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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 8/29/2019 – Choose Joy – Part 2

We all know that when we practice something, we will most likely become better at whatever form that takes.  It might be playing a musical instrument, or improving our skills at an individual or team sport.  It could be memorizing math facts, or building our reading comprehension, or even potty training.  At All Saints, we have chosen this year’s theme, Choose Joy, because we seek to find and recognize joy all around us, to be joy filled ourselves, and to experience and spread joy to others. 


I became aware of choosing joy when I heard a dynamic speaker at a principals conference – Terry Nelson-Johnson, D.Min.  I knew that we were going to have a lively and spirited discussion with Dr. Terry, when I learned that his ‘position’ on his business card read, Animator of Faith.   Doesn’t that just conjure up an image of a really neat person in your mind?   I was so blown away by his energy and authentic presence.  At the end of his presentation, I (and many of my fellow principals) bounded up to the front of the room to meet him.  As I heard him speak that day, I knew that he had to come to ASCA to meet and inspire my staff to choose joy, which he did at our staff retreat before the start of this new school year.


We learned so much about joy that day.  We now understand that to arrive at choosing joy, we have to risk joy, to trust joy, and to mediate joy.   How can we accomplish that?


Here are a few of the highlights:


  • Joy is reparative therapy.  If we do not have it (joy), we need it.
  • Joy should be reflected in our faces.
  • Joy = Energy + Spirit + Presence
  • To arrive at joy, our time with each other should be grace filled.  When we gather together, be it for fellowship, friendship, or worship, we should not leave in the same condition that we entered.  Grace is a verb, and if grace is flowingsomething should happen.  One might be healed, provoked, woken up, comforted, liberated, nourished, surprised, challenged – something!
  • Grace and joy are not tidy or efficient.  You have to work at it.  If you are not all in, you should just fold!
  • There is a direct correlation between the health, wholeness, and Holiness of a school; and the extent that joy is present.
  • To get to joy, you have to allow your ego to collapse, as it will only get in the way. 
  • When you participate in joy, it becomes infectious, transformative, collective
  • Think about times when you have laughed or wept without restraint or care – that is joy.
  • We need to know that we are tenderly, intimately, passionately, irrevocably, ridiculously, and fiercely loved by the Author of LoveThis is a Serious Invitation to JOY!
  • Love is always present, even in the midst of suffering.  Love is bigger than suffering.   Even when there is no refuge from suffering, love will wrap its arms around you in your pain or lossLove always wins.


As we practice choosing joy, I know that it will begin to be present over the course of the coming days, weeks and monthsWe do not, however, want to leave JOY (yes, in capital letters) to chanceWe have to plan for joy, work for joy, and invest in joy


I want to thank and give credit to Dr. Terry for all of the wonderful ideas about joy shared with you in this week’s Saints Speak.  From him, I also learned a new take on an old familiar prayer that I have been sharing with our students; that being the beautiful prayer of thanksgiving, or Grace.    


Grace is not just a prayer about food.  When we root ourselves in gratitude, or thanksgiving, it is hard to be negative, or witchy, about anything.  This whole thing – life and joy – is essentially a gift, start to finish.  


And so we pray –


“Bless us o Lord, for these thy gifts, which we  


  • are about to receive
  • are receiving right now
  • have already received


through Christ our Lord.  Amen.”


It was delightful to see all of you at Curriculum Night over these past few evenings.  I think that the overriding theme of the night was that of communication.  I challenged all of you to read and familiarize yourself with the 2019-2020 ASCA Parent Student Handbook (a little light reading when you are having trouble sleeping).  Most of all, do not hesitate to reach out to me, my faculty, and my administrative staff throughout this school year.  

Lastly, I wanted to give you a huge ‘SAVE THE DATE’ reminderWe have calendared this year’s Dinner Dance Auction (DDA), which will be held on Friday, March 6, 2020, at the Chicago Marriott Naperville.  I personally want to invite all of our school families.  It is such a fun evening to celebrate ASCA and each other.  This year’s theme will recognize our 15th Anniversary. 


