Saints Speak – 5/17/2018 – Rites of Passage
Earlier this week, I met with our 7th grade parents for a ‘374 Days to Graduation’ meeting (now 372 days, but who is counting). At this meeting, we shared information about selecting the right high school, shadow experiences, entrance exam preparation, 8th grade celebrations and all of the fun that the 8th grade year brings, parent volunteers, fundraising, and behavioral expectations. A few parents reflected that they could not believe that their student was finishing 7th grade and getting ready to enter their final year at All Saints. That is just how fast time flies!
On Wednesday, our All Saints school community had the opportunity to recognize our 2nd grade students who recently celebrated their First Holy Communion in their home parishes. How beautiful and handsome did the students look as they processed into our worship space to Pachebel's Canon in D. They did an outstanding job with the readings, psalm and petitions. They sang the song ‘I Know the Father Loves Me’ as our communion meditation. We embraced and recognized them on this special day. When our children receive their First Holy Communion, this is a big deal. For them, and for all of us, no matter how many times we have received Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, it should always be a big deal. What makes it so special the first time is the same thing that makes it special every time! Father Paul pointed this out to our 2nd grade students.
Our current 8th grade Class of 2018 students only have a few more days with us at All Saints Catholic Academy, as they prepare for their graduation next Friday evening, May 25 at 7 pm. You are all welcome to join us as we send forth our graduates to the next phase of their lives. Meanwhile, they are connecting with each other during these last days at ASCA with many special activities that include a visit to the Jacob Henry Mansion in Joliet for for a lovely luncheon with an opportunity to hone their manners and etiquette skills, their Graduate/Parent Dinner Dance and Awards banquet, a graduation trip to Chicago – their Bueller Day in the city, their Baccalaureate Mass and breakfast, a Yearbook Signing Party, and their Graduation Mass.
These are such important stages in a young person’s life, a rite of passage, if you will. A rite of passage marks the transition from one phase of life to another. There are many passages and journeys in our lives if we choose to mark and celebrate them. From elementary school to high school like our 8th grade students, to the beginning of their last year at All Saints like the Class of 2019, or our 2nd grade students who now have a very special relationship with Jesus through the Eucharist. As our All Saints family, we join together and rejoice in the passages of these, and all of our students.
Preschool Preview Day
All Saints will be holding a preschool preview day tomorrow, May 18 from 9 – 11 am. Do you have a friend, family member or neighbor who has a 2-4 year old, and is looking for an outstanding preschool for their child? Please invite them to come and take a look at our Growing Saints Early Childhood Academy, and what it has to offer. There is no preregistration required; participants simply need to come on by with their student for an informational and fun morning at ASCA.
2018-2019 Budget Process
I want to take this opportunity to thank our combined boards and finance committee for all the work that took place to present and approve a balanced budget for the coming school year where, for the 2nd year in a row, we did not increase tuition or fees. It is important to not only continue to provide the excellent education grounded in faith that is a hallmark of All Saints; but additionally, to be able to make that Catholic education accessible to those who desire it for their children and family.
Please note the important deadline that was included in communication to all new and current school families: If you currently do not intend to return/come to ASCA this fall, we ask that you let us know by 3 pm on Friday, May 25. After Friday, May 25, All Saints will be loading in tuition and fees for returning and new families, and activating FACTS agreements for the 2018-2019 school year. Please note that all student fees are non-refundable. Any exception to the All Saints fee refund policy must be an extraordinary circumstance that will be evaluated on a case by case basis, and must be presented in writing to the School Principal and the Pastoral President. Please note that fees that are collected are not Families who have applied for financial aid will not have their accounts activated until award letters are sent.
SHPP Nomination Form
It is not too late to send in your SHPP Nomination form for the 2018-2019 school year. Please click here for the form (which was also sent home in hard copy with youngest and only students). All forms need to be returned by Friday, May 25 at 3 pm. Please contact Theresa Cunningham at if you have any questions.
