these events have not been calendared yet, and are volunteer dependent on moving forward.  We have added dates where known to our Upcoming Event school calendar at


· Trunk or Treat: SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Trunk or Treat Event (Event is on October 26)

· Community Outreach SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Community Outreach Committee

· Daddy Daughter Dance SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Daddy Daughter Dance

· Faith Formation SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Faith Formation Committee

· Fundraising SHPP Volunteer SIgn-Up: Fundraising Commitee

· Grandparents Day SHPP Volunteer SIgn-Up: Granparent's Day (Event is on November 20)

· Book Fair SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Book Fair Committee (Event takes place October 15 - 19)

· Booster-thon SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Booster Thon (Event takes place in May 2019)

· Holiday Shop SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Holiday Shop (Event takes place December 3 - 6)

· Hospitality SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Hospitality Committee

· Mother Son Event SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Mother Son Event

· Teacher Appreciation Week SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Teacher Appreciation Week (Event takes place May 6 - 10, 2019)


Saints in Service - SHPP’s Community Outreach

Book Drive October 15 - 19

ASCA’s Fall Book Fair is coming soon from October 15 – 19.  What better time to clean off your book shelves?  Bring your gently used books to the book fair, where we will have collection bins for your donation.  Then, you can shop the Book Fair knowing you have plenty of room on your newly cleared shelves! 


All of the donated books will go to Bernie’s Book Bank.  This Chicago area organization is committed to providing books to at-risk children.  Their goal is to provide 12 books each year, for 12 years, to all of the children they serve.  Thank you for donating your books to this wonderful organization!


SHPP Meeting October 2 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm in the Cafeteria

Please join us for the next SHPP meeting on October 2 to find out more information on how you can get involved in the Community Outreach Committee.  Can’t make the meeting but still want to get involved?  Please email Anne Soto at or Robin Beck at for more information.  Thank you!


Upcoming Event in Our Community

St. Vincent de Paul’s Friends of the Poor Walk will take place on Saturday, September 29th at All Saints!  Come join your neighbors and friends for a 2 mile scenic walk along the beautiful riverwalk, starting and ending at All Saints.

To register online or for more information, please visit


Janor Spirit Wear Orders 

Orders will be coming home this week!


Save the Date for COMING HOME!

The ASCA 14th Annual Dinner Dance & Auction (DDA) will be held in Saturday, February 23, 2019, from 6 pm - Midnight at All Saints.


DDA is our biggest fundraiser of the year!  DDA makes a significant contribution to the financial wellbeing of our school - from technology to infrastructure to operating costs.  DDA helps keep tuition down and academics up!  Join us for a great night of food, music, celebration and fun while helping our school!


Are you aware that this event is planned by the 5th grade parents at ASCA?  3rd and 4th grade families, you will soon be in the 5th grade, and “take the reigns” to create and execute this important, fun and worthy event.  We invite you to get involved now!  Begin to build a team, a vision and learn by getting involved before it’s your turn! 


We welcome your help, energy and ideas!  Join us in planning and executing this fabulous event!  Anyone, any grade, any level!  Sign up, get involved and join the fun!  To sign up, go to  


Please consider a generous donation to the dinner dance auction.  We can’t do it without you!  All Saints needs you!


Fundraising Corner

J Crew Fundraiser

Tonight, Thursday, September 27J Crew Event in Downtown Naperville

The J Crew store located at the Main Street Promenade, 50 S. Main Street in Downtown Naperville will be hosting a Shop and Share event to benefit All Saints Catholic Academy from 5 - 8 pm.

At this event, ASCA families will receive 20% off purchases of $125 or more; and J Crew will donate 10% of the event proceeds back to ASCA (proceeds donated back to ASCA will assist All Saints in support of the school budget). If you are a J Crew fashionista or just love cute clothes, you will not want to miss this evening.  We’ll see you at the Crew. 

New Poinsettia Fundraiser

A new optional Christmas Poinsettia sale fundraiser has been added.  This fundraiser offers beautiful, high-quality poinsettia plants, the same plants that churches use to decorate for the Christmas season.  The cost of each plant will be $20, and you will earn $10 toward your Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) with each plant.   Online ordering for this fundraiser will begin TODAY, Thursday, September 27, and continue through Tuesday, October 9.  Plants will be delivered to ASCA the week of December 3 for pick up.

Forms with details about the fundraiser will be going home with youngest and only students today.  To place your order, go to


Remember that all families are responsible for their FFO ($250 for preschool only families; $500 for K-8 families).  We encourage you to take advantage of each fundraiser that is offered.   For more information on fundraising opportunities at ASCA this year, please go to

If you have any fundraising questions, please contact   


Coming very soon – information on the Out of Uniform fundraiser benefitting the ASCA Class of 2020.  Stay tuned.


News from All Saints Athletic Association


Have you heard…..We had two TCBY Home Athletes of the week!  Congratulations to Kyle Zediker and Ellie Glab for your awesome teamwork and playing….keep up your hard work!


Volleyball News 


WOW!  What a weekend!  Congratulations to our Girls 7A team for bringing home, not one but THREE victories this past weekend; and to the Boys 7A1 team for bringing home TWO victories! Our Girls 8A team also played to win bringing home a W for last week. Congratulations players!


Current standings show our Boys 7A1 and Girls 6A teams in 1st place and the Girls 7A team currently in 2nd place in their respective divisions.  Keep playing hard!


Be sure to watch for the “Weekend Sports Report” to see where you can come out to watch our Saints play next!  Want to follow the team standings and future games? Schedules can be found at the Dupage Parochial League website


Cross Country in the News   


It was a great day for All Saints Cross Country last weekend!  The kids had great weather and ran on a beautiful and challenging course.  The results were terrific and show that the runners' hard work continues to pay off.  The team can look forward to a great Championship next Saturday. 


Congratulations to the 6th Grade Girls Team for winning 2nd Place and the 6th Grade Boys Team for winning 6th Place.  Congratulations to our individual ribbon winners this week: Kiley Senall (2nd);  Zoe Girard (19th),  Payton Knox (11th) and Will Yacullo (21st).  An extra special shout out to Joey Coleman for leading the warmups for the 7th Grade boys on Saturday.  Joey had the boys relaxed, ready to run and full of joy before the gun went off. 


This week our runners compete in their final race of the season.  The league championship will be held at Lewis University. Be sure to come cheer our runners on to a strong finish!


Upcoming Dates

Sunday, October 7                 Basketball evaluations for all grade levels (times TBD)

Friday, October 12                 BLUE OUT - Did you order your Blue Out t-shirt? 

                                                Order deadline is tomorrow, Friday, September 28.  Click here for the form.   

Thursday, November 8           Fall Sports Banquet for Volleyball and Cross Country


Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics)!





A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of 

A Green Tie Affair, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2018




For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.  We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.  


Previous Article Saints Speak – 9/20/2018 - Parking Lot Blues
Next Article Saints Speak – 10/4/18 – Words are just Words until they are Brought to Life

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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