No School – Monday, September 2 – Labor Day

Just a reminder that there are no classes on Monday, September 2 due to observance of the Labor Day holiday. 



ASCA Yard Signs

We have a limited number of our 2019 All Saints Yard Sign available, first come first served.  If you would like to display your All Saints pride at home, please stop by the Welcome Desk to pick up your free sign.  


Fundraising Corner


Charleston Wrap Fundraiser – Counts toward FFO

Packets with ordering information are coming home TODAY, Thursday, August 29, with your youngest and only student.  You may submit orders from today through Friday, September 20.  

This is one of the FOUR FUNDRAISERS THAT COUNT TOWARD YOUR FFO – FAMILY FUNDRAISING OBLIGATION (FFO).  Families will receive between 30% - 50% profit that will be applied to your $500 (K – 8 families) or $250 (preschool only families) FFO.  Think upcoming gifting opportunities.   


The profit breakdown towards your FFO is as follows:

  • 50% profit towards FFO on the Gift Wrap catalog using the catalog order form
  • 40% profit towards FFO on the Kitchen and Home Catalog, Chocolate and edibles, and ALL Internet Orders
  • 30% profit towards FFO on monogram items


Questions?  Contact


SCRIP – Counts Toward FFO

Scrip is a year round fundraising opportunity that counts toward your FFO.  Just think, by simply purchasing gift cards from places where you shop for groceries, buy gas for your vehicles, dine with your family, and yes, even purchase your child’s school uniforms, etc., you can earn you FFO credit


So many of our new school families have already signed up to earn toward their FFO with Scrip.  And you can too! 


And, additionally, here is a pretty nice incentive when purchasing Scrip.  For families who meet and complete their Family Fundraising Obligation amount ($500 for K – 8 / $250 for preschool only), 50% of all of your additional Scrip earnings after meeting your FFO will earn your student TUITION CREDIT for the 2020-2021 school year.   


Questions?  Contact


Out of Uniform Fundraiser to Benefit the ASCA Class of 2021 – Does not count toward FFO

Tomorrow, Friday, August 30 is the deadline to turn in your form and payment.  Click here for the form. 


News from All Saints Athletic Association


Opening Weekend for Volleyball was a Big Hit

We had a great start to our volleyball season taking several wins this past weekend.  Congratulations to the following teams who celebrated wins at their first matches of the season:  Girls:  5A, 6A, 7A, 7B and 8A and Boys 7A, 8A1 and 8A2.   Our Saints are all on the road this weekend, so please check the league website for this weekend’s game schedules.  Remember that all team standings and future games can be found at Come out and cheer your Saints on to a victory!


Parents, if you haven’t signed up to work concessions/admissions please go to our google doc and sign up today!


Cross Country News

This Saturday, August 31, is the 12th annual Cross Country Cross Town Classic, held at May Watts Elementary School (800 S. Whispering Hills Dr., Naperville).  Our Saints will be running this fun pre-season race against St. Raphael and Ss. Peter & Paul.  The race starts at 8:00 am.  Come out and support our athletes as they kick off a season of personal records!


Interested in participating?  It’s not too late!! Contact Christopher Johanneson ( or Keith Glab ( ASAP to register!


Important News

Get your spirit on - ASAA has new spirit wear offerings.  We are currently hosting an online store at and will be coming out soon with even more to offer through Boomer T’s.  Be sure to check out the link above and watch your inbox for more information about the online store from Boomer T’s.


Also, please check the concession stand at all HOME games where you can purchase a new All Saints sport decal for your car. Decals are available for Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball and Track & Field.   Not playing on home court?  No worries, decals can also be purchased through Keith Glab, Athletic Director.  You can contact him at


Mark your calendars for “BLUE OUT”.  Scheduled for Friday, October 11th, we’ve got some new things planned for this year’s event! Get all your friends and family together, stack the stands, and come out to show our 8th grade athletes support as they play their final matches on home court! More info will follow in the coming weeks





Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!




A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of 

Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019 








For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. 


We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors. 


Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.







Previous Article Saints Speak – 8/23/2019 - Choose Joy
Next Article Saints Speak – 9/5/2019 – The Power to Change Lives

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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