Lost and Found Table
There are an awful lot of items on the Lost and Found tables outside the school office. Please stop by if you have a chance, and see if you find anything that you have been missing.
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Track and Field News
Congratulations to the JV Boys in taking First Place at last week’s Divisional meet! Following are the athletes who qualified for this week’s League Championships at Bolingbrook High School:
5th Grade
Emily Coleman 600m; 800m; 4x100 Relay
Zoe Girard 600m
Dylan Kokkinos 200m; Javelin; 4x100 Relay
Sarah Meyers Shot Put; 4x100 Relay
Isabella Wojtowicz 100m; High Jump; 4x100 Relay
Jonathon Coleman 600m; Javelin; 4x100 Relay; 800 Medley Relay
Adam Dbila 4x200 Relay
Keegan Glynn 100m; Long Jump; Triple Jump
Colin Leonard 75m; 800 Medley Relay
Nathan Hajek 4x100 Relay; 4x200 Relay
Payton Knox 400m; 800m; Triple Jump
Quinn Knox 600m; 4x100 Relay; 4x200 Relay; 800 Medley Relay
Sebastian Knox 4x100 Relay
Will Yacullo 200m; Long Jump; 800 Medley Relay
6th Grade
Harriet Ghapson 75m; 100m; Long Jump; High Jump
Jordan de la Cruz 4x200 Relay
Brendan Fenlon 400m; 600m; Triple Jump
John Healy 200m; 4x200 Relay
Nick Madden 75m; 100m; Long Jump
Eddie Muller High Jump; Triple Jump
Nicholas Roe 75m; 4x200 Relay
Chris Rojas 4x200 Relay
Aaron Vivar Shot Put
Kyle Zediker High Jump; Triple Jump
7th Grade
Ellie Glab 200m; Long Jump
Bella Mendoza 4x100M Relay (8th grade division)
8th Grade
Elliana Arnold 200m; Long Jump; 4x100 Relay
Isabella DeRosa 4x100 Relay
Ann Muller High Jump; 4x100 Relay
Alyssa Noworul Triple Jump; Long Jump
Brendan Forsythe 100m; 200m
Colin Kiesler 400m
Xander Rousenelos 75m Hurdles
AJ Strohmeyer 100m
For additional meet and individual results, please visit
Good luck to all participants at the League Championships and congratulations to all our athletes on a job well done this season!
Important News
2018-2019 SPORTS REGISTRATION IS EXTENDED THRU May 25. All Saints offers volleyball, cross country, basketball and track & field. Registrations for volleyball and basketball will not be accepted after May 25th. If your child is interested in playing volleyball and/or basketball next year, register today! If you have questions, please email Erika Baka at
Why All Saints Athletics?
- Physical and social development - Our athletics program is a great way for students (grades 5-8) to be active in a fun, competitive and social atmosphere. There are many advantages for children who are involved in organized sports.
- “NO CUT” Policy – ALL students (grades 5-8) have the opportunity to participate in interscholastic league play
- Fosters school spirit
The registration website can be accessed at . All students (grades 5-8th) are welcome to join the athletics program.
PARENTS YOUR HELP IS NEEDED TOO! Our Athletics program cannot be successful without the help of our parents. If you are looking for a way to become more involved, please consider volunteering within our organization. We are looking for parents interested in coaching, helping to grow school spirit, plan/organize social events (including “Blue Out”, Alumni Night, Car Wash, banquet video production, team photography, etc.) For additional information, contact Erika Baka or Keith Glab.he end of season banquet for Track & Field will be held in the ASCA gym on Thursday, May 31st from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. You can access the invite/RSVP from the “Downloadable Forms & Files” at
Upcoming Dates
Thru May 25 2018-19 Sports Registration open on
May 19 Track League Championships @ Bolingbrook High School
May 31 Track & Field Banquet
A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
A Green Tie Affair, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2018

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.